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TT 2023


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2 minutes ago, Gizo said:

Still utter horse shit. So the extra pints he sold in Killing week has kept him open till February the following year? Nothing to do with the locals who have been keeping him open for years. Take your head for a wobble Paul Phillips. 

I’m just going to ask the question.

At the bottom of Bray Hill a Father & Son died - 5 days later 2 best mates went dead in exactly the same circumstances.

Is it acceptable to turn your head and say let’s do it again this year ?


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1 minute ago, Mr Helmut Fromage said:

I’m just going to ask the question.

At the bottom of Bray Hill a Father & Son died - 5 days later 2 best mates went dead in exactly the same circumstances.

Is it acceptable to turn your head and say let’s do it again this year ?


Yes.  It’s their choice.

Lets be honest, the pub I am sat in now is making money selling people a substance that will kill some

of them.  Some of them might even drive home and risk killing others.  Some  of them are currently stood in the cold smoking something sold to them to keep businesses going which will also kill them.

Where do you draw the line?

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1 minute ago, finlo said:

Come on then, why are they begging people to come here then? Clue it's not for our benefit!

I enjoy seeing the island prosper and having a diverse range of businesses that wouldn’t be viable with less people here.  I enjoy the benefits of more tax revenue, and I enjoy meeting new people and seeing the economy diversify.

I like the fact that if there are more people and more businesses here then there are less reasons for my kids to go off island to find interesting work.

I like the fact that medical specialities that aren’t viable locally with a lower population become viable with more people here and that it would be easier to attract better medics.

My life is better for their being 85,000 here as opposed to 65,000 and would be better again if we increase to 100,00.

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4 minutes ago, Asthehills said:

Yes.  It’s their choice.

Lets be honest, the pub I am sat in now is making money selling people a substance that will kill some

of them.  Some of them might even drive home and risk killing others.  Some  of them are currently stood in the cold smoking something sold to them to keep businesses going which will also kill them.

Where do you draw the line?

The fucking reach on this is incredible. 

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30 minutes ago, Asthehills said:

I am sat in a pub now.  The owner is quite clear about the fact that if there was no motorsport I wouldn’t be able to be sat here now.  It would be closed as unviable

This is largely true. Because quite simply, the local population now pay so much in both direct and indirect Govt taxes and charges in order to keep the bloated sloth (including DfE and its Mr 5% and DEFA) in the style to which it has become accustomed that they have little disposable income left available to support those pubs.

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31 minutes ago, GD4ELI said:
51 minutes ago, Steve_Christian said:

And yet there is a massive business in Nepal that is focussed on people climbing Everest - which has killed waaay more people than the TT but you aren’t advocating stopping that? Wait - actually, letting people do stuff and excepting risk for the benefit of themselves, and thousands of enthusiasts which benefits the economy could actually be ok. IMHO. So shhhhhh please. There’s always a boat in the m…. 

Way more - I don't think so. As of recent count it's 310 on Everest and 265 in the TT. %age wise the TT is safer.

Thats 265 competitors. There have been fifteen or so deaths amongst spectators and officials during racing or practising. It would be fairer to say that both activities are as dangerous as each other. Humans are bad at understanding risk to themselves. Competitors in extreme sports often say that they understand the risks they are taking. They don't. They mean they understand the risks the others are taking. We have a built in psychological tendency to underplay the risks we are taking directly. This tendency is particularly pronounced in some people especially younger men. Which is exactly the personality type that does extreme sports. 

I'd have thought that the TT will die on its arse and it won't be due to insurance premiums, or how many people are killed doing it or whether you make any money out of it. Young people don't want to ride motorcycles and aren't being recruited into the activity. Eventually the current crop of visitors will die off and not be replaced always assuming any riders turn up to take part.

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12 minutes ago, Asthehills said:

Yes.  It’s their choice

Nope- and absolutely fucking nope again.

It is only their choice when given the platform to punch themselves in the face by an organisation willing to fund a platform that condones it.

Not one of the bike pilots  killed on the Island has ever died a hero - a selfish hobbyist maybe but never a hero 


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8 minutes ago, Mr Helmut Fromage said:

Nope- and absolutely fucking nope again.

It is only their choice when given the platform to punch themselves in the face by an organisation willing to fund a platform that condones it.

Not one of the bike pilots  killed on the Island has ever died a hero - a selfish hobbyist maybe but never a hero 


Disagree, and that’s fine.  It would be a very boring world if we all thought the same thoughts and did the same things.


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