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Manx Care Has Failed


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Nothing will improve until Government realise that honesty and transparency must be the order of the day, and if their employees are incapable of operating within that ethos, then they must be pruned !

I had high hopes of this lot and thought we were on the verge of the sunlit uplands, however it seems not !

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7 hours ago, Dr. Grumpy said:

Hypothetical question: If a hearing has the potential to unearth corruption/criminality in the actions of senior personnel of a Government department, could that hearing be blocked on the grounds that any such exposure may cause the public to lose confidence in the Government?

Already long lost and the process has been underway for at least 10 years, in both politicians and their public servants.

Politicians through their self-service, preening and inability to recognise and address what has been going on, even when it's been right under their noses and bleeding plentiful evidence.

Public servants....Well, the list of resignations and what has emerged in the past few months alone has confirmed the thoughts and suspicions of most people who take any interest in what goes on. Which of course is far too few, which is how the situation arises in the first instance.

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19 hours ago, Dr. Grumpy said:

How much lower will they stoop?

One can only wonder.

Any attempt to suppress information could only result in reaffirming   what is so glaringly obvious-

The tribunal was a defeat made all the more humiliating as the shocking malpractice of the “Department” became exposed: in the way it treated a whistle blower; how the provision of documentary evidence was tardy and obstructive and even its  authenticity called into question.

The oral evidence of senior officials including the medical officer of health and the CEO was torn apart to the extent that the CEO’s truthfulness  was  bluntly challenged  and the minister was chided  for being ridiculously evasive in his responses. 

The BMA has, with justification,  hailed the case as a that of a Whistle Blower challenging , exposing and winning against an abusive and conniving employing authority.

It is understandable if this case will have deterred medical professionals from working here.

This reputation needs to change.

Attempts at cover-ups will only cause further   reputational damage.

There is a basic need for openness

 it shouldn’t  require that much boldness

- “The “cat is out of the bag” anyway.



Edited by hampsterkahn
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10 hours ago, Dr. Grumpy said:

could that hearing be blocked on the grounds that any such exposure may cause the public to lose confidence in the Government?

Oh how that made me laugh, you believe that people have any confidence whats so ever in this bunch of incompetent MHKs. And the ass covering scheming civil service. 

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14 hours ago, Blade Runner said:

At least in England when things are hushed up they are for proper MI5/ MI6 and the like security.


So the lockdown parties in no. 10 were hushed up "for proper MI5/MI6 and the like security"?

Not to mention all the other things that they've hushed up... like the true motives behind Brexit, for example. More to do with lining the pockets of the likes of JRM and his mates than national security issues.


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15 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

There's clearly a lot more to this that they'd rather was not in the public domain, it will be interesting to see the reasons for this attempt, assuming of course that they are disclosed.

Let us hope that the High Court put justice and public interest first. The DHSC is perhaps even more of a cess pit than many people already thought.

It seems that the Chief Minister and his Interim Chief Secretary are being presented with an opportunity to show that they were serious about changing Government culture. They should stomp on any questionable attempts to hide information from the public and face up to and improve on any failings. If not, the Lt Governor should intervene to stop public money being used to withhold information from the public.

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1 hour ago, Manx Resident said:

It seems that the Chief Minister and his Interim Chief Secretary are being presented with an opportunity to show that they were serious about changing Government culture

Who made the decision to start a court case?  Which Civil Servants? Which politicians were involved in the decision?

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Moulton has put out another tweet:

To which someone drily responded: "Not just legal minds, pretty much anyone with a pulse".

We actually saw a lot of similar behaviour from the DHSC and co during and around the Tribunal and it's difficult to see it as anything other than the actions of very arrogant, entitled and fairly stupid people who are only interested in getting their own way and nothing else.

The real question is how they are getting away with it and why politicians seem unable to stop them.  I think basically because the whole system is corrupted and has evolved to allow senior civil servants to do whatever they want and protect them from any repercussions, unless they inconvenience others of their class.  Some of this is written into the rules of how the government operates, via Codes, the rules of Tynwald and so on, but others are enforced by 'guidance' from other parts of government, especially the AG's Office and Cabinet Office.

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23 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

'I'm sorry but we are not able to divulge that right now."

If you watch the interview Hooper said he sanctioned  the appeal , I wonder if he was directed by the council of ministers ,it looks like a face saving exercise  ,that is not only going to cost a lot of Money , but will likely end in tears , 

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1 hour ago, Roger Mexico said:

The real question is how they are getting away with it and why politicians seem unable to stop them.  I think basically because the whole system is corrupted and has evolved to allow senior civil servants to do whatever they want and protect them from any repercussions, unless they inconvenience others of their class.  Some of this is written into the rules of how the government operates, via Codes, the rules of Tynwald and so on, but others are enforced by 'guidance' from other parts of government, especially the AG's Office and Cabinet Office.

They’ve had their ass kicked round the room by a professional legal team but they’re still living in the government delusional bubble where they think that they can still control the outcome. Ranson’s defense team from the start have shown not only the DHSC but the AGs Office and Personnel Department to be rank amateurs hiding behind a culture of bullying and corrupt behaviour to cover their tracks. But her legal representation has been meticulous even down to having meta data in documents submitted analyzed and tracked. Hopefully this is a final nail in the coffin for some of these arrogant bullies who think that they can do what they like without suffering any repercussions. You know full well though that there will still be some in government going “There is no way that I’m going to accept that I am wrong in any of this” who will try to take it as far as they possibly can to try to avoid them being exposed. 

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5 hours ago, Wavey Davey said:

They’ve had their ass kicked round the room by a professional legal team but they’re still living in the government delusional bubble where they think that they can still control the outcome. Ranson’s defense team from the start have shown not only the DHSC but the AGs Office and Personnel Department to be rank amateurs hiding behind a culture of bullying and corrupt behaviour to cover their tracks. But her legal representation has been meticulous even down to having meta data in documents submitted analyzed and tracked. Hopefully this is a final nail in the coffin for some of these arrogant bullies who think that they can do what they like without suffering any repercussions. You know full well though that there will still be some in government going “There is no way that I’m going to accept that I am wrong in any of this” who will try to take it as far as they possibly can to try to avoid them being exposed. 

This applies to an entire generation and cadre of senior CS who believe that they are God's gift to the Island and are untouchable. Who believe that they are exempt from laws and regulations, if not endowed with the right to change or alter them at will. Quite simply because they have got away with it for so long under the present system. 

Unless the Deemster is blind or influenced, this is going to be a very expensive folly that is not only going to make a fool out of Hooper but is also going to expose those in the first paragraph for who and what they are. Somewhere down the line it had to happen, by the law of averages if nothing else.

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On 8/16/2022 at 1:57 PM, Boo Gay'n said:

The Information Commissioner has imposed a penalty of £170,500 (One hundred and seventy thousand and five hundred pounds) on Manx Care for infringements of the data protection legislation.  The maximum penalty that can be imposed is £1M.


They finally produced a (sort of) apology yesterday.  Apparently it's all the fault of the DHSC (even though the same people are in charge) and apparently 'colleagues' were doing other things during Covid (even though the original breach was in 2019) but never mind because:

Earlier this year, an information governance review was commissioned from KPMG – in its capacity as the external partner appointed to support the delivery of the Island’s health and care transformation programme – and found that Manx Care had insufficient resource to meet its statutory compliance responsibilities in this area. Since then, Manx Care has invested in additional staffing to support a permanent Information Governance function, along with securing temporary resource and funding to support a continuous compliance and improvement programme that addresses the findings and recommendations outlined within the KPMG review.

So in other words they did nothing for well over two years hoping it would go away and then they, when it didn't, they got their mates at KPMG to tell them they needed to employ yet more chums and spend yet more money.

This whole verbose effusion is notable for how little it says at enormous length.  These are supposed to be information professionals (even the stuff the PR people churn out isn't this awfully written) and yet are unable to communicate any information whatsoever.  The intention isn't to inform but to sooth and assure us that we are capable hands, despite all evidence of the opposite.  These are doctors who have zero medical knowledge but believe that the only important thing is a good bedside manner.  Which they don't have.

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Moulton missed a trick when Hooper pointed to Magson and Ashford being 'gone' and Malony?. He should have asked 'how many' of the admin staff at DHSC have been 'goned', not names, just figures???

It would assure us that there are some changes as promised by Cannan?

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