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17 minutes ago, Mercenary said:

Off by a factor of ten, more like 3000 tonnes of concrete. 

Ok I misread that was for several but it's still shit loads more than an average garage!

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1 hour ago, Happier diner said:

Since when did wind turbines have massive concrete bases. No bigger than you average garage. Any water will just drop off the sides and soak into the ground. 

The base of each of these carbuncles will be the size of a house. Each one will require a reinforced concrete base approximately fifty square meters and twenty meters deep. Times five. Very green! 

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17 minutes ago, Cambon said:

Actually, he is closer to correct, by the time you take five into account. 

Well he said 'a turbine' and you're also way off with your 20m deep foundation (more like 4m)

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3 hours ago, Max Power said:

They do need a massive concrete base sunk quite deep into the ground too, otherwise they'd blow over. 


2 hours ago, finlo said:

Eh, a 150m wind turbine requires a 30,000 tonne concrete base!

Yes. But we are talking about surface area. Depth is insignificant in terms of influence on run off. Yes there is an effect due to the mass requirement for concrete but 'run off' and 'concrete jungle' are terms that do not apply in this case. 

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In terms of CO2 emitted by the concrete process and curing.

A typical wind turbine footing will give off about 120tonnes of CO2.

The wind turbine itself will offset  millions of tonnes per year. That means it has earned it CO2 badge in less than a day.

Some on here claim they are being spun lies, but the anti wind turbine lobby are the biggest liers of all. Spreading misinformation by the truck load..

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Posted (edited)

According to this information from local FB windpower fan, "SustainIoM", domestic cats are doing more damage to the planet's flora and fauna than turbines. Anybody for a cull..?


Edited by Non-Believer
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48 minutes ago, Two-lane said:

Not sure if you are just kidding. His turbines are 10kw. The MUA ones are 20MW

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Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, Happier diner said:


Yes. But we are talking about surface area. Depth is insignificant in terms of influence on run off. Yes there is an effect due to the mass requirement for concrete but 'run off' and 'concrete jungle' are terms that do not apply in this case. 

What Is The Depth Of Wind Turbines In The Ground?

The steel tower is supported by a platform that is 30 to 50 feet across and 6 to 30 feet deep, and weighs over a thousand tons of concrete and steel rebar. To assist anchor it, shafts are sometimes driven down further. To produce a flat area of at least 3 acres, mountain tops must be blasted. The platform is essential for supporting the turbine assembly’s massive weight.

This is for a 1-1.5 GW windmill. 

Edited by Cambon
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4 hours ago, Happier diner said:

In terms of CO2 emitted by the concrete process and curing.

A typical wind turbine footing will give off about 120tonnes of CO2.

The wind turbine itself will offset  millions of tonnes per year. That means it has earned it CO2 badge in less than a day.

Some on here claim they are being spun lies, but the anti wind turbine lobby are the biggest liers of all. Spreading misinformation by the truck load..

A Power Wind Turbine Base Uses How Many Yards Of Concrete?

The vast concrete foundations that keep wind turbine towers erect are, however, hidden from view below ground. These poured-in-place foundations are 10-20 feet thick, 60 feet in diameter, weigh about two million pounds, and take 40 truckloads of concrete, or around 400 cubic yards, to construct.

Because cement, a fundamental ingredient in concrete, generates a lot of CO2, all that concrete, which stays in the ground even after the wind turbines are deactivated, is silently compounding the climate issue.

Again, 1-1.5 GW windmill 

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