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JK Rowling Manx Flag Controversy


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4 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

That’s a very good point you make about your young daughter using a public toilet  being followed in by what may look like a bloke in a dress ( however innocent they may be)

Its about balancing rights, your daughters rights to not feel uncomfortable or intimidated ( and your own right not to feel concerned) , and that of the trans person.

On balance my view would be that your daughter’s rights take preference whilst recognizing that this may impact negatively on the rights of the trans person.

Unfortunately in society these trade offs sometimes have to be made. 

As I pointed out in an earlier post, over half of trans people surveyed out of 28,000 in the US avoid public bathrooms. 

30% avoid eating or drinking to try and avoid them further. 

8% have given themselves UTIs or kidney issues in the process. 

Generally, trans people really don’t want to draw attention to themselves by making people uncomfortable. 

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4 minutes ago, Hoops said:

We have no idea how many transgender prisoners are currently in prison for sexual offences.

Well. We can find out that on 30th April 2021, there were 197 transgender people in prison in total. Out of total offenders being 77416  

If we assume the same distribution, then 18% were in for sexual offences. Leaving us with a figure of 35. 

So, back to the grind. 

So, overall 1 in 4852 of UK population imprisoned for sexual offences. 

Assume the lowest trans population estimate of 200k, we get 1 in 5714 trans people in prison at that time for those offences. Assume 500k population and we get 1 in 14286. 

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Just now, offshoremanxman said:

You’re basically just a pointless woke echo chamber. I can’t even deal with the whiney voice that comes into my head when I read your smug posts. 

Yet you keep on reading them and responding too. I do get excited when I see your little confused face pop up.

By the time you’re resorting to calling someone woke, you’re probably being objectionable. 

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1 minute ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

Yet you keep on reading them and responding too. I do get excited when I see your little confused face pop up.

By the time you’re resorting to calling someone woke, you’re probably being objectionable. 

I'm still not sure they know what woke means and as usual, just throw it in there because they hear other people use it to try to belittle the views of others they don't agree with.

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6 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

That’s an interesting post by Quilp. Basically as I’ve frequently said above the main issue with Rowling et all is that they are seeing trans rights trumping or removing or diluting some of the rights and protections women have fought for for hundreds of years. That’s it. About 10 pages above have been blown out of all proportion when really that has been the consistent opposing argument. 

Chie put forth a very good post addressing the issue.

Have a looksee here.

You might be less confused reading it again.

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3 minutes ago, hampsterkahn said:

This is probably a very naive question,  but a genuine one :

can you explain the reference to   Manx flag in all of this?

It's got 3 legs and they were talking about JK Rowling being "a thirder" (something about being either 66% or 33% lesbian, I forget which side it was).

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The three legs are a reference to thirders. I thought that was a term of derision to call supporters or proponents of third theory, rather than halfers, in relation to the sleeping beauty problem. Thirding is described sometimes as a naive majority view.

1 hour ago, hampsterkahn said:

This is probably a very naive question,  but a genuine one :

can you explain the reference to   Manx flag in all of this?


57 minutes ago, HeliX said:

It's got 3 legs and they were talking about JK Rowling being "a thirder" (something about being either 66% or 33% lesbian, I forget which side it was).


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4 hours ago, John Wright said:

The three legs are a reference to thirders. I thought that was a term of derision to call supporters or proponents of third theory, rather than halfers, in relation to the sleeping beauty problem. Thirding is described sometimes as a naive majority view.



Nope, still don’t get it - I get lost after the three legs 

sleeping beauty problem ? 

I ‘m just thick and live in a different world.

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