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Crisis, what crisis?

Max Power

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I have never known a time when we in the Isle of Man were living through so many crises? 

The housing crisis, the climate crisis, the bus crisis, the airport crisis, the Covid crisis, the health service crisis, the schools crisis, the inflation crisis, the Brexit crisis, the government pensions crisis, I'm sure I could come up with several more, such as the Douglas $hithole crisis, the DoI idiot crisis and the government stupidity crisis!

Why can't we just go back to having issues, why is everything in crisis?  

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The things you refer to are largely issues that are turned into crisis by people making stupid decisions. 

A good example of this was the Airport parking. Any normal person would have said. We need to restore the airport parking. It's worth over 600k per annum so let's get the barriers and cash machine operational again(I think it was decommissioned when the airport was the covid vacination hub). Get someone to carry out repairs, reinstall. Issue over. But instead they created a crisis with lies and excuses and we now have a rubbish system and a trial to last months and loss of income. Crisis created. Press releases. More untruths. Mistrust all round. And a couple of weeks issue becomes an ongoing crisis. 

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1 minute ago, 0bserver said:

Because the cans have been kicked down the road for so long by successive regimes that things are now at crisis point on multiple fronts. 


On a similar note, why do we never see white dog poo these days?

Have you not heard of the raw bone crisis?

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3 minutes ago, Kopek said:

Remember when our Moms made broth with pork ribs and we chewed the ends off the ribs??? Kids today, they don't know what they're missing!!!

If some economic forecasts are to be believed then they may well find out. 

Spuds and herrin' Yessir!

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