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Best Friend Betrayed


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Horrible day today.

We had to have our dog destroyed he was so ill.

I cant think of anything worst than having someone who trusts you so much staring at you as you hold him knowing full well he is is being killed.

He was my dog when I was a teenage nuisance and lived to be 16. Hope he is happy now and in no more pain

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BM I'm so sorry to hear this, it is a horrible task. I have over the years had to take one or two pets for this. The first when I was 21 or so, it was our cat that we had had for 16 + years and it was Christmas day to boot! It wasn't nice, she'd had a stoke and when I saw her I took her straight to the vet (in those days they were a bit more private service than they are now). My parents knew she was very ill, but couldn't face up to the fact that she really needed help to die gently and without pain.


The thing is that you didn't kill or betray him, you loved him and gave him the best option. He trusted you and you repaid his trust by helping him out of his pain, in a peaceful and serene way. Don't feel guilty; I'm sure when he was staring at you he was really thinking "oh, the pain is going now, that's better" and then off to sleep.


Let him sleep, and be pleased that you have comforted him in his very last hour.

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Horrible day today.

We had to have our dog destroyed he was so ill.

I cant think of anything worst than having someone who trusts you so much staring at you as you hold him knowing full well he is is being killed.

He was my dog when I was a teenage nuisance and lived to be 16. Hope he is happy now and in no more pain


Best Friend Betrayed?


In no way.


I can't imagine anything more comforting than being held in the arms of the person I love and trust when experiencing frightening moments.


I've been with and held a few of our pets when it was time to say goodbye and it's one of the most heartbreaking and selfless acts you can perform.


So hard to say goodbye, BM, but you've proved yourself the best friend he could have had.

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It's easy to say but you did the right thing.


I had to do the same thing for my dog she was fourteen when she went. It's a horrible thing to have to do, but totally necessary to relieve the suffering the animal has to go through.

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It's a horrible thing to go through. We had to do it about seven years ago with our beloved golden retriever and I was full of guilt for ages after. We took hime to the vets, had him put to sleep and took hime home and buried him in the back garden. I had to change my route to work and I couldn't stand going past the vets for a good while afterwards

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Sorry to hear that BM, that's always the worst thing about having a dog is knowing one day you'll have to say goodbye.

16 is a good age though, and as others have said, he'll be free from the pain now. Don't feel sad you were there with him for his last minutes, it's better that way than than not x x

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Really sorry to hear of your loss.


I think you did the right thing - there's no point prolonging the pain if your pet has no quality of life.


It's amazing how much we can become attached to our pets, I grew up with a number of lurchers, terriers and ferrets - I even cried when I had to have my ferrets put to sleep!


Think of the good times and the laughs that you had together, not the pain of losing a good friend.


My thoughts are with you.

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Sorry to hear of your loss, we all know the heartache.


You were his best friend, and sounds like you grew up together. He will be with you for a long time to come, you'll still be talking to him for a while yet as he's part of you.


The contact you have with 'dumb' animals is more intense than humans as you converse without works, but actions and body language.


After saying "never again" we lasted about three months before we found two new little terrors in our life :D You never forget, but you have to move on all the richer for knowing them.

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The knowing eyes looking up at you for the last time. In a sense, be thankful.


I could tell so many stories about our cross yellow lab. She was a very intelligent and loving friend and a guardian to our home and family. She was the centre of our world and was with us 24 hours a day.


When she died, she was in a great deal of distress. And from being a particularly healthy and strong animal she deteriorated both physically and mentally. She didn't even know who we were the last few days.


We would have loved to have had a better memory, no matter how sad, of her last moments.


When she died, quite unexplainably, her one remaining offspring which we kept, died soon afterwards. She simply couldn't live without her.

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