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Laxey Beach Cafe


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Easy to make these suggestions during a heat wave, showers, lockers etc. In my experience, at least 2/3 of the year involves huddling under blankets (provided by the cafe) in the shelter, avoiding the wind and rain, sea is far too cold/choppy for swimmers etc.  Surely there are already facilities at both ends of the prom, harbour toilets and the toilets by The Shed.  There used to an additional unused building that had the look of beach huts, since late last week this now sells gelato….

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2 hours ago, Two-lane said:

The Commissioners have stated what they don't want - what exists - but have not given any details of what they do want, other than supplying a short piece of text.

She’s a commissioner. She knows exactly what they want. Which is why she’s objecting to it. 

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This shit storm has developed into a petition, having garnered over 3200 signatures. It’s target is 5000 signatures. Commissioners and MHKs only ever take notice when petitions go over the target. Daffy and that invisible MHK that looks like Blakey should nail their colours to the mast. 

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On the other hand, they have tried to reduce the Dog shit on pavements, sucessfully,  improve the state of the pavements, parking on pavements causing pram pushers to go into the roadway, introduced Resident Parking Permits , improved street lighting for everyones' benefit ( except for the prom ) and tried hard, despite the rising costs to maintain a weekly bin service despite lack of cooperation from householders who will fill their bin with empty Amazon boxes?

Need I go on? What did you do for your Community today???

Edited by Kopek
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15 minutes ago, 2112 said:

This shit storm has developed into a petition, having garnered over 3200 signatures. It’s target is 5000 signatures. Commissioners and MHKs only ever take notice when petitions go over the target 

The woman who runs the cafe SHE’S A COMMISSIONER. 

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As has been established. What is your problem with that? It's obvious that her seat has not given her any favours with the cafe circumstance that has come to be.

Are you connected to the other cafe on the south side? Do you have a particular beef with this Woman???  She declared an interest, will you???

Your arguments are neither explained nor justified!!!!

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According to MR she found out about it from a lawyer's letter. If she's a commissioner presumably she's known personally to the other commissioners. Wouldn't the common sense approach have been to have spoken to her an informed her of their decision? Sending a lawyer's letter is an expensive cowardly approach which is bound to get the recipients back up, regardless of whether their plans for the shelter are right or wrong.



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5 minutes ago, Kopek said:

As has been established. What is your problem with that? It's obvious that her seat has not given her any favours with the cafe circumstance that has come to be.

Is there something wrong with you mentally to be fair? She is a commissioner. She didn’t get her way. Now she’s trying to milk public opinion to get her way via a public petition. That’s fairly shoddy tactics in my book. This is a commissioners decision and if she doesn’t like it she should take it up with her fellow commissioners not try to hoodwink the public to support her attacking the people she works with.

I have no vested interest other than pointing out the obvious. She’s clearly abusing her status as a commission. 

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So you agree the shelter should be cleared out, tables and chairs removed and then wait for the new works to begin, when? No matter how horrid you perceive her to be you have  not explained how, other than thru legalise this could have been handled? Maybe the Comms will allow an extension of the status quo till the works begin????

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10 minutes ago, Kopek said:

So you agree the shelter should be cleared out, tables and chairs removed and then wait for the new works to begin, when?

She’s a commissioner. That’s what the commissioners have decided. She’s basically abusing her status as a commissioner by launching a public petition about a decision the commissioners have validly made. What part of that do you not get? 

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Irrespective of personalities involved, the principal of, is a shower more likely to attract visitors than a cafe a valid one. As someone said there are far more people brave enough to drink Latte and eat toast than there are swimming in the sea !

A beach changing showering facility is unlikely to contribute much to the area if at all !

Trying to be objective, rather then just spout my utter disdain for Garff commissioners.

Edited by asitis
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