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13 hours ago, asitis said:

I note that some of the houses on the Dandara development at Ballasalla have signs advertising their rental by Dandara. I'm not sure how this can work as a strategy for the good of the housing needs, developers being landlords for their unsold !

Again how this helps the young get on the housing ladder is beyond me !

We need to solve the retention of young people, but Government seem to think developers are the answer, they clearly are not or we wouldn't have the problem of affordable first time buyers houses in the first place.

Developers are not philanthropists, if Government can get that in their heads we might see a way forward.


Dandara act as letting agents for buy to let landlords.  8% return on investment less dandaras fee.

Stopping this should be a priority for Chris Thomas. 

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22 minutes ago, cissolt said:

Dandara act as letting agents for buy to let landlords.  8% return on investment less dandaras fee.

Stopping this should be a priority for Chris Thomas. 

I don't see how you can stop it.

Here in Rushen a nice 2-bed property came on the market. I went to see the EA on behalf of someone else. They told me they already had a cash buyer to whom they had recently sold something similar. I had a chat to them when they turned up. They told me the letting agent was - the EA!

All very quick, cosy, profitable and yet another property that a young Manx family couldn't buy.

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53 minutes ago, cissolt said:

Dandara act as letting agents for buy to let landlords.  8% return on investment less dandaras fee.

Stopping this should be a priority for Chris Thomas. 

Should be, but won’t be. Probably lots of talk going on but it’s the Isle of Man Where You Can …………….. along with the vested  interests so it won’t happen. If the politicos wanted to seriously put a stop on certain practices they could do it, after all, if someone wanted to bring something over from the UK and it clashes with a local trader, you will find local politicos interfere and raising objections, to the point where people throw in the towel. 

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Dandara are toxic for the island. You only have to look at their behaviour towards Fort Island Hotel where they are creating an eyesore and hazard simply because at the moment they can't get their own way !

The tail is wagging the dog !

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Increasing the population to 100,000 in an effort to increase economically active population,( for that, read Government revenue), seems like a reasonable aspiration, from a fiscal point of view. ( Not from a environmental point of view)

However, as our administration cannot provide frontline services for the population we already have, and has a more than healthy income with which to do so, what makes them think they could provide for 100,000 people ?

We have a crisis in Education, Health, retaining young people etc etc and all whilst over the past thirty years, buckets of money has gone, well somewhere !

Just make a better job of administering what you already have before gambling on more money to solve all !

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5 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

I'm sure he answered the question in good faith and based on the 'facts' provided to him by Bus Vannin. Not his fault if he was given duff gen.

His very carefully worded answer suggested that he was aware that what he was "reciting" may have been somewhat "economical with the actualité". In which case there should have been no excuse for him not to have queried it with his suppliers either before or after. That is part of what elected representatives are there to do.

The Indy headline of the time, "Cloud and Crookall Land" spoke volumes.

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2 minutes ago, WTF said:

well, once you've cancelled a bus it isn't supposed to run is it ? therefore  all buses that were meant to run did.   😉

But they’ve move on now. An announcement yesterday warned of services “possibly subject to cancellation” so they aren’t even telling people they’re cancelled now. Just that they probably shouldn’t get certain buses if they actually want to use a bus. It’s so unbelievably shit. 

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On 7/20/2022 at 8:42 PM, Mr Helmut Fromage said:

Quiet possibly the most racist and utterly disgusting post I’ve see on here  absolutely wow - take a look in the mirror if you like what you see turn away take a minute and look again- the person staring back is still a narrow minded bigoted racist CUNT


@daisyI must be a narrow minded racist cxxd too then 🤔 

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