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Alf Cannan's I Have A Dream

Dirty Buggane

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15 minutes ago, BriT said:

It was £150K

Yeah for the business lunches. We are never told the true costs or see half of these reports we pay for.

Maybe we were not seeing  the big picture with the civil service it is so huge because they are following the old adage "Build it and they will come" Problem is they built up the civil service an they fucked off.

Long live King Alf savior of the Manx race.

Edited by Dirty Buggane
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2 hours ago, Hoops said:

because the government have the people infrastructure in place (Civil service to me and you), they just need the population to catch up

I think that is a rather cynical comment. But a 25% increase in population will require a 50% increase in the Civil Service - that isn't a cynical comment, it is IoM reality.

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9 hours ago, HiVibes said:

'Can', but on the whole they are a massive burden, and hold some pretty outdated and vile views that hold society back. Whilst a cull would be off the table,  once you retire you should lose the vote, no reason why those with no future should ruin it for others.

Do you get up extra early to practice being this much of a prick?

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CM Cannan has been on the NPM selling his plan to the GMP. ‘The private sector needs to do a lot of the heavy lifting for the government economic strategy to be successful’ according to Alf. 

Well if the private sector was successful, in which it has been, you can bet your bottom dollar that the Manx State and its politicos will find ways to legislate, legislate and legislate against them. Registers, Beneficial Ownership, new taxes, another register. To give some examples, housing is in short supply and IOMG hammer the landlords. Result - landlords sell up, as they can’t be arsed with the hassle. Brexit and Covid have presented additional hurdles and hoops to jump through.

It’s laughable really Alf is almost pleading with the private sector, to rescue the island and his legacy. Perhaps IOMG’s pet contractors and favoured businesses will rise to the challenge. 

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28 minutes ago, Hoops said:

Other questions include, what was KPMG's remit? Was it to justify where we are? What other business's on the island are clients of KPMG? And in a rentier economy, are old ways of defining economic activity relevant?

As I understand it KPMG didn’t especially want to do the report. It was good money for sure but IOM Government has a long and well documented history of doing fuck all about strategy reports they pay for and I understand that they were worried that KPMG would get a lot of criticism by default for the report not being acted upon when really if nothing happens it’s mostly down to IOM Government doing nothing despite paying for a report. If you read the report in any detail they (KPMG) have been very careful in laying out a series of things they believe need to happen first before the IOM can capitalize on population growth and new industries. So it’s firmly up to IOM Government to create that environment so that they can grow the population. So the report balances the mix of being an ass covering exercise with a detailed explanation of everything that IOM Government has to do in order to have a chance at succeeding laid out in it with agreed check points and timeframes for doing that stuff. My guess is that KPMG are preparing themselves for the inevitable day where they have to say - we gave you a detailed roadmap to do this, this, and this by a certain date and followed through with a documented checking and validation framework to assess whether you’ve actually done it. But actually you’ve done bugger all and that’s got nothing to do with us or the clear process and framework we laid out for you. 

Edited by Wavey Davey
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