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Alf Cannan's I Have A Dream

Dirty Buggane

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1 hour ago, cissolt said:

Manxcare get enough money they just suffer from bloated management layers and poor allocation of budget.  If all they needed was to spend £18 million to clear one waiting list they could have achieved it within their own budget.

Where did you find the information to substantiate this? Please share.

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2 hours ago, cissolt said:

Manxcare get enough money they just suffer from bloated management layers a

....but they get the budget for that level of management, required or not, it is the front line  that need the extra budget?

Sort the front line strain and after that sort the management levels, if that is indeed what is required?

Surely, it is best to reduce the waiting lists rather than worry about the managers???

Srure you could get rid of some of the managment but would that free the funds to provide the medical services???

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  • 2 weeks later...

The construction industry/sector are having a bit of a moan today, about there being a slowdown within the sector. Do I feel sorry for them? Not really, as I feel they will moan, and their views will be listened too, and taken on board, unlike other sectors, eg, retail, tourism and hospitality. It’s worth noting that the construction sector has a taxpayer funded subsidy scheme, designed to stimulus growth, and encourage construction on brownfield sites. What are the construction industry hoping to gain? From the NPM -

Body which represents industry tells Manx Radio of concerns about level of future work

There's growing concern over a slowdown in the Island's construction sector.

Construction Isle of Man says small to large companies, and those which feed the industry, are feeling the impact due to a number of factors.

These include a busy period following Covid-19, the financial climate, ongoing planning issues and a lack of government capital schemes which are being progressed. 

Gary Proctor is the chairman:

Manx Radio has invited the Isle of Man Government to respond.

People are being invited to comment on proposals to streamline the Island's planning system and make it easier for people to use.

A 12-week consultation closes on 23 October - you can find it HERE

Edited by 2112
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2 hours ago, english zloty said:

It's an extraordinary statement from Cannan and you can't really work out if he's incredibly corrupt, incredibly arrogant, incredibly stupid or all three:

Under the Ministerial Code, it is a well-established and recognised rule that no Minister or civil servant should accept gifts, hospitality or services from anyone which would, or might appear to, place him or her under an obligation.

[...] Mr Cannan replied that every one of his attendances at functions, lunches and hospitality events as well as all gifts received in the last eight years are exempt from inclusion on the register.

Saying that you're so incorruptible that that you don't need to declare all the dosh you've been given is just wild.  It's also inconsistent in that if he believes he's so wonderful he shouldn't be telling us now.  You suspect someone had to explain things very carefully to him.  And of course he's not even following the rules which say:

3  A relevant interest is any past interest (existing at any time from 12 months before the Member’s election) or present interest which may affect, or reasonably be perceived as affecting, a Member’s judgement on the way in which he/she may carry out his/her duties, and includes in particular:

[....] (iv)  gifts and benefits in kind of any amount which might be taken to affect the way in which a Member may vote or otherwise carry out their public duties with the name and address of the donor, and the capacity in which the gift or benefit has been given

So it's not for Cannan to decide whether it might affect what he does, it's how it might be 'perceived'.  Even the possibility means that it should be declared.  It's true there is a relevant partial exemption:

but excluding:

[...] (c) attendance at functions in the course of governmental or official parliamentary sponsored duties;

But that doesn't exclude gifts and it doesn't exclude other stuff he's invited to - all the club dinners and those dreadful Awards for Excellence for example. He's been in the Keys for 13 years, he must have gone to something.  Most other Ministers have long entries in that section  - the article points to Allinson but it's true for all except Lord-Brennan and Crookall.

Edited by Roger Mexico
Remove footnote number
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2 hours ago, english zloty said:

You'd think he'd know from his HR side hustle.  Anyone who works in a Financial Services Co that gets any kind of gift or hospitality will always put it in the register..... with HR.   It's generally made pretty clear at the outset (with HR) what the company's bribery and corruption policy is and your obligations under it. 


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The most corruptible 'gifts' are in the contents of his brain and importantly, who put those ideas there?

A glass of wine and a few nibbles will not corrupt him but the 'ear worms' might!

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14 minutes ago, Albert Tatlock said:

I declare I have no interest in Mr Cannan.

But he is not above the law or rules of Tynwald.

If Alfie is starting to believe that the rules no longer apply to him; then Alfie has been in the job too long.

And/or has become too accustomed to the CS blowing smoke up his arse.

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Just now, Non-Believer said:

If Alfie is starting to believe that the rules no longer apply to him; then Alfie has been in the job too long.

And/or has become too accustomed to the CS blowing smoke up his arse.

Hardly 'starting'.  He's the second-longest serving MHK and has never put anything there.  Even most backbenchers are punctilious about it.  Rather it's an inbuilt (hereditary?) belief that he is entitled to such things and the plebs aren't entitled to know about it.

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2 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

It's an extraordinary statement from Cannan and you can't really work out if he's incredibly corrupt, incredibly arrogant, incredibly stupid or all three

Temu Toryboy is absolutely all three.

Backbencher Claire Christian felt it appropriate to declare a £10 ticket to the Manx Youth Orchestra Christmas Festival Concert, but Uncle Alf ignores a £300 bottle of whiskey.

1 hour ago, Non-Believer said:

And/or has become too accustomed to the CS blowing smoke up his arse.

It’s definitely the other way around, Cannan thinks he’s the Big Boss Man and talks to everyone like they’re a piece of shit.

CS who don’t declare a £300 bottle of whiskey would get fired.

Edited by Ringy Rose
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3 minutes ago, Ringy Rose said:

Temu Toryboy is absolutely all three.

Backbencher Claire Christian felt it appropriate to declare a £10 ticket to the Manx Youth Orchestra Christmas Festival Concert, but Uncle Alf ignores a £300 bottle of whiskey.

It’s definitely the other way around, Cannan thinks he’s the Big Boss Man and talks to everyone like they’re a piece of shit.

CS who don’t declare a £300 bottle of whiskey would get fired.

Because they and he would be breaking the law. 

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