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Alf Cannan's I Have A Dream

Dirty Buggane

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30 minutes ago, 2112 said:

Whether it’s tenant-managed etc, it’s still free from interference from town hall involvement or any involvement. They are free to get their own finance from building societies or banks which specialise in lending to HAs. 

Commercial rents - examples could be a pub on a housing estate, or shops on a parade or precinct which was part of the housing development. Many large estates had shops or a pub. 

I rented a small office from a HA in Fife until recently. My office was within the their own admin block but half of the high street is owned by them; with various shops, a veterinary surgery, a dance academy and such like on the ground floors with the first floors (in some cases the second floor) all being residential units, varying from one bed to 3 bed flats (all with lifts) and all new builds. They also have their own energy company with wind turbines on long since redundant coalfield sites from which they generate revenue. I did offer to connect the CEO of the HA with Chris Thomas but it wasn't taken up.

ETA: And all rents are pitched in the mid-market bracket, making them affordable.

Edited by Andy Onchan
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9 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

I rented a small office from a HA in Fife until recently. My office was within the their own admin block but half of the high street is owned by them; with various shops, a veterinary surgery, a dance academy and such like on the ground floors with the first floors (in some cases the second floor) all being residential units, varying from one bed to 3 bed flats (all with lifts) and all new builds. They also have their own energy company with wind turbines on long since redundant coalfield sites from which they generate revenue. I did offer to connect the CEO of the HA with Chris Thomas but it wasn't taken up.

ETA: And all rents are pitched in the mid-market bracket, making them affordable.

Sounds very progressive, modern and forward thinking. Unfortunately IOMGs thinking is still in the 1980s, and wedded to the past, bureaucratic nonsense, allowing tinpot councillors and politicos a free rein to interfere, dictate and bully. Coupled with the fact that some politicos power base are made up from local authority housing. 

Your offer to to connect the CEO of the HA with our local politicos was a generous, civic duty  and well meaning, but in the long run you wouldn’t be thanked ………… rather thankless. I dread to think what a CEO of a larger HA with properties of over 14,000 homes and commercial would make of our elected clowns. 

An example of a commercial enterprise that some HAs do is phone masts on top of tower blocks. Maybe our enterprising MDC could have put things like that on top of the Nurses Home, creating revenue?

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MDC is completely reliant on this. The assumption being they build, the HA operate and everybody is happy. The reality is the nurses home is an embarrassment, Westmoreland is quietly going into the long grass. Govt has no viries to terminate existing tenancies, there is no law to operate or to regulate a HA and the funding model is based in the hope L.A. give up one of their principal reasons for existing. Hmmm... 


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the government conference was quite poorly attended  and for the last session I counted 54 people in the Royal hall  Alf apparently has a bad back and was keeping  a low profile  , very lacklustre  panels of speakers , no challenges  and a series of  boring statistics  from the person representing education  , as the minister was indisposed 

last session appeared to be dominated by questions and statements from the chamber of commerce and a desire to completely  abolish the islands work permit system , 

I hope it improves on Thursday , does not look like very good value for money and failed to stimulate interest from the general public  maybe the prospect of a free breakfast in the morning will be enough to drag them in off the street 

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9 hours ago, 2112 said:

Demesne Road the ‘showpiece’ for the MDC will end up in the long run as a DBC ghetto, primarily to appease DBC and other politicos craving their involvement. As for Crookall House, I see this as another white elephant, and a testament to wasted space. If the MDC had anchor tenants lined up you can be assured of showboating, grandstanding and dickwaving galore, and huge urgency to renovate. At present, there are loads of recently renovated modern office developments in Douglas lying empty. 

It’s not their showpiece.  Not by a long shot.

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Is it true that the attendants were asked to send anonymous questions to the speakers, via their mobile phones, and hardly any got answered, because most students ended up asking silly stuff for a laugh? If it is, I suppose it confirms that most students attending, just saw it as a waste of their time.

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42 minutes ago, Omobono said:

the government conference was quite poorly attended  and for the last session I counted 54 people in the Royal hall  Alf apparently has a bad back and was keeping  a low profile  , very lacklustre  panels of speakers , no challenges  and a series of  boring statistics  from the person representing education  , as the minister was indisposed 

last session appeared to be dominated by questions and statements from the chamber of commerce and a desire to completely  abolish the islands work permit system , 

I hope it improves on Thursday , does not look like very good value for money and failed to stimulate interest from the general public  maybe the prospect of a free breakfast in the morning will be enough to drag them in off the street 

Maybe CM Cannan needs to spend some of his big bank balance on a nice new bed, perhaps the current bed isn’t up to standard?

I doubt there will be a free breakfast, unless it’s paid for by the taxpayers. I read there was a ‘networking’ breakfast event sponsored , with the catering provided by UCM catering students? 

If tomorrow sessions are again poorly attended then these IOMG need scrapping, and perhaps the PAC need to clip the wings of CM Cannan, and COMINS use of taxpayer funded PR escapades to trot out its propaganda. If the VM can’t be relatively full, then I’m afraid CM Cannan can’t command the confidence of his subjects. Enough is Enough.

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9 minutes ago, majkul said:

Is it true that the attendants were asked to send anonymous questions to the speakers, via their mobile phones, and hardly any got answered, because most students ended up asking silly stuff for a laugh? If it is, I suppose it confirms that most students attending, just saw it as a waste of their time.

Waste of time, waste of taxpayers money, and inappropriate use of taxpayer funded and owned property, by an administration that is failing miserably. 

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39 minutes ago, Willy Brennan said:

All of the island’s 6th formers were told they had to go. The buses were paid for by the government. The students were told they were getting a lunch too, which consisted of…. a ham sandwich in a bag.  

And resulted in primary not being able to be bussed to swimming 

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39 minutes ago, Willy Brennan said:

The students were told they were getting a lunch too, which consisted of…. a ham sandwich in a bag.  

Times are hard, you know.....don't you know there's a war on....? 🤭

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