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Alf Cannan's I Have A Dream

Dirty Buggane

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2 hours ago, HelmutX said:

If you don't know then don't speculate. No wonder these threads are strewn with such uncorroborated ass-wipe. Go write about stuff you KNOW about, not what you DON'T know about!

There's enough talk on here about it before I posted, and I suggested that it's a rumour. You'd better go back and say the same to everyone else then?

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2 hours ago, Banker said:

Deputy Jane PW

New chief minister would require a vote in Tynwald I think ,   nominations, followed by a beauty parade and list of policies and objectives , so many splits in the camp now you could finish up with anybody ,   police don't usually  name those drink driving until after Christmas ,  lets see what our media giants have to say about things on Monday   or at least a denial  then  someone can be sued if the information is duff ,

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3 minutes ago, Omobono said:

New chief minister would require a vote in Tynwald I think ,   nominations, followed by a beauty parade and list of policies and objectives , so many splits in the camp now you could finish up with anybody ,   police don't usually  name those drink driving until after Christmas ,  lets see what our media giants have to say about things on Monday   or at least a denial  then  someone can be sued if the information is duff ,

Police don’t name names at all. I hope. They give numbers.

If someone is charged with drink driving they’re listed for the earliest summary court. If they are arrested and blood or urine samples are sent of for analysis ( genuine reason for not giving breath sample or borderline breath reading ) it’ll take weeks before someone is charged.

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12 hours ago, CrazyDave said:

He has resigned ffs.  It’s all true.

you can say people don’t believe what I post but it’s all fact, and it’s all condensed into little bit sized nuggets rather that long, rambling dull posts full of stuff copied from the internet.

If the rumour isn’t confirmed by this time tomorrow I will never post again

I’ll just leave this here…

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13 hours ago, CrazyDave said:

He has resigned ffs.  It’s all true.

you can say people don’t believe what I post but it’s all fact, and it’s all condensed into little bit sized nuggets rather that long, rambling dull posts full of stuff copied from the internet.

If the rumour isn’t confirmed by this time tomorrow I will never post again.  The rest of us can only hope that you will offer the same if it turns out I am right.

The Fantasy Dave fantasy post to end all posts. Sadly he never follows through on any of his forum promises either. 

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