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Is climate change a fraud?


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1 hour ago, Happier diner said:

Perhaps to some extent. But then farming is destructive on a massive scale. Much greater than 4 turbines

My point though was about the spread of misinformation. Why can't everyone just be honest. Its not a nature reservice. Maybe it should be, but it isn't so why is Cambon saying it is?

Perhaps? Do you even know where it is? It's teeming with life because there aren't many humans. One of the few humans who does live up that way is always filming raptors. They wouldn't be there if there wasn't loads to eat.

I don't know the ins and outs of the best site, and I agree it's always windy up there and that turbines would definitely work.

Sometimes I worry I'm being biased in my gentle opposition to the Earystane plan, I live in the south and spend time up that way. But logistically alone the north plan is a million times better. There are some decent wide roads up there left over from the past for access, the sand and gravel quarry for the tons of concrete is really close and the existing cement supply line is through Ramsey. It would be a lot easier for many reasons to site them up there. 

There would if course be an impact on wildlife up there too, but the suggested north site will have a lot less living there than the southern one. That should be obvious to anyone with eyes.

And there aren't any trees in Jurby cos it's always windy.

Edited by TheTeapot
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24 minutes ago, b4mbi said:

This is the bit that concerns me the most, that proposing this the zealots are overlooking that Government's primary number one duty is to the residents of the Island, to look after it's citizens. Nebulous global commitments that we can't afford (and will be ignored by the biggest polluters/economies), should come way down their list of priorities.

I agree this has the potential bankrupt us. They are just going to do this as they have brain washed themselves that this is their legacy. Truly frightening stuff when we’ve spent £100M on the ferry terminal that was originally £30M odd that we just pushed on and on with so as not to be proved wrong. We have screwed up almost every major capital project we have undertaken in the last 30 years. This has all the hallmarks of a classic IOMG catastrophe of arrogance written all over it already and it hasn’t even started. 

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26 minutes ago, WTF said:

and in 20 years time that 80p will be worth what i  todays money??  , if they said 80% of current market value that would be different.    and don't forget that company 'A' will be sold after not very long to a new company 'B' that just happens to have the same primary shareholders as the old one but through the BVI or caymen islands and any contracts company 'A' had are no longer enforceable. 

If company A still exists, so will the contracts.

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1 hour ago, Happier diner said:

Is there an option that is effective and affordable. What is it then?

Find out for certain whether we have a 660bcf gas field in our territorial waters at very mininal cost to taxpayers ? 

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2 hours ago, Idleweiss said:

It is very clear that Government and the Climate Team especially is hellbent on delivering this with an almost religious zeal.

The more worrying thing is that even Daphne Caine doesn’t want the Earystane project to go ahead either and she’s Craine’s Chair on the Climate Change Board. When even the most useless virtue signaling climate change wet-blanket MHK we have doesn’t even support it when it’s their actual job then all logic left the room ages ago. 

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2 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

Perhaps? Do you even know where it is? It's teeming with life because there aren't many humans. One of the few humans who does live up that way is always filming raptors. They wouldn't be there if there wasn't loads to eat.

I don't know the ins and outs of the best site, and I agree it's always windy up there and that turbines would definitely work.

Sometimes I worry I'm being biased in my gentle opposition to the Earystane plan, I live in the south and spend time up that way. But logistically alone the north plan is a million times better. There are some decent wide roads up there left over from the past for access, the sand and gravel quarry for the tons of concrete is really close and the existing cement supply line is through Ramsey. It would be a lot easier for many reasons to site them up there. 

There would if course be an impact on wildlife up there too, but the suggested north site will have a lot less living there than the southern one. That should be obvious to anyone with eyes.

And there aren't any trees in Jurby cos it's always windy.

I think that's a very balanced statement. There is no doubt that earystane has been chosen, in part, because the MUA own it. 

Not sure if the reason that jurby has no trees is just because of the wind or whether it because they were all cut down for farming.

But it's good to have a rational debate about it. 

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1 hour ago, Radiolistner said:

The more worrying thing is that even Daphne Caine doesn’t want the Earystane project to go ahead either and she’s Craine’s Chair on the Climate Change Board. When even the most useless virtue signaling climate change wet-blanket MHK we have doesn’t even support it when it’s their actual job then all logic left the room ages ago. 

Daphers lost what credibility she had when she campaigned against having a sewage works in Laxey. Clearly the best option environmentally. Perhaps not the most palatable but there is no doubt that environmentally and economically it was the best option but she chose to put her own position above it. She is now doing the same with the wind farm. Talks a mediocre talk, delivers nothing. Vacuous in extremous. 

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7 hours ago, HiVibes said:

Well if you 'did your own research', it comes up as the first result to the question 'is Paul Burgess a member of the BNP' so I guess he lied to you, and you did indeed attend a fascist meeting.

Just as a piont, if someone was in the position and about to save your life, and suddenly you discovered it was a BNP supporter, would you tell him to jog on? 

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4 minutes ago, Cambon said:

Just as a piont, if someone was in the position and about to save your life, and suddenly you discovered it was a BNP supporter, would you tell him to jog on? 

Lol as I would need saving, mental.

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2 hours ago, Happier diner said:

I think that's a very balanced statement. There is no doubt that earystane has been chosen, in part, because the MUA own it. 

Not sure if the reason that jurby has no trees is just because of the wind or whether it because they were all cut down for farming.

But it's good to have a rational debate about it. 

Government owns Earystane. There are no trees at Jurby because it is an airfield. Disused but maintained. A few hundred meters from the sea where the turbines could be delivered. It is so obvious, but somehow the government cannot grasp it. 

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6 hours ago, Happier diner said:

Perhaps to some extent. But then farming is destructive on a massive scale. Much greater than 4 turbines

My point though was about the spread of misinformation. Why can't everyone just be honest. Its not a nature reservice. Maybe it should be, but it isn't so why is Cambon saying it is?

This is the kind of ignorance that really annoys me. I am being honest. The government and mua are not. This 40 million windfarm will cost well beyond 100 million. It will return half the power they project, if we are lucky. More likely a quarter. There are far better options, like encouraging or even paying for people to host PV cells on their roof. Not being so negative when private companies and individuals apply for PV and small tubines. Government at the moment are being incredibly ignorant and brainwashed by the complete rubbish they are told. 

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The Manx Utilities Authority (MUA) has used statutory powers to rush though survey work at ‘Great Cringle Park’.


A letter sent to DEFA by the MUA says that the Authority’s “preference would always be to work with Departments to formalise a licence agreement in advance of the survey work being undertaken, however the potential cable route has only recently been identified by our consultants and we are conscious that the time it will take to prepare a licence agreement may result in our consultants missing crucial seasonal survey opportunities for particular species of wildlife.”

Edited by Idleweiss
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Apparently last night there was a presentation/talk offering an alternative viewpoint to net zero. Our politicos were invited, in the hope of promoting debate. Only two turned up, namely @Stu Peters and Paul Craine MLC. I would have thought Daffy Daydream would have made the effort, but she must clock off after 5pm, and it’s the weekend. 

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19 minutes ago, 2112 said:

Apparently last night there was a presentation/talk offering an alternative viewpoint to net zero. Our politicos were invited, in the hope of promoting debate. Only two turned up, namely @Stu Peters and Paul Craine MLC. I would have thought Daffy Daydream would have made the effort, but she must clock off after 5pm, and it’s the weekend. 

Is there any recording of the meeting so I can catch up ?

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