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Alf Cannan's I Have A Dream

Dirty Buggane

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1 hour ago, Apple said:

It could be argued that Alf set Rob up to fail knowing that the 'three amigos' as the man in the pub last night called them did not want Rob from the very beginning. Then having got Rob to resign when they inevitably moaned about him Alf could then legitimately and properly asked David Ashford to get back on the DHSC horse. If so, his plan has backfired and his creditably is badly damaged.

I don't think even Baldrick would regard that as a cunning plan.

What happened I think is simpler and much more driven by circumstance.  The needed a new DfE Minister.  Cannan could keep doing two jobs and there would have been all sorts of legal problems.  Because the electorate had cleared out so many possible Ministers and he's already lost Ashford and Crookall, the only people remaining apart from newbies were Watterson (Speaker), Caine (happy with her Board and also Deputy Speaker), Moorhouse (I'm pretty sure has turned down any position), Corlett (the same) and Callister.

Now Callister clearly, desperately wanted DfE, but it was also clear that Cannan was never going to put him there. Presumably there were objections from within the civil service, you could imagine Rob being so dumb that he would accidentally reveal all the scams.  So the obvious move was to move Hooper over to DfE as he was clearly unhappy at DHSC and taking responsibility for stuff he had no power over and being lied to over stuff he nominally did control.

Putting Callister in DHSC then got him away from DfE and gave him a small Department where he couldn't do much harm.  Rob may not be clever, but he always seems to be willing to do what he is told.  But he clearly felt he should be doing something and doing something in response to people complaints about the health service.  The civil servants remaining in the DHSC were survivors from the old regime and its toxic culture and no one knows what the Department is for. 

Any attempt to do anything would be seen as an infringement of the bureaucracy and any attempt to introduce responsibility led to cries of alarm and offence.  Whether Callister was right or not (maybe) and whether he intervened in the most tactful and constructive way (almost certainly not) is irrelevant.  A clash was inevitable with any Minister who went beyond parroting what he was told.


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13 hours ago, Apple said:

That just perpetuates the problems and means no-one is held accountable. So bad managers remain in place and learn they can get away with it. Time it stopped. 

It could be argued that Alf set Rob up to fail knowing that the 'three amigos' as the man in the pub last night called them did not want Rob from the very beginning. Then having got Rob to resign when they inevitably moaned about him Alf could then legitimately and properly asked David Ashford to get back on the DHSC horse. If so, his plan has backfired and his creditably is badly damaged.

All speculation of course. 

Very plausible. 

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The question is who will be dumb enough to take this position on ?    I can see Hooper holding his temporary role for a while even though things did not work out the first time around.   My impression of Hooper is he does not get too involved just issues statements from time to time to justify his existence.

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22 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

Putting Callister in DHSC then got him away from DfE and gave him a small Department where he couldn't do much harm.  Rob may not be clever, but he always seems to be willing to do what he is told.  But he clearly felt he should be doing something and doing something in response to people complaints about the health service.  The civil servants remaining in the DHSC were survivors from the old regime and its toxic culture and no one knows what the Department is for. 

Doubtful to be honest. 

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Spot on Roger M .   Rob is enthusiastic and probably asked the wrong questions.   He is always very helpful and cares which does not do in politics.    Hooper has it down to a fine art keeping his distance and committing to nothing anyone querying his actions or mostly non actions gets the brush off.   I listened to him being asked about the new timetable for the races in Tynwald and he managed to say very little and refused to answer some questions saying he would not repeat himself, very brusque a bit like Alfie really in manner, how very dare people ask him these things. That is the impression I got anyway.

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4 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

Spot on Roger M .   Rob is enthusiastic and probably asked the wrong questions.   He is always very helpful and cares which does not do in politics.    Hooper has it down to a fine art keeping his distance and committing to nothing anyone querying his actions or mostly non actions gets the brush off.   I listened to him being asked about the new timetable for the races in Tynwald and he managed to say very little and refused to answer some questions saying he would not repeat himself, very brusque a bit like Alfie really in manner, how very dare people ask him these things. That is the impression I got anyway.

You’ve got Hooper spot on!! A mini Alf who likes to be seen as a voice of the people via libvan

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6 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

Spot on Roger M .   Rob is enthusiastic and probably asked the wrong questions.   He is always very helpful and cares which does not do in politics.    Hooper has it down to a fine art keeping his distance and committing to nothing anyone querying his actions or mostly non actions gets the brush off.   I listened to him being asked about the new timetable for the races in Tynwald and he managed to say very little and refused to answer some questions saying he would not repeat himself, very brusque a bit like Alfie really in manner, how very dare people ask him these things. That is the impression I got anyway.

RC is a very good constituency MHK, much like Quirkio was but neither cut out for ministerial level politics despite RC's protestations to the contrary. 

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On 11/19/2022 at 12:35 AM, Roger Mexico said:

The civil servants remaining in the DHSC were survivors from the old regime and its toxic culture and no one knows what the Department is for. 

I wonder whether RC told Alf about the situation he found at the DHSC.

Maybe that will come out at the Standards Committee investigation. Hopefully.

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  • 1 month later...

Apparently the multi million pound scheme to build a large campus with offices and staff accommodation whilst most of public opinion  are in favour, has hit a snag. Isle of Man Enterprises (owners of Shopshite) are objecting. They are appealing the decision to give approval to the scheme. Will the GMP be sympathetic to Shopshite? Will this development get off the ground or will the developers and owners of the site, get fed up and find a more welcoming country?

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14 minutes ago, 2112 said:

Apparently the multi million pound scheme to build a large campus with offices and staff accommodation whilst most of public opinion  are in favour, has hit a snag. Isle of Man Enterprises (owners of Shopshite) are objecting. They are appealing the decision to give approval to the scheme. Will the GMP be sympathetic to Shopshite? Will this development get off the ground or will the developers and owners of the site, get fed up and find a more welcoming country?

Here’s the report on appeal hopefully get rejected 


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14 minutes ago, 2112 said:

Apparently the multi million pound scheme to build a large campus with offices and staff accommodation whilst most of public opinion  are in favour, has hit a snag. Isle of Man Enterprises (owners of Shopshite) are objecting. They are appealing the decision to give approval to the scheme. Will the GMP be sympathetic to Shopshite? Will this development get off the ground or will the developers and owners of the site, get fed up and find a more welcoming country?

It will win through the appeal no doubt. DFE involvement might however count against them, because IoME won't fall for fantasy numbers.

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