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Isle of Man Creamery ‘Pride’ cheese

Steady Eddie

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3 minutes ago, HeliX said:

I don't doubt it can block drains and sewers, but eating through them...?

When milk turns sour it becomes more acidic and can attack cement and concrete. 

On a bit of a separate subject the waste from the abattoir was particularly deliterious to the sewers as the fine bits of bone were like extremey tough sharp sand and the effect of the  sewer flow was in effect sandblasting the sewers away.

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28 minutes ago, Boris Johnson said:


Quick Google brings up this and other googling results show it should be treated before being discharged.

It is actually worse than I was told it was it you look into it.(Come on Roger, you are better than this, spend some time on it :-))  Its a proper Industrial waste product, that has no place being discharged into the sea without treatment.

But that wasn't what HeliX was refuting.  You claimed that the whey "it was dissolving the pipes and manholes it goes through".  He was pointing out that even if it was acid whey (which is a by-product of stuff the Creamery doesn't produce, such as cottage cheese and Greek yoghurt) it still wouldn't be acid enough to have anything like the effect you claimed.

Does anyone know what the story is about whether the permission that Douglas Council gave to the Creamery to continue discharging through the waste pipe into the Bay, which would have lapsed in October 2021 was extended.

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1 hour ago, Roger Mexico said:

But that wasn't what HeliX was refuting.  You claimed that the whey "it was dissolving the pipes and manholes it goes through".  He was pointing out that even if it was acid whey (which is a by-product of stuff the Creamery doesn't produce, such as cottage cheese and Greek yoghurt) it still wouldn't be acid enough to have anything like the effect you claimed.

Does anyone know what the story is about whether the permission that Douglas Council gave to the Creamery to continue discharging through the waste pipe into the Bay, which would have lapsed in October 2021 was extended.

Roger, go to the bottom of Broadway on a Sunday morning before 5am* when DOI are cleaning out the whey pipe and ask the DOI guys what it is doing/ done to the manholes and pipes there and  manholes and pipes further up the hill, all the way to the creamery.

*I was walking home one very early morning from a night out in town about 16-17 years ago and asked the men from DOI on the job what they were doing before telling them I loved them, hic..hic'. as you do 🙂 .............They told me to piss off but not before they spilled the beans about the whey, it really stank BTW.

I looked into it after the "discussion" at  the time and the whey pipe and the discharge to the bay was only introduced because of IRIS as the treatment at the Santon plant could not stand the toxic nature of the whey about 25 years ago.

I am not making this SH1T up, it is really and I mean really bad stuff and eats concrete/ cement for fun

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3 hours ago, Newsdesk said:

I think that’s were most people think the pronoun labeling pushes the bounds of common sense. 

Bang on. Whilst most people would have some sympathy or respect for the trans movement ( myself included) things like this bring it into disrepute.And has the potential to turn them against it.

What next? People wearing badges saying “ I identify as a horse, please call me Dobbin”


Edited by The Voice of Reason
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59 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Bang on. Whilst most people would have some sympathy or respect for the trans movement ( myself included) things like this bring it into disrepute.And has the potential to turn them against it.

What next? People wearing badges saying “ I identify as a horse, please call me Dobbin”


You'll have to explain to me how it's possible to sympathise with and respect the trans movement whilst thinking pronouns (which are someone's gender expression, and therefore directly related to whether they're trans, non-binary or cis) bring it into disrepute.

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9 minutes ago, HeliX said:

You'll have to explain to me how it's possible to sympathise with and respect the trans movement whilst thinking pronouns (which are someone's gender expression, and therefore directly related to whether they're trans, non-binary or cis) bring it into disrepute.

That’s not what I said therefore I have nothing to explain to you.

As an aside I respect the lesbian and gay movement , who by and large don’t feel the need to advertise their sexuality by wearing badges .

I also don’t feel the need to wear a badge stating that “ I don’t like broccoli”

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55 minutes ago, HeliX said:

You'll have to explain to me how it's possible to sympathise with and respect the trans movement whilst thinking pronouns (which are someone's gender expression, and therefore directly related to whether they're trans, non-binary or cis) bring it into disrepute.

As ever @The Voice of Reason is anything but.

Just treat them as a troll and remember that there is no point arguing with an idiot.  They will just bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.


(Anyone else spot all the gender neutral pronouns?)

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52 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

That’s not what I said therefore I have nothing to explain to you.

As an aside I respect the lesbian and gay movement , who by and large don’t feel the need to advertise their sexuality by wearing badges .

I also don’t feel the need to wear a badge stating that “ I don’t like broccoli”

Oh dear. 

On the day that London Pride, on its 50th anniversary, saw 1 million participate, by marching, dancing, kissing, wearing badges, rainbow attire and waving flags.

Bears, queens, dykes, leathermen, butch, fairies, bi, queer, mtf, ftm, as well as mere gays and lesbians, and on and on. All with their community identifiers, colours, flags and badges.

I went on a couple of early London marches whilst a student. I’ve been on subsequent ones. 

I’ve got the badges for the NALGO/NALGAY disco at the Villiers in 1982, I’ve got rainbow badges, pink triangles, ones that have all sorts of slogans, picked up, and worn, over the years.

Your arguments are identical to the ones used in UK about ‘67 law change in England, and later in Scotland, Northern Ireland, the Crown Dependencies and the armed forces. The ones used to justify s.28, deny civil partnerships, same sex marriage, an unequal age of consent.

They weren’t correct then for LGB, they aren’t correct now for T. It’s a simple as that.

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5 minutes ago, John Wright said:

Oh dear. 

On the day that London Pride, on its 50th anniversary, saw 1 million participate, by marching, dancing, kissing, wearing badges, rainbow attire and waving flags.

Bears, queens, dykes, leathermen, butch, fairies, bi, queer, mtf, ftm, and on and on. All with their community identifiers, colours, flags and badges.

I went on a couple of early marches whilst a student. I’ve been on subsequent ones. 

I’ve got the badges for the NALGO/NALGAY disco at the Villiers in 1982, I’ve got rainbow badges, pink triangles, ones that have all sorts of slogans.

Your arguments are identical to the ones used in UK about ‘67 law change in England, and later in Scotland, Northern Ireland, the Crown Dependencies and the armed forces. The ones used to justify s.28, deny civil partnerships, same sex marriage, an unequal age of consent.

They weren’t correct then for LGB, they aren’t correct now for T. It’s a simple as that.


I think you misunderstand me. I’m all in favor of civil partnerships, same sex marriage and equal age of consent. Please point me to any postings I may have made contrary to that.

I totally refute your allegation that my arguments are in any way identical to the ones you use about ‘ 67 law change etc. In fact I find that quite offensive. I have always supported gay rights.

And I don’t give a fuck about the badges you may have collected at the Villiers and elsewhere. It’s not about that

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Is the 'Queer' title OK to use? I wouldn't be comfortable using it.

I remember it being used disparagingly in the 60s by people who didn't want to understand and was surprised that the Museum used it.

Is it like the N word? It's Ok for gay people to use?

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2 hours ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Bang on. Whilst most people would have some sympathy or respect for the trans movement ( myself included) things like this bring it into disrepute.And has the potential to turn them against it.

What next? People wearing badges saying “ I identify as a horse, please call me Dobbin”


Not about badges?

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Just now, The Voice of Reason said:


I think you misunderstand me. I’m all in favor of civil partnerships, same sex marriage and equal age of consent. Please point me to any postings I may have made contrary to that.

I totally refute your allegation that my arguments are in any way identical to the ones you use about ‘ 67 law change etc. In fact I find that quite offensive. I have always supported gay rights.

And I don’t give a fuck about the badges you may have collected at the Villiers and elsewhere. It’s not about that

No, you misunderstand me. Where did I attribute views against partnerships marriage or consent to you?

The arguments then are directly related and analogous to those used against the slow and tortured advance of LGB equality and inclusion.

As for badges, it was you that alleged that LGB didn’t wear badges flaunting their sexuality. We did. We do. And very successfully. 

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5 minutes ago, Kopek said:

Is the 'Queer' title OK to use? I wouldn't be comfortable using it.

I remember it being used disparagingly in the 60s by people who didn't want to understand and was surprised that the Museum used it.

Is it like the N word? It's Ok for gay people to use?

It’s been rehabilitated, it’s use reclaimed by some sectors of the LGBT community. It signifies radical, and non conforming, whether of sexuality or gender.

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