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Isle of Man Creamery ‘Pride’ cheese

Steady Eddie

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13 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

It isn’t really a governance requirement. It’s an advertising requirement like saying you have a CSR policy or that your staff voluntarily pick up used johnnies on beaches on a Saturday. It’s so cynical. It’s just ticking boxes on a social media strategy to try to show you ‘care’ when you don’t.


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3 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

Genuinely that’s the situation. Some crappy bank like HSBC has people clearing crap off a beach in their own spare time. All so they can do a press release about how great they are. When they still don’t care about those staff or their customers. It’s basically ridiculous. 

In their own spare time? No, in the Bank's time. The Bank is giving up thousands of hours of work time per year to give back to the community, which is surely nothing but a positive?

Gladys has described it perfectly above: ESG is now a massive part of how big business operates, part of which is volunteering time. Other aspects are diversity and inclusion, response to climate change, sustainability. 

See my earlier post about caring about staff.

Final point, it is increasingly a governance requirement that you can display a robust ESG policy, in particular around some of the topics discussed in this thread e.g. pronouns.

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2 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

Genuinely that’s the situation. Some crappy bank like HSBC has people clearing crap off a beach in their own spare time. All so they can do a press release about how great they are. When they still don’t care about those staff or their customers. It’s basically ridiculous. 

So, what are we talking about the Creamery or Halifax?  I've explained the backdrop for Halifax. 

In either case, even in your HSBC example, what is offensive?  Whatever the motivation, there are benefits to the wider community by corporates doing this kind of thing. 

There is also the equality legislation which corporates have to take into account.

Unfortunately, you will will find that the drive behind this wider social responsibility is real and has momentum.  Not only does it cover the 'fluffier' bits, but also the harder stuff to swallow like massive environmental impact, modern slavery and exploitation.

So, if it upsets you about being asked to use a particular pronoun, perhaps just think about these other things that are being addressed too.  It starts with governments then the big companies, amd now should filter through the rest. 

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1 hour ago, hissingsid said:

Good on the Creamery it is a way that they can show support and hopefully contribute some cash to a good cause.   Why do people take the proverbial out of anyone or any company that show initiative and try to do a bit of good in the miserable world we live in ?

Good cause - Preventing Cancer, The Isle of Man Hospice, Dementia, Altzheimers ………. If the Creamery wanted to support Manx Residents and Consumers, then perhaps it would run a promotion reducing the prices of its products. Cheaper cheese, butter etc helps all consumers, whatever sexual persuasion. 

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4 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

What a load of nonsense. It’s mostly done at weekends and staff are drafted in on their spare time to make their employers look good and little else. Subtle bribery at play. Some signing up thinking it makes them look good from a career progression point of view. But basically all done cynically to tick a box on a CSR or ESG matrix and provide some Facebook or Twitter content about how great they are. Nothing else. The bank will still sack or make redundant any of the participants when it suits them. Anyone who plays that game is basically an idiot.

Nope.  The company I work for allows the time off from work. 

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2 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

What a load of nonsense. It’s mostly done at weekends and staff are drafted in on their spare time to make their employers look good and little else. Subtle bribery at play. Some signing up thinking it makes them look good from a career progression point of view. But basically all done cynically to tick a box on a CSR or ESG matrix and provide some Facebook or Twitter content about how great they are. Nothing else. The bank will still sack or make redundant any of the participants when it suits them. Anyone who plays that game is basically an idiot.

OK. I give up at this point as you've clearly got some kind of axe to grind.

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3 hours ago, Capt_Mainwaring said:

I'll tell you why.

Because the young lad or lass reading this kind of absolute shite might be the next one to end up committing suicide. And the family will be left torn apart. The creamery are donating 10p from every pack to the Isle of Pride charity who support people in these kind of situations, plus help with education and other community activities. There are still people being turned down for jobs because of the way they speak or dress or who they identify as.

Saw a great piece from the Halifax yesterday, customers were getting all hot under the collar about a member of staff having pronouns on her badge. Halifax response: close your account and go elsewhere. Great comeback. 

Thankfully the Alf Garnett-esque members of society are dwindling apart from the noisy few. 


Whilst you make a good point, does what you say, particularly with employment recruitment practices actually happen on the Isle of Man? If so, then perhaps legislation is needed, and quotas to ensure that IOMG CS employ LGBTQIA+Community members, Disabled, Members of Religious Communities, Different Nationalities etc. Equal Opportunities. Sadly this definitely  doesn’t apply to the Isle of Man. 

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5 minutes ago, 2112 said:

Whilst you make a good point, does what you say, particularly with employment recruitment practices actually happen on the Isle of Man? If so, then perhaps legislation is needed, and quotas to ensure that IOMG CS employ LGBTQIA+Community members, Disabled, Members of Religious Communities, Different Nationalities etc. Equal Opportunities. Sadly this definitely  doesn’t apply to the Isle of Man. 

There is already equality legislation, not sure about quotas because that can become a box ticking exercise.   

The hope is that local companies will embrace the ESG and s172 objectives voluntarily. 

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2 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

I’ve presented loads of facts. All I’ve got back is nothingness about corporate ESG programmes which are the biggest joke going. Can we get back to gay cheese?

No you haven't.  I have given you fact and referred to the legislation in the UK.  I have also said that my employer does give time off for community work, which is a fact, but you dismissed that. 

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11 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

No you’ve clearly run out of argument. 

OK, I'll bite.

In their own time - is that just HSBC?

Redundancy - has happened for many, many years. Jobs come and go. If you keep your skills up to date and relevant, it isn't a problem. Actually, an opportunity in most cases.

The sack - not the employers problem. If someone is underperforming, that's only down to them. Although I'd hope the employer would do their best to stop it getting that far.

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