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Is climate change a fraud?


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4 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

What's going to power the central heating if not gas or oil?

I thought the master plan was to force us all onto electric so all money flows back to government?

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It was actually a very worthwhile event tonight. Well run, respectful, and relatively well informed. It was sort of ruined though by Legislative Councils own version of ‘Statto’ constantly making pathetic nitpicking points about some of the science discussed. Now there is a man who does not want to listen to any alternative view and who is literally chomping at the bit to burn tens (if not hundreds) of millions of pounds of our money on the next failed IOM big infrastructure scheme.

It’s a shame that nobody pointed out that this isn’t even about wind farms for most people - it’s about the fact that every capital project the IOM has delivered in the last 30 years has been an over budget badly researched crock of shit. And hardly anyone believes that this will be any different. The wind farm bit is generally incidental.

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28 minutes ago, Idleweiss said:

The Deputy Chair of the Climate Change Board. Who seemed to be the only person to turn up who actually had an agenda. 

And who is that? You are obfuscating just like a civil servant.

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26 minutes ago, John Wright said:

You clearly have one

If I had an agenda I’d have named the person but as I haven’t and it was merely an observation I’ve made the assumption that anyone interested would use Mr Page and Mr Brins wonderful Google engine using the input criteria above.

Notwithstanding, the video will no doubt be published soon I’m sure and people can make their own minds up as to whether they agree with that observation or not. 

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1 hour ago, finlo said:

I thought the master plan was to force us all onto electric so all money flows back to government?

Yes indeed. But @Cambon doesnt want wind ( well not in his backyard) and the power station makes electricity by......burning fossil fuels. 

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1 hour ago, slinkydevil said:

Anyone know who Julian is on MR mannin line? He doesn't know what 'Onomatopeia' means but he seems like a likeable chap, but has an immense amount of airtime. I'm just interested to know if he's a local fruitcake.

He is an annoying bore.

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8 hours ago, Idleweiss said:

The Deputy Chair of the Climate Change Board. Who seemed to be the only person to turn up who actually had an agenda. 

That's ex-CRHS Geography teacher Paul Craine.

Wants to bankrupt the Island and ensure high energy costs for everyone in the future by pretending that the way in which energy is generated for 84,500 people will save the planet.

Like our emissions  have any discernable effect whatsoever on the climate.

Edited by b4mbi
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