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Is climate change a fraud?


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6 hours ago, Hoops said:

I've been veggie for 40 years but have been responsible for an awful lot of gaseous emissions

Vegan here - those vegan chillies can be ferocious! 

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13 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

I'll have to defer to your climate science qualifications and remarkable ability to consider alternative points of view. Around a hundred years ago a hundred learned people criticised Einstein for his dumb ass opinions on relativity (and no, I'm not comparing us). There is more of a link between the rising global population and global warming than anything else, but that's not going to win hearts and minds, votes, increase taxes or fund research.

Einsteins theory was not accepted by some due to abstract-mathematical methodology, not because he was a dumb ass, dumb ass. 

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11 hours ago, Max Power said:

Recently the scientific consensus was that we would reach a four degree increase in global temperature by the end of the century, that has now been modified to a two degree increase.

Could that be because they've factored in the efforts already made and planned to combat climate change?

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The thing is.

If the government really gave a damn they would be offering more incentives for people to engage with the world in a “greener” way. They could…

-Be offering more park and ride services using the smaller shuttle busses for those who live out of or on the edges of Douglas,

-They could offer a greater incentive for people to own an electric bike. At the minute you have to work for a company who is willing to purchase the bike and apply to the government for the grant. The difference between purchase and grant is then paid back out of your wages. They could instead offer that grant through local retailers to anyone wishing to purchase an electric bike without the need for any other company to be involved with the end buyer just paying the difference after the grant has been deducted. The current scheme is useless for people like me as the company i work for doesn’t engage with such a scheme yet i would love to own an electric bike.

-Install more electric charging points and encourage people towards buying an electric or at least hybrid vehicle. At the moment the two charging points on the north end of the prom would be pretty useless if three or more residents in that area decided to go electric. They should have numerous charging points all the way down the promenade and multiple ones in the multi story car parks. At the minute, anyone living in an apartment who’s car does not have access to household electric is not going to go electric no matter how much you want them to.

-Offer an incentive to purchase an electric or hybrid vehicle. Maybe something like a tax free purchase or deposit matching scheme.

-Talk with local farmers and ask if any of them have land that goes largely unused and would they be open to the concept of tree planting and wilding (not the type of wilding the morons at the council do) but finding ways to add more nature back to the land to make up for the nature we have already stolen.

-Offer a grant (if they don’t already i am unsure) for people who want to insulate their homes. I am not a member of insulate Britain by any means but if it can help people switch on the gas less often then a wins a win.

And more. Some may scoff at the above ideas and i am not an expert on the subject by any means these are just suggestions. But, we dont hear anything productive being mentioned. Just hot air from overpaid officials about reducing carbon.

@Stu Peters The problem is that you generally tend to come down on quite far on the right when it comes to some of your opinions and some of the things you believe. There are numerous reports and papers in the world that clearly show climate change to be a very real and very dangerous thing and yet you would rather believe a video posted online by the kind of person you would expect to believe in the earth being flat and Trump being the prophecy messiah to bring an end to the reign of the elected lizard people. The fact is, yes the IOM moving away from fossil fuels will probably not make much of a difference in the grand scheme of things but if every country or small nation thought along those lines no change would ever come. The more countries, even tiny ones like us, that actively make the change gives inspiration for other nations to follow suit. With you it’s the same repetitive cycle over and over again of utter oppositional bollocks. Here is a small but definitely not exhaustive list of things you have spouted that stick out in my mind..

-The tomato sauce YouTube pranks you stated as fact when on the air using this as a way to promote your narrative against those on the left.

-Calling a picture of some young teenage girls you found online “skanks” on your late show.

-On that same show comparing the picture to an older picture of a wife and child engaged in stereotypical gender role activities such as keeping the house clean and preparing a meal for their husband etc and indicating a strong preference for a return to that way of life.

-Putting the blame for young boys in school flipping up girls skirts back onto the girls. Stating that they should dress more moderately rather than advocating for the young boys be taught the value of respect and decency. Aka victim blaming.

-Fully believing in and promoting the weaponised version of “woke” rather than understanding its actual meaning and what those who consider themselves woke actually stand for not what you think they stand for.

-Speaking out on numerous occasions against marginalised groups in society without ever having really engaged with or spoken to anyone from those groups. Or truly understood the struggles that they face. I did invite you last year via a message on your late show to the pride event. Stating that you should come down and actually meet some of these people you seem to detest so strongly and listen to their stories. I did keep an eye out for you on the off chance that you might appear but sadly didn’t see you anywhere in the crowd. Personally i would have loved to have had the chance to sit down with you and actually discuss some of these matters face to face and given you the chance to actually engage with people like myself rather than just assume we are all hateful individuals that want to steal your freedom of speech (Hint: we don’t and we aren’t and that offer remains open).

And more.

You are in a pretty good position right now to bring about some actual positive change to this island on so many fronts and yet time and time again we find ourselves in the exact same situation.

Edited by Chie
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For the sake of saving arguments I presume we can all agree that global warming is a genuine thing,  it is a concern, and mankind has at the very least exasperated it, probably caused it. 

There can be some legitimate debate about how serious it is and the accuracy of the models, which are improving all the time as more data is collected. There can also be legitimate debate about what, if anything we can do.

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15 hours ago, finlo said:

Lotus version :lol:

I certainly thought it was the way I used to drive it! Screaming tyres every corner, half shaft broken regularly, what a tosser I was, ( some folk reckon I still drive too fast). I blame it on that little 803cc engine.

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Chie - it's slightly disturbing that you have such a detailed list of things I said over 18 years on the radio that you found offensive, and whilst I can't remember some of them (and they actually sound unlike me) I'm prepared to take your criticism on the chin.

I'd be happy to sit with you over a coffee or a drink any time you like to discuss and offer a defence, just send me a DM and we'll arrange it.

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4 minutes ago, HiVibes said:

So not an apology?

That would be an admission of guilt. As Stu pointed out, he's not even sure he said those things. I couldn't remember everything I've said over 15 years and neither could you.

Having a chat about it could even be enlightening - even if it doesn't suit your particular agenda...

Why not contact Stu and ask to join in? He's a very personable guy.

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Just now, P.K. said:

That would be an admission of guilt. As Stu pointed out, he's not even sure he said those things. I couldn't remember everything I've said over 15 years and neither could you.

Having a chat about it could even be enlightening - even if it doesn't suit your particular agenda...

Why not contact Stu and ask to join in? He's a very personable guy.

He offered a defense not an apology, so he admits he said the vile stuff just trying to weasel out.

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Just now, HiVibes said:

He offered a defense not an apology, so he admits he said the vile stuff just trying to weasel out.

Is English your first language? It's defence not defense and he wasn't sure if he said those things or not. Just think license and licence.

So he offered to meet with Chie, who clearly has an axe to grind like yourself, to offer a defence which to me says putting things into the right context.

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