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Government can’t help everyone


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7 minutes ago, Manx17 said:

When you get a doctors appointment you get a text message on your phone There is no reason why the same thing  can’t apply  with hospital appointments. Show that to the driver on the bus. It does not have to be made complicated. Elderly should be free any way and I bet there is only a small number who don’t own a mobile and something can be put in place for them. 

Do you know how easy that would be to fake? 😂

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3 minutes ago, 0bserver said:

Do you know how easy that would be to fake? 😂

You could send a Qcode to the patient's phone, which the Ticketer system can read (it does this when you buy an all-day ticket). 

However, I'm not sure I can justify receiving free bus travel to hospital appointments, or even the capped fare for daily travel. More good could be done to society and the economy by me paying the same fare and free bus passes being given to those on benefits, full-time students based on the Island, apprentices, and for the first month or so to those returning to work from a period outside the workforce. 

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2 hours ago, 0bserver said:

Government putting a temporary block on seismic surveys until the winter. 

The gas is there. They need the surveys to find the best extraction point. 

2 years is the estimate for local supply.

Interesting that seismic surveys have and are being conducted on the opposite UK coast to find a suitable sea bed location to bury nuclear waste while we pussy foot around because of the environmental lobby.

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1 hour ago, cissolt said:

So Dr Allanson stated that we have 1.8 billion in reserves and the best they can come up with is a penguin fund?  We really do have lunatics running the asylum.

Allinson is a financial genius. When Chairman of the MUA, in an interview with Paul Moulton about smart meters he stated that the customers would not be charged the £20 million for the meters because "Manx Utilities will be picking up the tab".

At about 2:00 in this link:


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IOMG is giving a loan of taxpayers money to MUA for them to freeze prices until March 2023. But then MUA will have to charge consumers, over a number of years, to repay the taxpayers money back into government. So people have paid taxes and are then indirectly paying the taxes again….. for government to waste as they were probably planning.

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13 minutes ago, Manx Resident said:

IOMG is giving a loan of taxpayers money to MUA for them to freeze prices until March 2023. But then MUA will have to charge consumers, over a number of years, to repay the taxpayers money back into government. So people have paid taxes and are then indirectly paying the taxes again….. for government to waste as they were probably planning.

That will go straight onto the Standing Charge or the Rates Sewage Charge then? Either way, the consumer will pay and all going towards the MUA's gas supplier, ultimately.

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9 minutes ago, Manx Resident said:

IOMG is giving a loan of taxpayers money to MUA for them to freeze prices until March 2023. But then MUA will have to charge consumers, over a number of years, to repay the taxpayers money back into government. So people have paid taxes and are then indirectly paying the taxes again….. for government to waste as they were probably planning.

And because an individual's burden as a "tax-payer" and "MUA consumer" varies from person to person this isn't a case of the government or even "the wealthy" supporting "the poor". It's just a loan deferring the burden. 

So come March 2023 bills will go up to the level they would have been without the subsidy plus the repayment on the loan.

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1 hour ago, The Voice of Reason said:

She got more votes, that’s how it works.


She got elected on the coat tails of her father who although a nice guy achieved zip in his political lifetime !

The minister of fun and his descendants are not what we need at the moment.

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3 minutes ago, asitis said:

She got elected on the coat tails of her father who although a nice guy achieved zip in his political lifetime !

The minister of fun and his descendants are not what we need at the moment.

Family political dynasties. To think that Douglas South will have 20 years of her.  No doubt the MHKhood will pass down to the little Crets. 

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I would have thought gas was the big problem not electricity ! I heard the waffle on the radio which to me says " we are not in a position to challenge Manx gas over prices".

People heating with gas are going to be struggling here, and as that includes a lot of corpy houses and most new builds, help, I would have thought, would have been better targeted towards heating. I suspect not many heat by electricity and LED lighting uses very little !

I suppose Government have very little manoeuvring room, given the profligate nonsense they have engaged in for years !


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2 hours ago, Zarley said:

So, a soup kitchen. Soup kitchens aren't so much a socialist thing, they're more a result of Tory-style policies thing.

The Salvation Army operate Soup Kitchens. They have been operating for time immorial. It shouldn’t be happening in a supposed wealthy island but it does. 

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1 minute ago, asitis said:

I would have thought gas was the big problem not electricity ! I heard the waffle on the radio which to me says " we are not in a position to challenge Manx gas over prices".

People heating with gas are going to be struggling here, and as that includes a lot of corpy houses and most new builds, help, I would have thought, would have been better targeted towards heating. I suspect not many heat by electricity and LED lighting uses very little !

I suppose Government have very little manoeuvring room, given the profligate nonsense they have engaged in for years !


Not? Can’t? Or Won’t?

IOMG can do anything if they wanted to. 

Sadly they chose to waste money, and still continue to waste money, no tight reins on projects, and they can’t control costs. 

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1 hour ago, The Voice of Reason said:

I’ve got a digital stock of “Go” credits each of which cost more than £2

Do I get a refund?

Well you've got two and a bit months to use them up at full price, so maybe you should get out on the bus more.

But you question illustrates how this isn't quite as generous as it looks.  Those who benefit most from the capped bus fares are going to be the most regular users.  But those in turn are going to be those who are most likely to use already discounted schemes such as Go Places 12.  But the per journey prices for those only exceed £2.00 for the three top bands - and that not by much (D: £2.08; E: £2.50; F: £2:75).  So someone from Port Erin going to a job in Douglas every day might save £1 -£1.50 a day, which is helpful, but not massive.  And there won't be enough people in that position to lose BV that much revenue.

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