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Government can’t help everyone


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1 hour ago, Roger Mexico said:

We actually have the figures for types of central heating (which is the main source of heating for 96% of households), from the latest Census:


As you can see only about 5% of household use electric, when half of all are on gas.

Thanks, seems to me a policy with the sole intention to cost the least possible, and to benefit the least possible people, whilst appearing to do something !

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22 minutes ago, 0bserver said:

How could they agree to fund something 3 years in the future when the cost even 6 months ahead are at best extremely uncertain? 

We all know the installation of wind turbines and other green things will take decades. The NIMBYs alone will have a field day trying to stop them.

It would be a provision for an uncertain future 

If not needed to subsidise future electricity prices then it could be used for installation of more renewable energy generation tech

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2 hours ago, HeliX said:

The MUA loan and price fix is idiotic. It'll be cheaper than gas, people will be using their electric heaters all winter (making the debt that has to be repaid worse), we won't be able to sell our excess to the UK, we'll have the cheapest rate of electricity in the British Isles until 31st March 2023, at which point we'll likely have a higher price than the rest of the British Isles for the next 20 years to pay it back.

Utterly idiotic.

The hope is that this insane gas market will eventually settle down, and they can generate electric at or close to the cost of before. Then they can just leave the price as it is to make a profit and pay it back that way, so our bills would remain artificially high for a while but not having had to rise again. Of course this is a gamble based on the wholesale price of gas falling in the next 6 months which could happen I suppose, it can't keep going up at insane rates anyway. 

I'm sure I read they made a hefty profit last year, I'll see if I can find it.

Edit - Page 52 of this https://www.manxutilities.im/media/2231/annual-report-and-financial-statements-2021.pdf would suggest they made an operating profit of £26m (!!!) for 2020/21. A decent fall in gas prices and they'll be able to pay it back easy.

Edited by manxfisherman
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16 minutes ago, MrGarrison said:

“Then I would expect you might freeze to death from Spring 2023. Take care. Rob C”

Liz Truss will have nuked Russia by then so we'll have a free flowing supply of gas and be able to bask in a warm, radioactive glow from the aftermath. 

So it's win win really. 

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5 hours ago, Declan said:

You could send a Qcode to the patient's phone, which the Ticketer system can read (it does this when you buy an all-day ticket). 

However, I'm not sure I can justify receiving free bus travel to hospital appointments, or even the capped fare for daily travel. More good could be done to society and the economy by me paying the same fare and free bus passes being given to those on benefits, full-time students based on the Island, apprentices, and for the first month or so to those returning to work from a period outside the workforce. 

Or they could just do what they're doing. 

Free at the point of use buses aren't really free.  They would be paid for by cuts in other areas or increased stealth taxes. 

Mind you we could divert the £8m annual rail budget to subsidise buses. 

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16 minutes ago, manxfisherman said:

But less frozen and more deferred, surely? 

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The misdeeds of the past are very surely coming home to roost, the Proffit affair and the massive debts of the MEA, coupled with every other profligate scheme which has taken a turn for the costly and robbed the island of much manoeuvring room. They will only ever learn when we truly hit the buffers I feel. Very sad, a beautiful island run by muppets !

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9 hours ago, 2112 said:

She’s not the only one - Clare Barber MHK sells kids toys, clothes and other household items on Facebook. She must need the money?

Hold the front page - MHKs sell stuff on Facebook!

So what? So do I. From experience, if you offer up something for free you either get no takers (it’s free therefore it’s crap) or you get loads of takers, most of whom are planning to re-sell for free money. 

We’ve no idea if our representatives keep the money, donate it, or even don’t accept it - on occasion I’ve ‘sold’ stuff but basically given it away once the person comes to collect. 

I really don’t think selling stuff on Facebook is a cause for concern, whatever their income. 

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Surely if they want people to use the bus they should make it two quid destination to destination?

It would still be just under £16 for me and the Mrs to get to and from work and take us each an hour and a half each way. 

£80 a week to spend three hours a day on a bus and still get soaked walking at each end?  No thanks

Edited by Asthehills
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I think it is an excellent idea because it is fair.   Everyone uses leccy from OAPs to Businesses.   This will mean no one will be afraid to put their oven on and cook a decent meal, oil filled, electric radiators take the chill of an average size room, businesses who must have huge electric bills will feel the benefit.  It is the fairest solution. As for bus fares anyone travelling from Ramsey, Peel etc may not have the same comfort or convenience on a bus but it will be a lot cheaper than using petrol and paying for parking.    It is an option for people who are trying to cut down on expenses.    

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