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Manx Care Has Failed


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The Information Commissioner has imposed a penalty of £170,500 (One hundred and seventy thousand and five hundred pounds) on Manx Care for infringements of the data protection legislation.  The maximum penalty that can be imposed is £1M.

In October 2021, Manx Care emailed an insecure attachment containing one patient’s confidential health data to more than 1870 recipients.  Manx Care was subject to an Enforcement Notice at that time and a further Enforcement Notice was issued in February 2022.  Manx Care has failed to comply with those Enforcement Notices which has led to the penalty notice.


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It's worth reading the Penalty Notice, even if you skip through all the legalese, just to see the extent of the arrogance and incompetence with which Manx Care have dealt with this.  The original breach was about two years ago and since then (apart from redesigning one specific form) they seem to have done nothing to fix anything or stop them emailing someone's intimate medical records out to thousands (literally) of other people again.

In response all they do is make all sorts of promises that they are going to buy lots of new software because the 40-ish clashing and incompatible computer systems they already have aren't enough.  None of which (as the Information Commissioner points out) have anything to do with the actual problem which was internal email.  Either they believe the Commissioner doesn't know anything about computer systems, despite it being his job, and that they can bullshit him.  Or they don't know anything about them, because they're job is just producing bullshit.

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What happened to the Chief Information Officer, Richard Wild? He does not seem to be posting here any more. He must know something about what is going on, after all he stated "I take full responsibility for the breach". Which is a pretty stupid thing to brag about anywhere, let alone in a bear-pit like this forum.

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It would appear the ICO has it in for Government. You just need to look at the judgements online or recent press articles. They impose penalties, and in most cases, they are correct as the rules are clearly set out. However, that £170,500 would undoubtedly pay for medication, or several minor operations, top up a food bank, etc. Why doesn't the ICO offer its services and still look like the good cop, or do they just wish to flex their muscles and use a big stick? Yet when the man on the street complains to the ICO about a business in the private sector, they are pretty dismissive and uninterested.   

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1 minute ago, Beyond Belief said:

It would appear the ICO has it in for Government. You just need to look at the judgements online or recent press articles. They impose penalties, and in most cases, they are correct as the rules are clearly set out. However, that £170,500 would undoubtedly pay for medication, or several minor operations, top up a food bank, etc. Why doesn't the ICO offer its services and still look like the good cop, or do they just wish to flex their muscles and use a big stick? Yet when the man on the street complains to the ICO about a business in the private sector, they are pretty dismissive and uninterested.   

Or Government could actually improve and learned from its repeated failures. 

Why should everyone else be held to a higher standard than Government? 

It's a zero sum anyway, the money from the fine just goes back into Government coffers.

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On 8/14/2022 at 6:17 PM, buncha wankas said:

I see Manx Care are building new residential home on Glencrutchery road,  shiner of a roof but no solar panels, it seems government is not leading the way in green living but expecting us householders to invest. 


Manx Utilities (IOMG) are thinking of putting floating solar panels on Sulby reservoir, which sounds like a stupid idea all-round which will no doubt negatively impact wildlife. One step forward and two steps back, as ever, on our "biosphere" island. 

I can't imagine that maintenance of these floating panels will be easy and likely prone to environmentally caused faults due to things like not being kept clear of algae. (Because we all know regular, routine maintenance of our infrastructure isn't high on the list of priorities.)

Meanwhile, new government builds go without solar panels on the roofs. In Peel alone, two new-build sheltered accommodation have gone up in recent years, one still in progress, with large roofs just crying out to be fitted with solar panels - to no detriment to wildlife, I might add. 

ETA: I only realised this was in a Manx Care thread after posting. I'd remembered reading a recent post concerning a new government build going up without solar panels so searched for it without paying attention to the thread it was in. Perhaps I should have started a new thread?

Edited by Zarley
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59 minutes ago, mad_manx said:

It's not April 1st but I've heard that thats actually what they have done 😞

Oh I know

I know

I know

I know

and of course there's an entire Information Governance Team "consist[ing] of the Data Protection Officer (DPO) / Information Governance Manager, an Information Governance Officer and an Information Assurance Officer and an Information Assistant".

And yet they can't even manage to provide the sort of internal email security that a small firm or charity would be expected to.  Or even give a coherent explanation why not.

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7 hours ago, Zarley said:


Manx Utilities (IOMG) are thinking of putting floating solar panels on Sulby reservoir, which sounds like a stupid idea all-round which will no doubt negatively impact wildlife. One step forward and two steps back, as ever, on our "biosphere" island. 

I can't imagine that maintenance of these floating panels will be easy and likely prone to environmentally caused faults due to things like not being kept clear of algae. (Because we all know regular, routine maintenance of our infrastructure isn't high on the list of priorities.)

Meanwhile, new government builds go without solar panels on the roofs. In Peel alone, two new-build sheltered accommodation have gone up in recent years, one still in progress, with large roofs just crying out to be fitted with solar panels - to no detriment to wildlife, I might add. 

ETA: I only realised this was in a Manx Care thread after posting. I'd remembered reading a recent post concerning a new government build going up without solar panels so searched for it without paying attention to the thread it was in. Perhaps I should have started a new thread?

This is where is becomes an eco pissing match. 


You can't build solar / wind farms v. You have to cut emissions. 

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4 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

Oh I know

I know

I know

I know

and of course there's an entire Information Governance Team "consist[ing] of the Data Protection Officer (DPO) / Information Governance Manager, an Information Governance Officer and an Information Assurance Officer and an Information Assistant".

And yet they can't even manage to provide the sort of internal email security that a small firm or charity would be expected to.  Or even give a coherent explanation why not.

Some of the salaries involved are shocking, and they report into Richard Wild? What salary is he on? Looks like they could save some money be culling him and not recruiting for these non-jobs.

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Good old NPM this morning running an article on behalf of Who Cares, reminding people who travel to have adequate travel insurance and to bring medicines. They urge the public to consider the range of options seeking emergency treatment. 

So if your a local resident take pot luck at A&E, whilst others take priority, or go to RCHMIU to find it’s closed as the staff are at Nobles. 

Why not put these warning notices on printed SPCo tickets, or send additional emails to visitors? Sooner or later a local resident will be caught up in the high demand for emergency treatment, and it could result in a fatality. Lessons will be learned? 

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According to the NPM Who Cares? has been fined £170,500 for data breaches with payment stayed until end of 202/ to allow Who Cares? the opportunity to put mistakes right. 

Perhaps if anyone is fined by IOMG or the courts, and I’m sure they aren’t so understanding over the terms of paying the fine for mere plebs? 

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