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Alf Cannan's I Have A Dream

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The list of reports was in a reply to a Written Question from Christian:

If he will list the reports which have been commissioned from external providers by each Government Department, Board and Office since 1 October 2021 together with the amount paid for such report.

Which reveals that they basically didn't know:

There is no central register of such reports, nor is there a single report from the financial system which will provide the relevant information for the answer, so the answer is compiled from a combination of corporate memory along with a search of relevant account codes within Government’s financial system.

So it may not even be accurate.  In addition The data excludes reports for capital schemes such as feasibility reports. [...]  Data for the Legislature has been excluded as it is not considered a Government body. Similarly Manx National Heritage has been excluded as it is technically a charity and not a Government body.

And of course there's the usual pointless redaction of amounts (everything is listed in bands) even though they have been happy to release the cost of individual reports such as Expol, and of the names of individuals responsible, even though they were happy to put their names to what they produced such as the Garnier Report.

But even with all this and some other obvious omissions (I can't see any of the CQC reports for example), there are still four pages of tiny font to go through[1].  Many, especially the lower cost ones, will be the sort of buying in of specialist knowledge which you would expect and others may be the sort of external inspections that should be carried out regularly - even if they haven't been in the past.  But others do make you wonder.  You also can't help noticing how many times the initials KPMG keep cropping up.  Five of the 25 in the over £50K range seem to be them.


[1]  As usual this has been supplied as an image rather than as text or spreadsheet, which makes analysis of the data much more difficult.  But I'm sure that is entirely accidental.

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Local Media today report that IOMG are considering new criteria for financial assistance to people wishing to purchase their home. In particular, assistance being provided to new residents, especially ‘essential workers’. I can understand that parameters being consulted upon to bring in those otherwise excluded, but ‘essential workers’ being given financial support, and first dibs on housing? I can see much anger with regard to this, especially when local people will still slip between the cracks and not be entitled to be accepted for FTB/Shared Equity home, whilst a ‘essential worker’ from the UK or further afield gets preferential treatment. It could be open to abuse, if an essential worker newly residing has assets or property. 

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33 minutes ago, 2112 said:

Local Media today report that IOMG are considering new criteria for financial assistance to people wishing to purchase their home. In particular, assistance being provided to new residents, especially ‘essential workers’. I can understand that parameters being consulted upon to bring in those otherwise excluded, but ‘essential workers’ being given financial support, and first dibs on housing? I can see much anger with regard to this, especially when local people will still slip between the cracks and not be entitled to be accepted for FTB/Shared Equity home, whilst a ‘essential worker’ from the UK or further afield gets preferential treatment. It could be open to abuse, if an essential worker newly residing has assets or property. 

There are a lot of assumptions there.

Why not wait and see what we propose before knocking it.


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2 hours ago, CrazyDave said:

There are a lot of assumptions there.

Why not wait and see what we propose before knocking it.


Am I knocking it? I merely reported something, and made an observation, perhaps a prediction, of what could happen. 

Incidentally are you part of the decision making  - as in we propose? 

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Short-termism at its best. There are reasons it's five years. Perhaps you'll work it out eventually. Also what is stopping me becoming a health professional to get a house and then going on to do a high earning job elsewhere? I've just skipped the list. How long do I have to remain in a job I now hate to retain my home? What happens if I'm not the essential worker and my partner leaves me and the kids to take on the house? Just a few scenarios to consider, but there are many more. That's why it is designed like it is. But you guys know best.

Typical CaBo thinking @CrazyDave

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4 hours ago, 2112 said:

Local Media today report that IOMG are considering new criteria for financial assistance to people wishing to purchase their home. In particular, assistance being provided to new residents, especially ‘essential workers’. I can understand that parameters being consulted upon to bring in those otherwise excluded, but ‘essential workers’ being given financial support, and first dibs on housing? I can see much anger with regard to this, especially when local people will still slip between the cracks and not be entitled to be accepted for FTB/Shared Equity home, whilst a ‘essential worker’ from the UK or further afield gets preferential treatment. It could be open to abuse, if an essential worker newly residing has assets or property. 

More generally public service workers are prioritised over all others, including locals in private sector employment. Off island essential workers are already being bribed to come here so should compete on an equal footing with everyone else. Or they could have a pool of essential worker rental homes they all compete for until they have been here five years. But why bother with a fair society.

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