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Alf Cannan's I Have A Dream

Dirty Buggane

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6 hours ago, Lxxx said:

Oh dear. She likes to portray herself as one of the new breed of young, intelligent, forward-thinking MHK's too. We're in trouble aren't we.

Well she is compared to the old useless backward facing twats that got us in trouble in the first place. the fucked up state if the island is not the fault of the young, it is you lot.

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So Claire Christian doesn't think 3 and a half months is long enough to review the plan and come up with her thoughts. Tynwald has gone into recess so sorry Mrs Christian if your 'Summer harvesting holiday' is interrupted but you have adequate time to review, absorb and reply. Otherwise we have the same old 'push it down the road' scenario where nothing progresses and then suddenly there isn't time to do anything ahead of the next election. 

MHKs they work for you!

Absolutely boils my blood.  


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5 minutes ago, Get a life said:


So Claire Christian doesn't think 3 and a half months is long enough to review the plan and come up with her thoughts. Tynwald has gone into recess so sorry Mrs Christian if your 'Summer harvesting holiday' is interrupted but you have adequate time to review, absorb and reply. Otherwise we have the same old 'push it down the road' scenario where nothing progresses and then suddenly there isn't time to do anything ahead of the next election. 

MHKs they work for you!

Absolutely boils my blood.  


It's plenty of time to be fair.

Understand she has her own business but it's something she should have factored in before even considering running for the post. 

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51 minutes ago, Get a life said:


So Claire Christian doesn't think 3 and a half months is long enough to review the plan and come up with her thoughts. Tynwald has gone into recess so sorry Mrs Christian if your 'Summer harvesting holiday' is interrupted but you have adequate time to review, absorb and reply. Otherwise we have the same old 'push it down the road' scenario where nothing progresses and then suddenly there isn't time to do anything ahead of the next election. 

MHKs they work for you!

Absolutely boils my blood.  


The recording sounds like she's complaining that it's going to take until November?

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1 hour ago, Get a life said:

So Claire Christian doesn't think 3 and a half months is long enough to review the plan and come up with her thoughts. Tynwald has gone into recess so sorry Mrs Christian if your 'Summer harvesting holiday' is interrupted but you have adequate time to review, absorb and reply.

I think you've misunderstood her. I think she was actually complaining about the lack of time they had to consider the document before the last Tynwald, all they could really do was pick up odd queries from Cannan's statement.  Such as Christian pointing out that there were only planned an increase of 5,000 jobs for 15,000 extra people, so the plan looked like it was decreasing the percentage employed not increasing as claimed.

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7 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

I think you've misunderstood her. I think she was actually complaining about the lack of time they had to consider the document before the last Tynwald

I agree, but given how she expressed herself and MR framed the comments you can understand how Get a Life reached that conclusion. 

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My impression the research for this was targeted at CoC members rather than all island businesses, & Mrs Christian is quite right to raise concerns at the manner in which the Cannan Strategy has been launched

I wrote to KPMG asking that the process be made more open, was told that it would be - and never heard another thing from them

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4 hours ago, SleepyJoe said:

A 15 year strategy is not the essential plan to get to grips with the island's major economic challenges between now & the next general election

The governments one and only priority at the moment should be tackling the inflation. If they don]t, basically they are all committing political suicide.........

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3 minutes ago, SleepyJoe said:

There a number of priorities at the moment, not least wide spread impending fuel poverty this winter

caused by inflation. Heat or eat is going to become, carn't heat, carn't eat this winter for lots of people........

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56 minutes ago, SleepyJoe said:

There a number of priorities at the moment, not least wide spread impending fuel poverty this winter

There will be no problem, politicians, farmers and upper Govt echelons are well-insulated....

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As we have a number of strategies and plans in place, do IOMG have a plan in place for the next energy costs increase due in 2 months time? Or a they going to say nothing, waffle, handwring and debate, I say this as the UK energy cap is expected to reach £4000 before the end of the year. Whilst IOMG has worked wonders in its creative fiction and fairy tales team, it isn’t good at dealing with immediate crisis, and only addresses when their is a shit storm on social media.

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I am certainly puzzled as to why no one appears to be asking of Manx Gas and the MUA as to what level of heating costs the great Manx nation might anticipate this coming autumn and winter, are they to rise - as for our neighbours to the east - to perhaps £500 a month?

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