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Is climate change a fraud?


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1 hour ago, Happier diner said:

Yeah. I bet bet they will. And make a fortune at it at the same time. Are you that naive that you think they are offering something for our benefit. 

On shore wind is miles cheaper than offshore. We don't need offshore. We are tiny in terms of MW. We have lots of space. It's lovely and windy. 

Yeah but fish don't complain.... 

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2 hours ago, Cambon said:

I have just been reading the Orsted Mooir Vannin document pushed through my door today. They are talking of 100MW of power available to the island. Orsted are paying for the wind farm and paying iomg rent and taxes. This being the case, why are we wasting taxpayer money on Earystane, etc.? 

because some consultants  are being paid and probably  a contractor has already been engaged  its how we doo things in the Isle of Man  then wonder why we didnt go for the cheaper better value for money option , 

personally I dont have a problem with a second interconnector cable  linked to the uk nuclear grid  and regulated by them and OFGEN  that way  we know we are not getting robbed ,and the old gas fired station could provide back up in an emergency ,  the will still be the requirement to have a gas supply here for the next 100 years or so , 

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2 hours ago, Cambon said:

I have just been reading the Orsted Mooir Vannin document pushed through my door today. They are talking of 100MW of power available to the island. Orsted are paying for the wind farm and paying iomg rent and taxes. This being the case, why are we wasting taxpayer money on Earystane, etc.? 

Orsted wind farm operational date is between 2030 and 2032. The on-shore wind farm ay Earystane is aiming for 2026.


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44 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

He's really nice, well worth talking to, about anything. This is not a man deserving of your disdain.

I know ALN. Yes he is a nice man. And he is pleasant to talk to. But once the conversation turns to one of his environmental hobby horses then reason seems to desert him

He is not deserving of disdain ( I’m not sure that was what was meant) but he is a bit naive in espousing some of the causes, and what he sees  as the answers to problems that do not exist ( or at least not to the extent that some would have us believe)

An earnest young man whose heart , at least is in the right place.

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7 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

I’m not a scientist, but I know when milk is off without a peer reviewed paper with pesky footnotes and attributions, just like I know that expert scientists have been getting it massively wrong for decades. The climate is changing, agreed, my concern is that we’re spending tens of millions achieving absolutely nothing when we should be looking after Manx interests rather than pretending to be important to the global eco zealots.

It’s called leadership. What a decent politician might have an awareness of.

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8 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

I know that expert scientists have been getting it massively wrong for decades

Can you provide specifics. What things have expert scientists been getting massively wrong for decades?

Come Stu, you KNOW expert scientists have been getting things massively wrong for decades ... wow quite a claim.

Time for some details, methinks. What's you top 3?

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10 minutes ago, Chinahand said:

Can you provide specifics. What things have expert scientists been getting massively wrong for decades?

Come Stu, you KNOW expert scientists have been getting things massively wrong for decades ... wow quite a claim.

Time for some details, methinks. What's you top 3?

well the experts thought the world was flat for quite a while , at longer than decades , experts come and go.

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15 minutes ago, Chinahand said:

Can you provide specifics. What things have expert scientists been getting massively wrong for decades?

Come Stu, you KNOW expert scientists have been getting things massively wrong for decades ... wow quite a claim.

Time for some details, methinks. What's you top 3?

There was a meme of ‘scientists say’ doing the rounds (I wish I could find it) that included scares of an impending ice age, no ice in the arctic, New York under water, mass starvation, smaller crop yields, the total destruction of the Great Barrier Reef, remote islands disappearing - you must have seen it?

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