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Alf Cannan's I Have A Dream

Dirty Buggane

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"Is govt there for the people, or are the people there for govt? My goodness me it is now the latter. It's about time people started getting angry & saying we have had a enough of this. We demand that you reduce the size of govt, deliver the money to our teachers & health service"


Edited by SleepyJoe
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Refreshing to watch three people whether you agree with them or not, who are able to take off the rose tinted glasses which Comin wear and see the elephant in the room. The island is strangled by it's government and civil service, and if the culture and size don't alter they will be its downfall, not demographics, not Westminster, not low tax but entirely self inflicted ! I guess we shouldn't be surprised that on an island staffed by huge number of beauracrats, we are drowning in bureaucracy !


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14 hours ago, Roxanne said:

I think there comes a time when we put this one to rest. Everyone deserves a chance and an opportunity to change and, to be honest, he was always a bit of a rebel even when he was in the House. 

Once he starts whining, he's a rebel without a pause. 

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Baldrick the interim Chief Secretary, the other one with a cunning plan, has been on the NPM. He is saying that government needs to collect information about the IOMs population more swiftly and make it more readily available. In all honesty IOMG made a complete dogs breakfast of the census last year, and that was held every 10 years. What I envisage by Baldricks comments to the Paul Craines MLC Population Committee, is a direct plea to the politicos that we need more civil servants, more resources, a bigger empire and more offices. 

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According to Alex Allanson they're attempting to upskill local people before looking to fill skilled vacancies from across.

It's not even a half-hearted attempt though. They're taking a small proportion of the 0.7% unemployed that have been long term sick and giving them basic skills to get back into work.

The other 99+% of the population, many of whom would jump at the opportunity of government support for training, are presumably being completely overlooked before they throw thousands at importing skilled workers, many of whom will owe their skills to government supported training where they come from.

The more I here about this economic strategy, the more it seems to be for Government's benefit rather than the people of the IOM.

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