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22 minutes ago, Declan said:

It trips my dyslexic brain up (like the whole my left or your left thing). I find if I just ignore the trans part everything makes sense for every practical I'm going to have it's irrelevant.  If someone says they're a woman why debate it.

I only ask to find out whether the person has made the journey or is yet to start it.  

Edited by Gladys
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54 minutes ago, Gladys said:

I only ask to find out whether the person has made the journey or is yet to start it.  

The terminology of "transgender man" or "transgender woman" doesn't really give any indication of that.  Nor should it I suppose, someone's medical history is their own business. Some people are happy to share whether they've begun to transition, be it socially, pharmacologically or surgically, or not at all, but it's not really built into any of the terminology.

"The Transgender Issue" by Shon Faye is really good, and a real eye opener. https://www.penguin.co.uk/authors/141689/shon-faye

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Why is even a concept? We are born with our bits as nature intended. A vanishingly small number have “odd bits” in that context and deserve understanding and help. Medical science cannot make girl into a boy, or vice versa.

To say that a boy who likes frocks and dolls is trans is nonsense; he’s a boy who likes frocks. We have general, social acceptance that anyone may be physically attracted to anyone else, whatever their sex. So why not just accept that people like different things? This is simply a revamp of the “Old” prejudices - pink for girls and blue for boys.

so glad I was brought up in different times. As a girl who wanted to be a fighter pilot, I might have been told I was a boy in a girl’s body. Not the case.

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14 minutes ago, Flyingfemme said:

Why is even a concept? We are born with our bits as nature intended. A vanishingly small number have “odd bits” in that context and deserve understanding and help. Medical science cannot make girl into a boy, or vice versa.

To say that a boy who likes frocks and dolls is trans is nonsense; he’s a boy who likes frocks. We have general, social acceptance that anyone may be physically attracted to anyone else, whatever their sex. So why not just accept that people like different things? This is simply a revamp of the “Old” prejudices - pink for girls and blue for boys.

so glad I was brought up in different times. As a girl who wanted to be a fighter pilot, I might have been told I was a boy in a girl’s body. Not the case.

What a sad, ill-informed post.

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24 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

I thought it was quite sensible. Especially the bit regarding understanding and help. Can’t see anything controversial in the post. It wasn’t aggressive or anything like that. Have I misunderstood the post or have I missed something?

You’ve missed that some people are trans. The have gender dysphoria. Their body doesn’t match what their mind says they are gender wise.

It seems impossible to treat with psychiatric or psychological treatment. Just like homosexuality. So, do you let those people suffer, huge self harm and suicide rates reported, or do you surgically intervene so that external physical attributes more nearly fit what the mind expects.

And for most the surgery doesn’t go the fullest hog, breast reduction for ftm, but no bottom surgery, etc. Most ftm people I know are happy with the degree of growth testosterone gives their clitoris and don’t go for phalloplasty.

Then there’s body dysmorphia. That’s when you don’t like the appearance of external attributes. So compulsive plastic surgery, penis expansion/enhancement. Often the physical results still aren’t acceptable. Psychological and psychiatric treatment appears a better option.

Of course there may be an overlay, and there’s no explanation as to why the number presenting with dysphoria has increased so much from 100-200 a year a decade ago to nearly 3,000 now.

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3 hours ago, Flyingfemme said:

Why is even a concept? We are born with our bits as nature intended. A vanishingly small number have “odd bits” in that context and deserve understanding and help. Medical science cannot make girl into a boy, or vice versa.

To say that a boy who likes frocks and dolls is trans is nonsense; he’s a boy who likes frocks. We have general, social acceptance that anyone may be physically attracted to anyone else, whatever their sex. So why not just accept that people like different things? This is simply a revamp of the “Old” prejudices - pink for girls and blue for boys.

so glad I was brought up in different times. As a girl who wanted to be a fighter pilot, I might have been told I was a boy in a girl’s body. Not the case.

Nature in itself can get it wrong all the time. You can come out with all sorts of jumbled chromosomes but look like you fit in an arbitrary box.

You can actually see differences in the brain structure of a trans person and the gender they were born with. Their biology can be somewhat different to a cisgender (non trans) person too. 

A boy that likes frocks can quite happily like frocks. Many drag queens for example, are very happy and content gay or straight men. Drag is not about their gender identity, but their self expression. Nobody is trying to denounce that or say that isn’t the case.

But for some people, it isn’t about liking frocks, it’s about having a pit in your stomach everyone calls you he or she, in a way which doesn’t line up with your internal self. It can be looking at yourself in the mirror and wanting desperately to change what you see, as the turmoil of the present is simply too much to bear. 

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3 hours ago, Bandits said:

That’s the problem with this subject. Nobody gets to have a view if they don’t explicitly agree with everything they want you to agree with. It’s just bullying. 

Understandably, the people who are trying to deny other people’s existence do get jumped on a bit by those who just want to get on with their existence.

If you tried in the modern day to say gay people shouldn’t exist, you’d probably not go down too well either with a lot of people. 

It’s also used as a headline to take attention off of more important things like blundering into another recession and the shitshow that has been brexit. It gets people riled up and voting Tory by playing on their misunderstandings and preconceptions. 

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