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TT 2023


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27 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

If going onto closed roads becomes in anyway acceptable you will get  “closed road creep” and your cut off point gets less and less until such time it does become a risk.

I’m all for ridding ourselves of unnecessary rules. But the consequences are such in this case there must be zero tolerance.


There was 'zero tolerance'. The visitors concerned were (at least as reported) arrested, taken to police headquarters and duly dealt with.

This in the context of an administration which seems not to actually bother publishing legislation / statutory notices relevant to the races* and is possibly in breach of the law itself.

*I'd be delighted to be corrected on this, but there's an odd silence on the subject.

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19 minutes ago, Asthehills said:

I do understand.  I have marshalled many times.

There was no risk on what these people did.  They were well down the road from the corner at the Creg three minutes after the road closed and 16 minutes into the lap hours before the race.


I didn’t say there was a risk on what these people did.

But as a Marshall on the TT course  would this be the behaviour you would want to condone. You do have training.


It’s” broken window “syndrome as the ex mayor of New York Rudi Gulliani ( sp) said. You let the little things ( anti social behaviour) go and before long if you don’t fix these things and just accept them, you end up with an escalation leading to things more serious. 
Yes no damage done in this instance but if not nipped in the bud could lead to behaviour that could endanger life.

Im sure you and everyone else doesn’t want that.

It may appear to be overkill but better that than being too lax. 


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6 hours ago, The Voice of Reason said:

I didn’t say there was a risk on what these people did.

But as a Marshall on the TT course  would this be the behaviour you would want to condone. You do have training.


It’s” broken window “syndrome as the ex mayor of New York Rudi Gulliani ( sp) said. You let the little things ( anti social behaviour) go and before long if you don’t fix these things and just accept them, you end up with an escalation leading to things more serious. 
Yes no damage done in this instance but if not nipped in the bud could lead to behaviour that could endanger life.

Im sure you and everyone else doesn’t want that.

It may appear to be overkill but better that than being too lax. 


It happens all the time and has done for years.

Normally Marshall’s or nearby fans just have a word. If someone gets gobby or is difficult the. Very, very rarely the police are called.

If it ends up on social media the. The police have little option but to get involved, but to think this is the only instance of someone stepping onto closed roads this TT shows a lack of understanding.  I personally saw two incidents and one where a drinks can riled into the course and a spectator retrieved it.  None made social media and so the police weren’t bothered.

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11 hours ago, thommo2010 said:

'm far from naive I just know what happens on a daily basis. You listen to the mad conspiracy theorists

Thommo, it was been well documented for years that poor people are far more likely to be arrested and imprisoned for crimes.

This is not conspiracy - this is documented fact.

Some links for you to broaden your outlook. If these aren't enough, just google it.





I appreciate your comment about the smell of weed but police also go on fishing trips, but do they go to the homes of the rich and the influential while fishing? I would suggest not.

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This would be super helpful for the public to let them know when the roads are actually open.  Therefore the powers have no intention on making this information available to the public. 

I noticed this year following the release of the TT app, there was minimal information available online to find out when the roads have opened. 

How difficult can it be?  I've realtime satellite tracked numerous people over the years who are doing some sort of challenge, be that bobbing about in the middle of an ocean or in the arse end of nowhere up a mountain. 

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6 hours ago, Asthehills said:

It happens all the time and has done for years.

Normally Marshall’s or nearby fans just have a word. If someone gets gobby or is difficult the. Very, very rarely the police are called.

Before cameraphones the Marshalls would have simply delivered a robust bollocking and the plod would only intervene if the bollocking wasn’t received well. Nobody would have known.

Now Manx Radio are getting their panties in a wad because someone “only” got a caution. Cautions are actually a pretty big deal and will show up on enhanced police checks.

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5 hours ago, The Phantom said:


This would be super helpful for the public to let them know when the roads are actually open.  Therefore the powers have no intention on making this information available to the public. 

I noticed this year following the release of the TT app, there was minimal information available online to find out when the roads have opened. 

How difficult can it be?  I've realtime satellite tracked numerous people over the years who are doing some sort of challenge, be that bobbing about in the middle of an ocean or in the arse end of nowhere up a mountain. 

Its hard to believe we don't already do this. It would be the simplest app ever. 

Roads open......or Roads closed. 

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There's an interesting piece on Gef headed TT+ Grows Worldwide Audience.  It's full of the usual bragging about how many people watched stuff as you'd expect from marketing people, but for once the most revealing information is in the opening: "Over 60,000 people paid to watch live coverage of this year’s TT".

Because this isn't much of an increase on the actual numbers paying.  We know from an FoI request last year (reference number 2490877):

"How many people A) registered with the TT+ website and B) Paid the subscription fee to watch this year's racing."

Our response to your request is as follows:

A. 131,135 people registered with the TT+ website.

B. 57,020 paid the subscription fee to watch this year's racing.

That this is not much more in terms of those paying.  True there seems to be an increase in those getting stuff for free as the article later claims:  TT+ has seen a 66% increase in the total number of subscribers this year so far and has accumulated 220,000 subscribers from across 180 countries.

Though 'accumulated' suggests they are including those who signed up last year, even if they didn't access this year.  Even so, you'd hope for more conversions.

Now the paid subscription did increase from £14.99  to £19.99, but even so there's little growth on last year in those prepared to pay, which is surprising if the market is growing in the way they claim, or even as more discover the product.

Now £1.2 million in revenue isn't nothing, but it would be interesting to see how it compared to the costs in providing the coverage, distribution costs and so on.

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27 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

but it would be interesting to see how it compared to the costs in providing the coverage, distribution costs and so on.

There are obvious distribution costs and costs associated with live broadcast and editing etc.

But don’t forget that a good portion of the costs involved were being paid out before TT+ existed.  Eg the cameras, the camera operators, the presenters, the helicopters etc etc to provide the ITV4 coverage that also went to other broadcasters around the world.

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11 minutes ago, finlo said:

Don't even set foot on the course=big fine poncing about on actual course=a telling off yet we don't do double standards!

He ignored a Marshall and was abusive.

As far as I know the others weren’t even spoken to until well after they had stepped off the course voluntarily and cooperated fully with the police.

If he hadn’t been a dick about it he wouldn’t have even come to the police’s attention.

Its not double standards or anything to do with how much money someone has.  

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