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Is climate change a fraud?


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On 5/28/2024 at 6:28 PM, Happier diner said:

We have basically burnt a big proportion of the carbon that has built up in the form of oil, gas, coal. This ha been built up over billions of years but burnt with just a couple of hundred. It can't be out back in the ground now.

Except that it can.  


But it is quite expensive and uses a lot of energy.  There are quite a few projects ongoing looking into it now, to try and make it more efficient and cheaper.  Musk is even funding awards looking into the research. 


If it ever got large scale and commercially viable, it could at least provide part of the solution. 

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2 hours ago, The Phantom said:

Except that it can.  


But it is quite expensive and uses a lot of energy.  There are quite a few projects ongoing looking into it now, to try and make it more efficient and cheaper.  Musk is even funding awards looking into the research. 


If it ever got large scale and commercially viable, it could at least provide part of the solution. 

I should have said it can't all be put back in the ground.

Yes there are some technologies for CO2 capture but they wont come cheap.

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1 hour ago, Chinahand said:

Trees are remarkably good at sequestrating carbon. They are cheap and don't have the energy demand of machines. 

Start simple. 

This is part of my point. While the planet’s population has shot up, the natural, environmental carbon sinks have been annihilated. People can reduce emissions as much as they want. The problem is already up there. 
It is idiotic to remove one of the island’s carbon sink, to replace it with a concrete jungle of windmills that will not do what we are being promised, and will cost 2-3 times the amount we are told, and when their usable life is over, we cannot dispose of. Corporate lies. 

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6 hours ago, Chinahand said:

Trees are remarkably good at sequestrating carbon. They are cheap and don't have the energy demand of machines. 

Start simple. 

If only they could sequest it from the higher atmosphere and if only we could plant a few zillion extra ones on the spaces we don't have. 

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5 hours ago, Cambon said:

This is part of my point. While the planet’s population has shot up, the natural, environmental carbon sinks have been annihilated. People can reduce emissions as much as they want. The problem is already up there. 
It is idiotic to remove one of the island’s carbon sink, to replace it with a concrete jungle of windmills that will not do what we are being promised, and will cost 2-3 times the amount we are told, and when their usable life is over, we cannot dispose of. Corporate lies. 

Surely a jungle has more than 4 trees. 

As Jim Royle would say. "Jungle my arse"

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5 hours ago, Max Power said:

Highest May temperatures on record?


I have to say that I've experienced much higher temperatures in May, but obviously don't keep records!

I can only assume its because the nighttime temperatures didn't fall very low, the grey, wet days leading to warmer nights. Certainly not much frost about.

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14 minutes ago, hoopsaa said:

I can only assume its because the nighttime temperatures didn't fall very low, the grey, wet days leading to warmer nights. Certainly not much frost about.

Think you are correct. May last year was much drier. Was reported at the time as the driest since 2008.There were 245.1 hours of sunshine recorded. I remember TT last year was in great weather for the whole 2 weeks and I would imagine visitor numbers will be up this year based on last year's fine weather. A lot of people would have pre-booked.

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6 hours ago, Max Power said:

Highest May temperatures on record?


I have to say that I've experienced much higher temperatures in May, but obviously don't keep records!

It was unusual that it was constantly mild rather than hot. May is usually a combination of cold and mild spells with occasional short heat waves. We only remember the heatwaves and this gives us false memories.

As @hoopsaa says as well. Very mild overnight temperatures. 

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On 5/30/2024 at 9:13 PM, Happier diner said:

Surely a jungle has more than 4 trees. 

As Jim Royle would say. "Jungle my arse"

Concrete jungle refers to a vast area of concrete, that has a massive carbon footprint, and reduces the lands ability to absorb water. Consequently, it means that water is pushed elsewhere, causing flooding in areas where there was never flooding previously. 

A question for you. Do you think anybody anywhere would be granted planning permission for ANYTHING else on that site? Anything!  Even level it to make a park with new growth trees that absorb even more carbon, etc.? 

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1 minute ago, Cambon said:

Concrete jungle refers to a vast area of concrete, that has a massive carbon footprint, and reduces the lands ability to absorb water. Consequently, it means that water is pushed elsewhere, causing flooding in areas where there was never flooding previously. 

A question for you. Do you think anybody anywhere would be granted planning permission for ANYTHING else on that site? Anything!  Even level it to make a park with new growth trees that absorb even more carbon, etc.? 

Since when did wind turbines have massive concrete bases. No bigger than you average garage. Any water will just drop off the sides and soak into the ground. 

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Just now, Happier diner said:

Since when did wind turbines have massive concrete bases. No bigger than you average garage. Any water will just drop off the sides and soak into the ground. 

They do need a massive concrete base sunk quite deep into the ground too, otherwise they'd blow over. 

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18 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

Since when did wind turbines have massive concrete bases. No bigger than you average garage. Any water will just drop off the sides and soak into the ground. 

Eh, a 150m wind turbine requires a 30,000 tonne concrete base!

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