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Alf Cannan's I Have A Dream

Dirty Buggane

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10 hours ago, 2112 said:

I’m curious about this event, especially as it’s being held at the Villa Marina, which is taxpayer owned!

Triskel Promotions was shafted by IOMG/VillaGaiety over terms and conditions., resulting in the cancellation of the Lightening Seeds Show.

Yet IOMG and it’s propaganda machine decide to use the venue ‘gratis’ over 2 days, for use to push their bullshit down the publics throats. Except it isn’t gratis, it will cost the taxpayers/GMB, especially as the VG will be fully staffed, I doubt there will be a bar open. Will food be provided? 

It will cost the taxpayers, for Alf and Co to showboat and grandstand. Perhaps Alf and the COMIN are going to use their personal funds so it doesn’t cost the taxpayers? Or are one of IOMG pet contractors going to sponsor the event? 

If IOMG think they can use the VillaGaiety free, and charge the taxpayers, and stiff other promoters, then I’m afraid they are mistaken.

On the other hand, if IOMG were to hire out a private venue for this "conference", there would be an outcry from the GMP saying, "Why couldn't they use the Villa Marina? It would cost taxpayers far less."

Not to mention the conspiracy theories which would likely arise... "It wasn't even put out to tender and the venue owner is a good mate of the CM."

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11 hours ago, 2112 said:

Couldn’t agree more. Alf is now pathetic, and I’m afraid to say, I don’t know who is worse, him or Quayle. 

Bit harsh. The role is poisoned chalice. He is one man at the helm of a bureaucratic juggernaut which is leaking. The whole ship is sinking slowly and as fast as we can plug one hole another appears. He'll serve his time to the best of ability, say the right things, take his pension and retire into his other interests. I don't mean that disrespectfully. Then another will replace him and the circus carries on. 

Edited by Lxxx
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27 minutes ago, quilp said:

It's up to people to create change, not governments. 

Only true change can come if it is directed from London. The civil service here is all encompassing, the public sector is the largest employer and politicians come and go. Either that or a disaster/catastrophe happens to force it. 

Edited by Lxxx
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9 minutes ago, Dirty Buggane said:

Remember when we said hurrah when Quale threw in the towel. We all rejoiced and danced in the street ding dong the p%*$# has gone. He must be the worst chief minister ever.

That's turned round and bite us in the arse

True, but st least Cannan had some decorum and knew which knife and fork, to use.

Some of the elected politicos are somewhat second rate or too inexperienced, which is why Alf is resuming the DfE brief again, or he would have appointed a Minister. 

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2 hours ago, Lxxx said:

Bit harsh. The role is poisoned chalice. He is one man at the helm of a bureaucratic juggernaut which is leaking. The whole ship is sinking slowly and as fast as we can plug one hole another appears. He'll serve his time to the best of ability, say the right things, take his pension and retire into his other interests. I don't mean that disrespectfully. Then another will replace him and the circus carries on. 

This is just the issue though. These good people take their superannuation (and handsome it us) and the warmer climate opportunities and the rest of us are left to pick up the tab for either what they promised to address and didn't; or their overt failures and disaster creations.

Then the circus carries on with the ship taking on unsustainable amounts of water.

But what happens when the ship can't stay afloat any longer? Who takes responsibility for that? And what do those without gold plated lifeboats do?

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Alf needs to worry about the numbers of people leaving right now, my other half has finally had enough of Nobles and is taking her 20+ years of frontline experience with her, (i'm a hated civil servant so no loss there really) and she's not the only one.

Still Alf at least your trams will be painted, your gambling site will be serviced and your pizza's made, might need flying off for a minor operation though or any accident worse than an ouchy on your pinky.


EDIT FYI i'm on my allotted coffee break.

Edited by The Chief
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4 hours ago, Dirty Buggane said:

Remember when we said hurrah when Quale threw in the towel. We all rejoiced and danced in the street ding dong the p%*$# has gone. He must be the worst chief minister ever.

That's turned round and bite us in the arse

Cannan isn't as bad as Quayle - who could be?  For a start he doesn't seem to have self-belief that Quayle had (based on less than nothing) nor his indignation when anyone dares to question whatever nonsense he comes up with.  As I've said, Cannan isn't particularly bright or well-educated, but at least he seems to have some awareness of his limitations, even if that means he is over-trusting in what he is told.  But at least he doesn't accept every bit of nonsense and then repeat it as if he came up with it himself as Quayle and Ashford did.

His biggest problem is that he has all the conventional beliefs of his background and this isn't the best mindset for dealing with the problems the Island faces.  Hence this mindless document that, in so far as it is more than a word-salad, consists of: give some money to our mates; give some jobs to our mates; hope something will turn up.

Oddly Cannan's biggest advantage is what might appear to be a problem.  Unlike Quayle he doesn't have the mindless support of enough of CoMin, Keys or Tynwald to get everything through that he (or rather the civil service) would like.  For example his idea of putting outsiders on Departmental boards[1] was derailed in Tynwald yesterday.


[1]   All these savvy business people that some on here seem to believe the island has an endless supply of.  And yet the one Department that has tried this approach (DfE) is widely considered to be a disaster, especially in those areas where it is most used.  And the previous attempt at replacing politicians with business people was at the MEA when Proffitt was there.  Which did not end well.

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17 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

[1]   All these savvy business people that some on here seem to believe the island has an endless supply of.  And yet the one Department that has tried this approach (DfE) is widely considered to be a disaster, especially in those areas where it is most used.  And the previous attempt at replacing politicians with business people was at the MEA when Proffitt was there.  Which did not end well.

That’s because I’ve rarely met a “savvy” businessman here who hasn’t made it on the back of government contracts or other taxpayer bestowed licenses to print money. There is not one “savvy” businessman on the independent board of the DfE or anywhere else either. They are generally the same kind of Chamber of Commerce failures who have only got anywhere previously due to their mates or government connections. They are far from independent when you look at it objectively. 

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Mr Cannan needs to explain to his team what the term stakeholders means.  Julie Edge today saying that the stakeholders of the swimming pools were the boards and they were being consulted in the review. 

This completely omits the normal definition of a stakeholder which includes everyone who is impacted by the enterprise or organisation.  This includes suppliers, customers/users, employees (oh yes, they are definitely  in there), the local community/ratepayers and the owners. 

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1 hour ago, BriT said:

That’s because I’ve rarely met a “savvy” businessman here who hasn’t made it on the back of government contracts or other taxpayer bestowed licenses to print money. There is not one “savvy” businessman on the independent board of the DfE or anywhere else either. They are generally the same kind of Chamber of Commerce failures who have only got anywhere previously due to their mates or government connections. They are far from independent when you look at it objectively. 

Bill Mummery. MUA?

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