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Alf Cannan's I Have A Dream

Dirty Buggane

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17 hours ago, CrazyDave said:

He has resigned ffs.  It’s all true.

you can say people don’t believe what I post but it’s all fact, and it’s all condensed into little bit sized nuggets rather that long, rambling dull posts full of stuff copied from the internet.

If the rumour isn’t confirmed by this time tomorrow I will never post again.  The rest of us can only hope that you will offer the same if it turns out I am right.

I think it’s this bit that batshit crazy is referring to, giving us a few more hours of his lunatic ramblings.

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1 minute ago, A fool and his money..... said:

What's up? Have you finally run out of email addresses?

Dude.  Are you really as dim as you make out?

Let me break it down for you.

Yesterday I said if it wasn’t confirmed by THIS TIME TOMORROW I would never post again, and I won’t, 

But, let me make this simple for you so you don’t actually need to use a watch.  That was 17 hours ago and there are 24 hours in a day.

Jesus.  It’s like pulling teeth trying to get you to read and understand things properly.


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1 minute ago, CrazyDave said:

Dude.  Are you really as dim as you make out?

Let me break it down for you.

Yesterday I said if it wasn’t confirmed by THIS TIME TOMORROW I would never post again, and I won’t, 

But, let me make this simple for you so you don’t actually need to use a watch.  That was 17 hours ago and there are 24 hours in a day.

Jesus.  It’s like pulling teeth trying to get you to read and understand things properly.


Why prolong the agony? Are you running out of ideas for usernames? There can't be many left that you haven't used.

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3 minutes ago, CrazyDave said:

Dude.  Are you really as dim as you make out?

Let me break it down for you.

Yesterday I said if it wasn’t confirmed by THIS TIME TOMORROW I would never post again, and I won’t, 

But, let me make this simple for you so you don’t actually need to use a watch.  That was 17 hours ago and there are 24 hours in a day.

Jesus.  It’s like pulling teeth trying to get you to read and understand things properly.


"It's all fact"

At least you're consistent I'll give you that. In that all your "facts" turn out to be bollocks, rather than just some.

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3 minutes ago, A fool and his money..... said:

"It's all fact"

At least you're consistent I'll give you that. In that all your "facts" turn out to be bollocks, rather than just some.

Give it up sad lad.

This one turned out to be from a person who is normally very reliable and who genuinely believed what he had heard was accurate.

In this instance it turns out it wasn’t and I hold my hands up and am a man of my word.

Leg it go soppy bollocks. Have you ever actually admitted you got something wrong?  Its normally the noble and honourable thing to do and there seem to have been plenty of occasions where you could have said “sorry, I misunderstood “ and earned yourself a bit of credibility but instead you change the subject or throw in an insult.

For what it’s worth this forum would be a much better place if people accepted they got something wrong and owned it, and also accepted that other peoples experiences of live will vary from theirs. Tagging someone “fantasy Dave” when what they post is actually accurate but you can’t comprehend sassy a lot about a persons lack of life experience.

Refusing to accept that you can’t use. Roundel properly despite numerous people confirming it’s NOT A ROUNDABOUt is a bit pathetic, etc etc.

Got a performance review at 2:30.  Laters.

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Who else is wondering how quickly PC Plod got out to see our esteemed leader. They’re pretty evasive about how long it took them to get there, just as Alfie boy is. It’s not like alcohol metabolises with time or anything.

Maybe I’m just too cynical in my old age.

But showing the dangers of responding to rumour, I’d not heard about this until I saw it on Gef this lunchtime. And immediately wondered why Gef were reporting it with such glee.

Edited by Ringy Rose
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3 minutes ago, CrazyDave said:

Give it up sad lad.

This one turned out to be from a person who is normally very reliable and who genuinely believed what he had heard was accurate.

In this instance it turns out it wasn’t and I hold my hands up and am a man of my word.

Leg it go soppy bollocks. Have you ever actually admitted you got something wrong?  Its normally the noble and honourable thing to do and there seem to have been plenty of occasions where you could have said “sorry, I misunderstood “ and earned yourself a bit of credibility but instead you change the subject or throw in an insult.

For what it’s worth this forum would be a much better place if people accepted they got something wrong and owned it, and also accepted that other peoples experiences of live will vary from theirs. Tagging someone “fantasy Dave” when what they post is actually accurate but you can’t comprehend sassy a lot about a persons lack of life experience.

Refusing to accept that you can’t use. Roundel properly despite numerous people confirming it’s NOT A ROUNDABOUt is a bit pathetic, etc etc.

Got a performance review at 2:30.  Laters.

Bye then, fantasy Dave. If only this really was the last we'd hear from you.

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5 minutes ago, CrazyDave said:

Got a performance review at 2:30.  Laters.

"Well Dave you successfully turned the discussion of the CM's Friday Night into a slanging match, have some more pension.., will you send in Cueball and tell a Fool and his Money its trebles all-round at the Woody at 3"

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8 minutes ago, Ringy Rose said:

Who else is wondering how quickly PC Plod got out to see our esteemed leader. They’re pretty evasive about how long it took them to get there, just as Alfie boy is. It’s not like alcohol metabolises with time or anything.

Maybe I’m just too cynical in my old age.

But showing the dangers of responding to rumour, I’d not heard about this until I saw it on Gef this lunchtime. And immediately wondered why Gef were reporting it with such glee.


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31 minutes ago, Ringy Rose said:

Who else is wondering how quickly PC Plod got out to see our esteemed leader. They’re pretty evasive about how long it took them to get there, just as Alfie boy is. It’s not like alcohol metabolises with time or anything.

Maybe I’m just too cynical in my old age.

But showing the dangers of responding to rumour, I’d not heard about this until I saw it on Gef this lunchtime. And immediately wondered why Gef were reporting it with such glee.

3 hours.

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