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TT 2023


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17 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

Yes, there are only eight billion people on the planet.  It's impossible that more than one of them would disagree with you on anything.  The other 7,999,999,998 must be singing the praises of your wisdom endlessly.

I doubt that you will be banned as it's so vague and such self-evident nonsense, even ignoring that some of the commenters you name have wildly different posting styles.  But people do occasionally make this madly narcissistic accusation on MF and it never fails to make them look silly.  I suppose it's the ultimate conspiracy theory: "Everyone is against me and they're all the same person".

I would say most of the 8 bn people in the world would disagree about many things, as do many on here. As I've said, that's fine, they my well be right some or all of the time.

Of course the names I have named have different posting styles, they have different names too, not sure what that proves. I'm not in the least bit arsed about looking silly, it's fairly obvious to me.

As "ultimate conspiracy theories" go it's a bit of a shit one, a person having more than one email address - makes 9/11 and the faked moon landings look like amateur hour.

Just because someone agrees with you doesn't mean they're not a sad cunt with too much time on their hands. 

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15 minutes ago, A fool and his money..... said:

You have a different posting style. You usually talk nonsense and I disagree with 99% of what you say, you also spout a lot of pure bullshit on occasions but I still have a begrudging respect for you. The forum would be a poorer place without you.

Touché. Talk about a veiled compliment.

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38 minutes ago, A fool and his money..... said:

I would say most of the 8 bn people in the world would disagree about many things, as do many on here. As I've said, that's fine, they my well be right some or all of the time.

Of course the names I have named have different posting styles, they have different names too, not sure what that proves. I'm not in the least bit arsed about looking silly, it's fairly obvious to me.

As "ultimate conspiracy theories" go it's a bit of a shit one, a person having more than one email address - makes 9/11 and the faked moon landings look like amateur hour.

Just because someone agrees with you doesn't mean they're not a sad cunt with too much time on their hands. 

R U Ok Hun - sending Hugzzzz

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13 minutes ago, Max Power said:

No connection? Apart from being in the same place, involving sidecars, in a TT race (i mean timetrial) within 2 days of each other. Apart from that, no connection. Makes me laugh sometimes.

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20 hours ago, Mr Helmut Fromage said:

Excellent news especially if it’s privately funded - however I’ve not seen any press or announcements that it’s happening?

I did see an article at the weekend - but can’t seem to find it now, was an Irish blog/source - mainly was chatting to a few of the big name riders at the Excel and they were all very confident it was going ahead. Fingers crossed for proper confirmation asap.  

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On 3/5/2023 at 11:18 PM, Steve_Christian said:

Related as it’s mentioned earlier. The NW200 is now going ahead. Funding was found due to the positive impact on the local economy. I for one am very happy about this (as I already had my ferry booked) 👏🏼


It was never at risk.....publicity stunt or fundraiser ??????


Let me know when the penny drops 

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4 hours ago, Max Power said:

Showing a picture of the same outfit in high speed at an angle of 45⁰ to the direction in which it should be travelling?

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The photo in the article 'seems' to show the right hand front fairing lifting? If the aero got under that it would surely cause the outfit to veer left, if the driver corrected to the right, planting the outfit to the road in a right turn mode?

This seems to be the opposite to what the Coroner said???

Sadly, if the driver steered suddenly to the right to avoid the left side hedge this could have thrown the passenger to left and unbalanced the outfit to cause a rear end rotation  to the left??

All very sad and traumatising for the Wife/Mother.

Hope it never happens again.

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1 hour ago, Kopek said:

Hope it never happens again.

But it almost certainly will, just over 2 months from now. The only way your hope become reality is to follow the coroner’s suggestion and scrap the class. 

Sorry to be blunt but given the form, a handful of racing deaths are virtually inevitable. 

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Scrapping the sidecars will not prevent the accidents in the other classes of the racing?

I've made it clear that I am opposed to the continuance of the TT on moral grounds, we know there will be accidents and yet we continue to hold the races for the $$$$$$ it will bring to our treasury.

It's important to try to understand what has gone wrong, as I do above, ( I'm not an aerodynamasist  ), but the coroners verdict would not satisfy any family surely?

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44 minutes ago, wrighty said:

The only way your hope become reality is to follow the coroner’s suggestion and scrap the class. 

We all know that won't happen.

Is there any point even going to the expense of a coroner's report when we know the result will be rinse and repeat? 

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