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Manx Care Has Failed


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1 hour ago, John Wright said:

You know MC has only been operating the NHS here for 15 months.

clearly they should have had it sorted in a week

you're being ridiculous here John 🤪

Edited by Rhumsaa
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10 hours ago, John Wright said:

You know MC has only been operating the NHS here for 15 months. It inherited a broken system in the midst of a pandemic.

Its taken some good initiatives, but it’s like the proverbial oil tanker, it takes forever to stop or turn around. Give them a chance. There’s a UK wide shortage of Doctors & Nurses. 

As for accommodation, have you seen the extent of semis, maisonettes, and apartments, built on the Nobles estate, at Mwyllin y Dhoo Aah?

But with respect, creating Manx Care was a complete smoke and mirrors exercise where everybody who was working within the health care service was...yes, re-contracted to Manx Care. Oh, and they've also proven to be an exemplar at creating more management posts than ever seen before. It was in real terms created to give the Government breathing space to try to repair all the previous mistakes and inadequacies. Now its being used as an excuse - Oh, give us a break mate...we've only been going 15 months. 

Sorry, not good enough.


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10 hours ago, John Wright said:

You know MC has only been operating the NHS here for 15 months. It inherited a broken system in the midst of a pandemic.

Its taken some good initiatives, but it’s like the proverbial oil tanker, it takes forever to stop or turn around. Give them a chance. There’s a UK wide shortage of Doctors & Nurses. 

As for accommodation, have you seen the extent of semis, maisonettes, and apartments, built on the Nobles estate, at Mwyllin y Dhoo Aah?

The idea was to improve things, not make them even worse which is what is happening. 

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The right wing of politics almost always regards ‘privatisation’ as a solution to society’s problems. They constantly obsess about the ‘efficiencies’ which one gets in the private sector and lament the ‘bloated/ inefficient’ public sector. (Their dogmas are often bolstered by chronically poor transparency about jobs and functions within the public sector). When it comes to health services though, they tend to gloss over the grotesque US health system, which epitomised everything that is wrong with the ‘privatisation’ of essential services, especially the government-sponsored racketeering (ongoing government willingness to pay exorbitant prices for medical supplies) perpetrated by the cartel consisting of the US pharmaceutical companies and the US medical profession. The victims of this racket are US taxpayers and US patients and their wellbeing, who come a distant second after the main objectives of making obscene sums of profit and pushing up share prices.

Thankfully, the NHS is a very different creature. Unfortunately, in publicly run healthcare organisation(s) patients’ wellbeing often gets mired and compromised by admin’s ‘autocracy’ and attempts to cover up mistakes by an organisation adamantly trying to protect its reputation. But, these failures are not systemic and they can be rectified, provided there is strong leadership and a politcal will to do so.

I am sure most of us believe that in the 21C, in the UK/IOM, quality health care is a basic human right, not just the prerogative of the rich. Worse still, I am concerned that Manx Care, a private company seeking to make profits, is already a government-endorsed monopoly that could potentially undermine competition from other private health service businesses. I am glad to hear that there is now a private clinic which offers cataract operations to those willing to pay, thus ultimately reducing NHS waiting lists. Sadly, the only private radiology service provider on the Island has recently shut down, adding misery to the patients on the waiting list at Manx Care. I have also been told by a client of a local private ‘pain management’ healthcare provider that they are worried that this private business will also shut down.

There is an obvious risk that Manx Care will turn out to be expensive, inefficient and inadequate healthcare provider that will not meet the needs of the IOM public, and this will only add to the general catalogue of fiascos of the IOMG who will be busily learning lessons all over again.       

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5 minutes ago, 0bserver said:

This is classic Manx Care. 4 months to solve the issue and it wasn’t. How many IT people were they recruiting last year? 

Let's assume that the Information Commissioner is competent. He set a deadline that he thought was achievable. Manx Care didn't achieve it.

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6 minutes ago, dreamon said:

Walter is of the same mind about this...


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3 hours ago, quilp said:

Bearing in mind that the DESC's last prominent off-island manager must have contributed quite significantly* to his making a fool of himself, his apparent endorsement of the Director of Public Health not needing to come to the IoM is perhaps a little surprising?


*I don't want to play down his own contribution, but I can't believe Magson's absence on the ground didn't play some part in the health debacle.  (Mind you - might have been better if Ewart had been absent too... )

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On 6/30/2022 at 9:39 PM, snowman said:

20% equates to how many ?


Last I heard they were 80 medics short.


Remember that there's supposed to be safe staffing ratios. So x number of staff per patient on wards for example.


So basically they're operating unsafely. But at least they're trying to sort the problem.

Not necessarily. I have had cause to be at the hospital several times this year. I doubt they are running at even 50% capacity, let alone 80%. 

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21 hours ago, 0bserver said:

This is classic Manx Care. 4 months to solve the issue and it wasn’t. How many IT people were they recruiting last year? 

Clever local IT workers cannot get government jobs. There is a gate keeper, who stops any intelligence from getting in, for fear they will show up the complete incompetence in government IT. 

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