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None Of The Above ( NOTA)

John Wright

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Jersey had its general election yesterday.

Having moved to an all island constituency fairly recently they moved back to a mix of 3,4 and 5 seat constituencies for deputies, abolished Senators but kept the connectable seats, one per parish.

Lots of the old guard lost their seats, including their chief minister. Reform Jersey took 10 seats, up from five. There were 21 women and 28 men.

But, the most notable thing was the introduction of NOTA in seats where candidates were unopposed, ie the total number standing was equal to, or less than, the number of seats to be filled.

as it happens there were contests in all the deputy constituency elections.

But several of the Connetable elections were unopposed. NOTA got some high votes. If NOTA “won” there would have been a later by election.


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