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Is climate change a fraud?


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2 hours ago, HiVibes said:

Only cause you have such dumb ass opinions.

I'll have to defer to your climate science qualifications and remarkable ability to consider alternative points of view. Around a hundred years ago a hundred learned people criticised Einstein for his dumb ass opinions on relativity (and no, I'm not comparing us). There is more of a link between the rising global population and global warming than anything else, but that's not going to win hearts and minds, votes, increase taxes or fund research.

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5 minutes ago, Stu Peters said:

I'll have to defer to your climate science qualifications and remarkable ability to consider alternative points of view. Around a hundred years ago a hundred learned people criticised Einstein for his dumb ass opinions on relativity (and no, I'm not comparing us). There is more of a link between the rising global population and global warming than anything else, but that's not going to win hearts and minds, votes, increase taxes or fund research.

That is contributory but not the real reason stop googling and do real research

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13 minutes ago, Stu Peters said:

 remarkable ability to consider alternative points of view.

It's a good thing to consider 'alternative' points of view. 

However, if you are going to do so, you need to have the ability to spot when things are obvious bollocks.

That video you shared is an example of you failing to do so.

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17 minutes ago, Stu Peters said:

There is more of a link between the rising global population and global warming than anything else, but that's not going to win hearts and minds, votes, increase taxes or fund research.

Isn't that the whole point? Human activity generates carbon dioxide so the more humans there are the more then.... oh for fucks sake, what's the point?

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26 minutes ago, Stu Peters said:

I'll have to defer to your climate science qualifications and remarkable ability to consider alternative points of view. Around a hundred years ago a hundred learned people criticised Einstein for his dumb ass opinions on relativity (and no, I'm not comparing us). There is more of a link between the rising global population and global warming than anything else, but that's not going to win hearts and minds, votes, increase taxes or fund research.

Unless extermination or enforced infertility amongst the solutions you are proposing to the problem as you perceive it, then isn’t the other option to y’know do a fucking bit ourselves. Or are you too self congratulatory about life to even contemplate that we might be the problem?

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22 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

It's a good thing to consider 'alternative' points of view. 

However, if you are going to do so, you need to have the ability to spot when things are obvious bollocks.

That video you shared is an example of you failing to do so.

Which stats did he quote that you know to be wrong? Or is anyone who doesn't buy the promulgated narrative talking 'absolute bollocks'?

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Getting away from fossil fuels would not only help climate change, but also reduce reliance on some really dodgy regimes. I just don’t get the reluctance to do it. Except I do. Politicians are greedy and paid off by the oil lobbies, and there’s stupid people who buy into the oil funded anti science propaganda because it makes them feel clever. Conspiracy theorist paranoid  Brexity anti vax type clever.

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Even if all of human life cease to exist today, the already existing global warming feedback loops are proably sufficient to destroy the planet anyway.

The argument that there are too many people in the world (and/ or the argument that there are too many of the wrong type of people) are not new or original. These perspectives however lead to very dark places with potentially dire consequences, as history has shown us. Be careful what you wish for.

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37 minutes ago, Mr. Sausages said:

Getting away from fossil fuels would not only help climate change, but also reduce reliance on some really dodgy regimes. I just don’t get the reluctance to do it. Except I do. Politicians are greedy and paid off by the oil lobbies, and there’s stupid people who buy into the oil funded anti science propaganda because it makes them feel clever. Conspiracy theorist paranoid  Brexity anti vax type clever.

I'm all for cleaner and greener and renewables. Burning stuff is so last century, but for the immediate future in the IOM (which makes virtually no impact on global CO2) we're stuck with it. It's lazy and just plain wrong to suggest all politicians are greedy and in receipt of fossil money, although of course they're an easy target. For the record I'm triple vaccinated and was always ambivalent about Brexit beforehand. The reason I post these videos is that they deal in facts and not projections. I can't believe you watched this one without it at least challenging your view on the 'climate emergency'.

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1 minute ago, Stu Peters said:

I'm all for cleaner and greener and renewables. Burning stuff is so last century, but for the immediate future in the IOM (which makes virtually no impact on global CO2) we're stuck with it. It's lazy and just plain wrong to suggest all politicians are greedy and in receipt of fossil money, although of course they're an easy target. For the record I'm triple vaccinated and was always ambivalent about Brexit beforehand. The reason I post these videos is that they deal in facts and not projections. I can't believe you watched this one without it at least challenging your view on the 'climate emergency'.

Unfortunately science does get things wrong at times, I'm not saying they are wrong about the manmade effects on climate change but there are some things, as pointed out in the video, which are a bit off the mark. 

Recently the scientific consensus was that we would reach a four degree increase in global temperature by the end of the century, that has now been modified to a two degree increase. (I can't find the link now, but I did post it in a previous thread) This indicates that things are changing constantly as the science develops and that further divides scientific opinion. 

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37 minutes ago, Stu Peters said:

I can't believe you watched this one without it at least challenging your view on the 'climate emergency'.

Stu, lots of the video was a dipshit yank somehow forgetting the entire rest of the world exists and blaming his dis-preferred political candidate (who he doesn't think won the 2020 election) for rising fuel prices, which is happening globally.

Do you think he's maybe not the most spectacular judge of reality?

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43 minutes ago, Manx17 said:

It’s wrong to blame politicians and it is lazy as stu says. There is a lot more that needs to be done  by ourselves. I wonder how many people have took out hedges and  put fencing up or dug up the grass and put fake down or concreted, decked the garden. How many cars does each house hold have, how many walk where they can. Who buys only locally sourced food instead of going to the big plastic covered supermarkets or buys goods online. I think everyone has to look at themselves and see if they are doing enough to make changes. That includes local businesses putting profits and greed first,  so many people have no option but to go to the big supermarkets. The one thing I have a disagreement with what government does is subsidising farmers if they are not using their land for food.  


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