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TT 2023


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On 2/15/2023 at 2:26 PM, wrighty said:

I wasn't asking for your personal preference, I thought as an experienced watcher of the establishment here you might have some insight into how it's going to pan out.

Personally I think its days are numbered, and the Irish issue has reduced that number.  My personal preference would be that some form of festival of motorcycling continues - the island has a buzz about it you don't see any other time - but the quest for ever faster laps should stop, it should be made safer, and sidecars should be scrapped.

Without caring much either way, I've always thought it's entirely up to those who want to put their lives on the line. At the same time, I've long believed that difficulty insuring the risk is what will kill it, and we may not be far from that point. The fact that we've just bought the SPCo would be another reason for the house to collapse, knowing our luck!

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13 minutes ago, WTF said:

Ago's leap has been there for quite a while, it can hardly be described as unexpected.

Lots of moral dilemmas here. I fully admit I cant get my head around it.

If I organised a cliff diving event on marine drive. Would it be OK for me to get all the participants to sign a disclaimer acknowledging that they know diving off cliffs is dangerous and that I cannot be held responsible. 

I'm putting this out there. I don't know the answer to that question. 

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45 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

Lots of moral dilemmas here. I fully admit I cant get my head around it.

If I organised a cliff diving event on marine drive. Would it be OK for me to get all the participants to sign a disclaimer acknowledging that they know diving off cliffs is dangerous and that I cannot be held responsible. 

I'm putting this out there. I don't know the answer to that question. 

I am no expert but I think the answer is that if you can demonstrate that you have done a thorough health and safety review plus got approval from appropriate authorities such as the fire service then you would be OK 

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2 hours ago, Kopek said:

Given their support for the TT, the Govt will always underright it?

But at some point the unlimited nature of the risk in such litigious times must surely become a threat even to the Government with its bottomless pit of taxpayers' money. We've never really had a reliable assessment of how much the Island benefits financially from the TT versus the cost of disruption, organisation, medical expenses and all the rest.

For many years I've reckoned that it's just one serious conflagration from the end. In fairness, I've thought that for 30 years and up to now we've been lucky, and haven't had an incident of that magnitude.

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Wooley, in view of our Govts profligacy with our money it's not hard to see them accepting a 'few million' to cover a TT accident? Maybe one day there will be a realisation of the moral situation, the Keys may accept that stance and then it requires Comin to come to the same conclusion?

If the Coroners verdict is one of 'Misadventure', does that relieve the Govt of their own liability?

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Is the inquest into the father and  son complete? Perhaps there is more, new witnesses, experts yet to be revealed?

In all my following of motorsports events i have not heard of ''coincidence'' as a mitigating factor nor of 'misadventure' as the official verdict.

We sow and then we reap?

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10 hours ago, Happier diner said:

Lots of moral dilemmas here. I fully admit I cant get my head around it.

If I organised a cliff diving event on marine drive. Would it be OK for me to get all the participants to sign a disclaimer acknowledging that they know diving off cliffs is dangerous and that I cannot be held responsible. 

I'm putting this out there. I don't know the answer to that question. 


9 hours ago, NoTail said:

I am no expert but I think the answer is that if you can demonstrate that you have done a thorough health and safety review plus got approval from appropriate authorities such as the fire service then you would be OK 

That's a fair enough answer. So, I hold my event and 5 people are killed. 4 of them jumping off the same rock. The coroner rules misadventure and everybody says they were doing what they loved

This year I go through the same process and submit the same 'health and safety review'. I dont make any changes at all. I say it was just a coincidence. Would that, in your view, be acceptable? Would have no part in the blame for their deaths. 

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22 minutes ago, Happier diner said:


That's a fair enough answer. So, I hold my event and 5 people are killed. 4 of them jumping off the same rock. The coroner rules misadventure and everybody says they were doing what they loved

This year I go through the same process and submit the same 'health and safety review'. I dont make any changes at all. I say it was just a coincidence. Would that, in your view, be acceptable? Would have no part in the blame for their deaths. 

I’ve answered the legal position above.

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