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Manx Care Has Failed


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38 minutes ago, 2bees said:

If this were true government systems would not be as OK as they are. 

The Government's IT systems are woefully out of date. The website / Online services looks like it was created by a child. We can't do many things that you can do in the UK (renew a driving license, apply for a passport to name two of them). They're 'ok' but no way the level they could be.

You can see how little things are joined up within the Government (GP system not linked to Hospital, everything paper based a manual letter writing etc.)

Have it on good authority from someone who works there that the OS used on many machines is well out of date too and they'd be in trouble if MS came along to audit them.

Edited by swoopy2110
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15 minutes ago, swoopy2110 said:

The Government's IT systems are woefully out of date. The website / Online services looks like it was created by a child. We can't do many things that you can do in the UK (renew a driving license, apply for a passport to name two of them). They're 'ok' but no way the level they could be.

You can see how little things are joined up within the Government (GP system not linked to Hospital, everything paper based a manual letter writing etc.)

Have it on good authority from someone who works there that the OS used on many machines is well out of date too and they'd be in trouble if MS came along to audit them.

Government love paperwork. There's form ABC1 to do this, ABX3 to do that.. it all keeps the expensive army of pen pushers in employment. 

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2 hours ago, swoopy2110 said:

The Government's IT systems are woefully out of date. The website / Online services looks like it was created by a child. We can't do many things that you can do in the UK (renew a driving license, apply for a passport to name two of them). They're 'ok' but no way the level they could be.

You can see how little things are joined up within the Government (GP system not linked to Hospital, everything paper based a manual letter writing etc.)

Have it on good authority from someone who works there that the OS used on many machines is well out of date too and they'd be in trouble if MS came along to audit them.

Do you want to pay more tax so they can buy better kit etc? They do a good job with what they have.

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4 hours ago, swoopy2110 said:

The Government's IT systems are woefully out of date. The website / Online services looks like it was created by a child. We can't do many things that you can do in the UK (renew a driving license, apply for a passport to name two of them). They're 'ok' but no way the level they could be.

You can see how little things are joined up within the Government (GP system not linked to Hospital, everything paper based a manual letter writing etc.)

Have it on good authority from someone who works there that the OS used on many machines is well out of date too and they'd be in trouble if MS came along to audit them.

Thank god we don’t have to apply for Driving license etc online as it’s an absolute shambles in UK with massive delays, lost paperwork & constant return of paperwork for minor errors 

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11 minutes ago, Banker said:

Thank god we don’t have to apply for Driving license etc online as it’s an absolute shambles in UK with massive delays, lost paperwork & constant return of paperwork for minor errors 

The UK sets a very low bar for online services. 

Many nordic countries show how it can be done quickly and efficiently 

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21 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

This seems to be being pushed heavily on social media this week. Is it now that bad here that people have spotted a gap in the market for doctors who actually have the capacity to deal with people? 



This is just a website that’s collected together the contact details of the various doctors here that offer private practice. As far as I can tell, anyway. 

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28 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

This seems to be being pushed heavily on social media this week. Is it now that bad here that people have spotted a gap in the market for doctors who actually have the capacity to deal with people? 

I did not find a company name, or any other company information, on that site.

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8 minutes ago, Gladys said:

There are also 2 websites referenced '

www.isleofmandoctors.com and www.manxdoctors.com and a gmail email address!

I may be wrong (and I usually am) but I thought that a company webpage was a company document and therefore had to include a reference to company info. If it is not a company, but is pretending to be one, is that illegal?


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5 minutes ago, Two-lane said:

I may be wrong (and I usually am) but I thought that a company webpage was a company document and therefore had to include a reference to company info. If it is not a company, but is pretending to be one, is that illegal?


Even if it’s not a company (they say they aren’t they’re a collection of private individuals) you’d have thought someone would have bothered registering one of the business names for £25 or whatever it costs these days. But they don’t even seem to know what they’ve actually called themselves or what domain or email address is the correct one.

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27 minutes ago, Two-lane said:

I may be wrong (and I usually am) but I thought that a company webpage was a company document and therefore had to include a reference to company info. If it is not a company, but is pretending to be one, is that illegal?


TBH, I am not going to click through to either of the websites from that FB page to see what legal stuff they have.  

But there are some red flags-

Gmail address, when they have 2 .com domains.

Two websites.

Unprofessional looking ad for professional services.  You would think they would focus on the medical expertise rather than tempting us with not having Dr Grey.

I have not heard anything locally about them.  You would expect there to be some comment on social media. 

Lack of traditional contact details, only websites, Gmail or DM.

It may be a scam site or just a badly put together ad, but I wouldn't risk it without checking with my GP to see if they are kosher.

ETA they are not claiming to be a company. 

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22 minutes ago, cissolt said:

2beea, the government IT system is a very expensive shambles ran by people like Richard wild!

They do appear to be local doctors, I have visited several.  Manx care will be outsourcing to them soon no doubt.


Yes, they may be local doctors, but is the site legit and do they know that their details are there? 

Reminds me of the 'local policewoman' who made a pile of money from something or other.

All I am saying is be careful and there must be other ways of accessing private medical care. 

Also, I don't know what "internal medicine" may cover. 

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Some years ago Dirk Hoehmann bought the domain name nobleshospital.com and redirected it to his private website, which purported to be a consortium of private medical providers, many of whom knew nothing about their details being listed on it. He was trying to get a 10% cut for forwarding referrals. I know because I got someone to call them up asking about backache to see what happened, and he blatantly told me his terms for forwarding the referral. 

I’m pretty sure this website is a legitimate effort by these local docs to increase footfall in their individual private practices. Good luck to them if that’s what they want to do. I always recommend patients to get referrals, private or NHS, through their own GP. 

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8 minutes ago, Gladys said:


Reminds me of the 'local policewoman' who made a pile of money from something or other.

Seen that on FB, many times. Comments are always disabled. I always report it to, no avail. It’s a crypto currency scam. 

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