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Alf Cannan's I Have A Dream

Dirty Buggane

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3 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

I'm told that Alf Cannan and Calric Randall have released a televised address to our public service sectors in order to try and boost flagging morale amongst the poor dears following the Ranson outings. I haven't seen it myself yet but I'm told there is much hand wringing, contrition, gushing praise and promises of improvement for the sakes of all via working groups and consultations to follow. Does anybody else have knowledge of this and or a link please?

If true, they must be really desperate. I don’t think CM Cannan is capable of motivating anyone, bullshitting yes. Baldric is merely a yes man will do as he is told. 

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8 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

I'm told that Alf Cannan and Calric Randall have released a televised address to our public service sectors in order to try and boost flagging morale amongst the poor dears following the Ranson outings. I haven't seen it myself yet but I'm told there is much hand wringing, contrition, gushing praise and promises of improvement for the sakes of all via working groups and consultations to follow. Does anybody else have knowledge of this and or a link please?

What?  Are you telling us the one Randall did last year didn't solve everything:

(There was some discussion recently when Sunak released a video with almost as many jump cuts and some reckoned it was due to having to splice the least incompetent bits of lots of different takes together).

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2 hours ago, Andy Onchan said:

Oh the irony. The 'Dream' , it seems, is still a dream:

Screenshot 2023-06-02 10.03.50.png


So because some people are struggling nobody should have nice things and we should t support local producers?

What point are you trying to make?

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IOM Newspapers online has an article saying CM Cannan wants to create 600 jobs this year. I would think with all the shit going on within IOMG, that maybe it’s 601 jobs, with his job on the line with the pathetic performance he has shown so far as ‘leader’. What does concern me is the use of civil servants going to Gatwick Airport, Birmingham City Centre and Manchester Airport in an ‘attempt’ to recruit staff. So presumably if it’s civil servants it’s recruitment for the civil service? I would assume that the private sector such as hospitality have to do their own recruitment, or are the ‘state’ and its stasi like control doing that for the private sector. Incidentally, some of Jerseys hotels and hospitality recruit from Kenya and other African countries, recruiting without the aid of civil sevants.

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18 hours ago, 2112 said:

IOM Newspapers online has an article saying CM Cannan wants to create 600 jobs this year. I would think with all the shit going on within IOMG, that maybe it’s 601 jobs, with his job on the line with the pathetic performance he has shown so far as ‘leader’. What does concern me is the use of civil servants going to Gatwick Airport, Birmingham City Centre and Manchester Airport in an ‘attempt’ to recruit staff. So presumably if it’s civil servants it’s recruitment for the civil service? I would assume that the private sector such as hospitality have to do their own recruitment, or are the ‘state’ and its stasi like control doing that for the private sector. Incidentally, some of Jerseys hotels and hospitality recruit from Kenya and other African countries, recruiting without the aid of civil sevants.

It’s trying to recruit police officers isn't it. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

From IOM Newspapers

I know this guy from many years ago, a very sharp cookie and the following should be read, read again, and fully understood by your government that is running the island into a hole. 

I would add that the proposed Campus off Victoria Rd is a modern day internment camp for Asians, but that's a whole different pile of shit.


"What kind of society is the Cannan government proposing?

World organisations and activists rightfully fight for human rights and social inclusion for all.

Our government is funding and supporting the building of campuses and accommodation complexes in Douglas for foreign workers (Westmoreland Road project) designed for the creation of a residents restricted travel zone where personal transport is to be accommodated by 241 bicycle parks.

Very sorry picture of any proper intention to maintain or grow the island as a sustainable democratic inclusive society fair to all.
Our government appear to be introducing the very uncomfortable cultural proposition of workforce apartheid; these distasteful concepts cannot be allowed to progress.
The island must endeavour to attract the most credible young professionals by making them welcome by inclusion, with an expectancy to set down roots, own a home, own a car, raise families and be a part of society experiencing an island culture and island activities.

Past generations were attracted here to work by lifestyle (not restricted to a bicycle or e-scooter) and made significant contributions to the economy, improved the island as a place to live and invest by raising standards of healthcare, education, and policing, creating a modern society with an enviable feeling of safety.

Before the hard sell, to again attract a new modern workforce, there must be an immediate change in government policy.

There must be visible and immediate investment in infrastructure projects, the provision of family homes, new modern schools and child care facilities, investment in education, expansion of health and care facilities, and investment in policing.

Some of the island’s loss of attractiveness, loss of living standards, and lost economic potential, consequential of governments bad management must now be addressed head on.

If government financing facilities have gone pear-shaped, own up.

If the multi-million loans to the Manx Electricity Authority are not recoverable then they should be written off to cut the price of electricity and help the cost of living.

If the Steam Packet venture with exposure approaching £400 million is recoverable, then the company must be sold to immediately finance infrastructure and re-investment for the benefit of economic advancement.

The New Development Corporation must be immediately reined in, and a statement of its expenditure to date disclosed.

A stop put to the funding of hare-brained concepts derived from inner-city problem areas.

Next to be paraded could be a 13-storey tenement block at the ferry terminal?

This corporation (growing an entourage of directors, consultants, and advisors and fees) must immediately become accountable to the taxpayer (not a committee of three within the Cabinet Office) and only engage in re-development of governments vacant brown field sites, applying appropriate due diligence to planning policy, and achievable affordable deliverability.

This corporation (like the failings of the MEA structure) must be stopped from exposing the taxpayer with multi-millions of undisclosed unnecessary debts in chasing NIMBY ideologies imbedded in a lame “Island Plan”.

A plan which reads like a thesis of aspirations dreamed up by a delusionary student.

This Island Plan has no achievable fiscal structure, or ability to address urgently the island’s most imminent critical needs.

Chief Minister, you fail to engage with opinion, with private enterprise, with consultation data or Inquiry findings, as if you rule a kingdom.

Your politics, your Island Plan, your immigration worker plan, are an economic disaster, only propped up by a ‘Lavrov’ styled press office spinning government failures and everyday occurrences into extravagant success stories courting media headlines, which are no longer believable.

Your politics are simply not conducive with an island economy and do not address issues specific to an island’s population progression.

Dumping the work permit system will only look inviting to those living from crime.

The non-productive Housing Board headed by Minister Thomas needs to be scrapped immediately.

Your mishandling of the Ranson revelations highlights you have no meaningful appetite to address destructive and vindictive bullying cultures in administration government.

The next election, like the last election, will send many ineffective whimpering MHKs and Ministers heading for new employment, but Chief Minister, for the good of the island, you and your political ideologies, must go, and go now.

Henry Kennaugh

Hillberry Green


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5 hours ago, Blade Runner said:

From IOM Newspapers

I know this guy from many years ago, a very sharp cookie and the following should be read, read again, and fully understood by your government that is running the island into a hole. 

I would add that the proposed Campus off Victoria Rd is a modern day internment camp for Asians, but that's a whole different pile of shit.



If the multi-million loans to the Manx Electricity Authority are not recoverable then they should be written off to cut the price of electricity and help the cost of living.


Next to be paraded could be a 13-storey tenement block at the ferry terminal



Dumping the work permit system will only look inviting to those living from crime.


Henry Kennaugh

Hillberry Green


Doesn’t sound like a smart cookie to me. 

Write off the MEA loans? To where exactly. They’ve still got to be paid.

13 Story tenement ( ?) block at the Sea Terminal. Eh?

”Dumping the work permit system will only look inviting to those living from crime”

No, it might help attract those of a non criminal mind to come here and fill the vacancies in the hospitality sector etc. OK there are associated issues with housing etc but to say that such a move would look inviting to those living from crime is frankly laughable.

Your mate seems a bit of what we used to call a “crank”

Is he the guy listed as Director of Baccarat Limited that was named in the Paradise/Panama papers nonsense? A matter of public record, 

Edited by The Voice of Reason
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35 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Doesn’t sound like a smart cookie to me. 

Write off the MEA loans? To where exactly. They’ve still got to be paid.

13 Story tenement ( ?) block at the Sea Terminal. Eh?

”Dumping the work permit system will only look inviting to those living from crime”

No, it might help attract those of a non criminal mind to come here and fill the vacancies in the hospitality sector etc. OK there are associated issues with housing etc but to say that such a move would look inviting to those living from crime is frankly laughable.

Your mate seems a bit of what we used to call a “crank”

Is he the guy listed as Director of Baccarat Limited that was named in the Paradise/Panama papers nonsense? A matter of public record, 

He's a smart guy business wise also had the Academy night club.

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I know him. Did all right for himself after I think starting life as a Joiner. Then in the late 80’s/early 90’s (think) he was the main man for Chris Simpson on Mill Baldwin sites. Picked up some land along the way too. Bit eccentric when I knew him on the Mill Baldwin sites. Okay guy though tbh.  Always remember him for green Wellies and his Porsche 

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6 minutes ago, Numbnuts said:

I know him. Did all right for himself after I think starting life as a Joiner. Then in the early 30’s (think) he was the main man for Chris Simpson on Mill Baldwin sites. Picked up some land along the way too. Bit eccentric when I knew him on the Mill Baldwin sites. Okay guy though tbh.  Always remember him for green Wellies and his Porsche 

Blimey how old is he!

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