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Manx Care Has Failed


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16 hours ago, John Wright said:

Come on, Snowman. That’s one of the most insensitive posts of the year, so far.

Passengers on PT flights are ill. Often seriously ill. Often in pain.

It may be their first flight for consultation or treatment, or they may not belong to the excellent Patient Transfer FB page run by Carole Male. 

They may not know that most hospitals and many consultants will rejig their list to fit in delayed IoM patients.

They’ll have been up since 4am.

Many are in pain.

Theres nowhere to go, stay, visit, if your appointment is at 11.00 and your plane home isn’t until 20.00. Especially if you’re not mobile. Lots of these passengers are attending appointments in outlying clinics/hospitals, can’t use public transport.

Then there’s the worry about getting home. Will the plane fly/won’t it. EZY and Logan aren’t good at communicating about delays/cancellations. Allocation of a hotel and alternative routing is a shambles. They haven’t got funds ( majority on benefits/pension ). PT office don’t pick up the phone and are closed after 17.00. They may not have essential meds or equipment.

Theres no handbook. No guidance.

I am laid back. I always took a back pack with 3 days meds, change of undies, T shirt & socks, and essential equipment. Not everyone is as organised.

No, we can’t control delays or cancellations, yes we can ameliorate. But the on hand support when things go wrong, from the airport, airlines and Manx Care aren’t up to standard.

John’s post should be read carefully by everyone.

Perhaps most by those  fortunate  not to have need to seek consultation or treatment  for a serious condition that involves travel off-Island.

- You may yet, unfortunately.

When you do, the stress of a serious diagnosis; awaiting the prognosis, it’s symptoms ;  your mortality ; your family ; concerns about treatment, its effectiveness; its side effects and the concerns about  how you will manage the logistics of receiving treatment  is likely to be severe.

Travel for those in good health - just off somewhere to enjoy ourselves,  can be very stressful.

Now add in the above factors plus symptoms of an illness - fatigue, pain, anxiety  and effects of treatment such as weakness and  nausea, then any  “extra”  stresses such as delays, transfer confusions, wheel chair foul- ups and “notes transfer problems”, then the  effects can be can be very severe and demoralising, and will likely to  impact on  someone’s decision whether or not to continue with their treatment plan and ultimately affecting their condition, their symptoms - and their  survival.

Travel  arrangements should be viewed not just as important, but an essential part of an individual's holistic care.


Edited by hampsterkahn
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2 minutes ago, 0bserver said:

How about this as an idea. £10 fine for all missed appointments?

I presume they waive it if you die while you're waiting?


Well according to the comments about charging at A&E they were prepared to knock off 20% if you croaked while waiting!

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9 hours ago, 0bserver said:

How about this as an idea. £10 fine for all missed appointments?

I presume they waive it if you die while you're waiting?


The main problem I've found with nobles appointments is the booking systems seem to be operated by a robot carpet hoover.  Multiple letters sent for the same appointment all with different dates, and none of them correct.  Speaking to the department directly and they have no record of all the wrong letters sent out.

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9 hours ago, 0bserver said:

How about this as an idea. £10 fine for all missed appointments?

I presume they waive it if you die while you're waiting?


They’d cost £20 each to administer and a small army of CS to issue, post, reconcile payments, chase non payers.

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20 minutes ago, cissolt said:

The main problem I've found with nobles appointments is the booking systems seem to be operated by a robot carpet hoover.  

That is a very unfair comparison. A robot carpet hoover has direction and a plan to achieve its goals.

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Just now, wrighty said:

That is a very unfair comparison. A robot carpet hoover has direction and a plan to achieve its goals.

Mine operates randomly, misses bits and needs the floor to be prepared before operation.  So, not so bad a comparison. 

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11 hours ago, 0bserver said:

How about this as an idea. £10 fine for all missed appointments?

I presume they waive it if you die while you're waiting?


This is an idea that comes up now and again.

The obvious appeals :

1.It sounds as it could save valuable resources;

2. For politicians, there is a psychological effect on the public.A shift in blame with the the message - “You are a good, responsible, deserving   patient ;the reason for you not getting a good service is because of bad, selfish,irresponsible  people who are spoiling it.They are bad.They should be punished.”

But ..there is a problem why it won’t work:

The Appointment  systems in the NHS.

They have acquired a reputation  for messing up to the extent that almost everyone has either experienced it or has a relative or friend who has.

That is where attention should be focussed first.

Without improving that system, fining the “undeserving”  would be so fraught with investigations  over disputes regarding whether an appointment had been sent/ sent on time/ date / wrong department etc. the cost would exceed the fine.

To maintain NHS tradition, a whole new  “Fines Department “ would be set up with a “Fines investigation Officer”, a “Fines enforcement Officer” and a separate “Fines Appeals  and Resolution Officer” .

Persistent offenders would be offered the option of not paying the fine by attending a “ Citizen’s Responsibilty Awareness Programme”  course .

No appointment needed.


Edited by hampsterkahn
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For me it sounds good in principle. But I have spoken to many people who’ve been struck off consultants lists or from the mental health service because of missed appointments. Mostly these were because of reasons connected to their conditions. 

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2 minutes ago, Declan said:

For me it sounds good in principle. But I have spoken to many people who’ve been struck off consultants lists or from the mental health service because of missed appointments. Mostly these were because of reasons connected to their conditions. 

Could you give us some examples of conditions that caused them to miss appointments?

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20 minutes ago, finlo said:

Being locked up?

In one case a friend of mine had their chemotherapy cancelled after calling to postpone due to having covid.  A week after her phone call to oncology, she received a letter with no signature or named staff member to inform her that she has been discharged from oncology due to non attendance of an appointment.  

She was rather upset and called to complain, the department blamed the central appointment team.  

An official complaint has been made to manx care 

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