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Isle of Man Creamery ‘Pride’ cheese

Steady Eddie

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3 minutes ago, Boris Johnson said:

FFS, Is this a joke?

There is about as much need for this as there is for a special IOM cheese supporting Penguin rights in the Southern hemisphere.






What's the problem? It's just the same cheese in a special wrapper

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52 minutes ago, Boris Johnson said:

FFS, Is this a joke?

There is about as much need for this as there is for a special IOM cheese supporting Penguin rights in the Southern hemisphere.






Because the fact that they are doing it still pisses some people off? Just like the real need for sex education in school is largely caused by parents who don’t think there’s a need for sex education in school.

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Mature Cheddar is a bit masculine though. Obviously not as Alpha Male as Stilton or Roquforte.

Maybe a Brie or Camembert would have been a better choice?

Edited by The Phantom
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1 hour ago, Boris Johnson said:

FFS, Is this a joke?

There is about as much need for this as there is for a special IOM cheese supporting Penguin rights in the Southern hemisphere.






I'll tell you why.

Because the young lad or lass reading this kind of absolute shite might be the next one to end up committing suicide. And the family will be left torn apart. The creamery are donating 10p from every pack to the Isle of Pride charity who support people in these kind of situations, plus help with education and other community activities. There are still people being turned down for jobs because of the way they speak or dress or who they identify as.

Saw a great piece from the Halifax yesterday, customers were getting all hot under the collar about a member of staff having pronouns on her badge. Halifax response: close your account and go elsewhere. Great comeback. 

Thankfully the Alf Garnett-esque members of society are dwindling apart from the noisy few. 


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1 minute ago, offshoremanxman said:

It's not a great come back though as many probably would go elsewhere. Trying to exercise some sort of mind control over customers has got nothing to do with commercial businesses. The Halifax is there to bank your money and give you a mortgage. They aren't there to educate you about any issues in life or to tell you what you 'should' think about any given situation. And honestly some condescending idiot junior bank worker took that approach with me I'd happily close my account because I want to bank with a bank not a branch of the woke social services. 

No, but the junior bank worker, and all the bank staff up to Branch Manager, CEO and chair, are entitled to be shown respect and referred to by their correct chosen pronoun, whether it be he/him, she/her, or they/them.

That being said I took umbrage when the Law Society tried to make us refer to each other as “Advocare….”.

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3 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

It's not a great come back though as many probably would go elsewhere. Trying to exercise some sort of mind control over customers has got nothing to do with commercial businesses. The Halifax is there to bank your money and give you a mortgage. They aren't there to educate you about any issues in life or to tell you what you 'should' think about any given situation. And honestly some condescending idiot junior bank worker took that approach with me I'd happily close my account because I want to bank with a bank not a branch of the woke social services. 

I think you'll struggle then as I'd imagine most if not all High Street banks will take exactly the same approach. And to be honest, they won't give two hoots because the number of people who actually leave will not bother them in the slightest. Take your views back to the 1970's and stuff them in your mattress with your cash.

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33 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

I think you’re entering very dangerous territory by trying to start a debate on which type of cheese is gay enough and which isn’t 😂

A debate about gay cheese is right at my level.

I suppose if the Cheddar's wrapper was extra fancy it would be like Drag Cheese...

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1 minute ago, offshoremanxman said:

The point is about enforced education in a commercial setting. Its not a banks job to tell you what you should think. I'm sure a lot of older customers have issues grasping the whole pronouns thing - it doesn't mean that they should have commercial banking services removed from them because of what they might think. That's getting quite Orwellian (Ministry of Truth etc) in its implementation. Society needs to progress and be more accepting but commercial organisations extending their terms and conditions of service to include being some sort of customer mind police isn't the way to do it IMHO.

No, it’s not enforced education. It’s asking you to show respect. You’re going to call the bank clerk by their given name, unless you’re being more formal and want to use Mr/Mrs ( family name ).

No one is having banking services removed. They’re just being reminded, by management, that they have a choice, and if the name tags really upset them they can go elsewhere, because Halifax choose to support their staff.

Its nothing to do with Orwell, or mind police.

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3 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

The point is about enforced education in a commercial setting. Its not a banks job to tell you what you should think. I'm sure a lot of older customers have issues grasping the whole pronouns thing - it doesn't mean that they should have commercial banking services removed from them because of what they might think. That's getting quite Orwellian (Ministry of Truth etc) in its implementation. Society needs to progress and be more accepting but commercial organisations extending their terms and conditions of service to include being some sort of customer mind police isn't the way to do it IMHO.

So look at it from this perspective. The bank isn't telling you that you have to agree, or forcing anything on you. It is responding directly to abuse, and that shouldn't be tolerated. Go and do your banking, but why get wound up because someone wants to be treated in a certain way? The employer is responsible for that person's well being.

To touch on your point around the role of a bank, most major firms will have some form of corporate and social responsibility policy. Some of that will relate to diversity and inclusion. I do think there is an element a bank (or any other business) can play in improving society and I think that's important. 

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