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Government can’t help everyone


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Daddy’s Girl Sarah Maltby has been on the NPM this morning (probably pre recorded as I can see her working at weekends or bank holidays), singing from the IOMG songbook about how Treasury have been working on the current measures for months. She talks some shite - this package was a rush job, to placate the plebs and to prevent another shit storm. IOMG isnt proactive it’s reactive. Considering there was a lot of noise from Jason Moorehouse MHK and Tim Glover MHK over the increase in energy costs, Treasury and CM Cannan were dragged kicking and screaming into addressing the issue. Where was Sarah Maltby? Radio Silence and Missing in Action along with Joney Faragher. Unless she was beavering away in the Treasury with the rest of the brains trust, which I really doubt? 

Edited by 2112
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14 minutes ago, 2112 said:

Daddy’s Girl Sarah Maltby has been on the NPM this morning (probably pre recorded as I can see her working at weekends or bank holidays), singing from the IOMG songbook about how Treasury have been working on the current measures for months. She talks some shite - this package was a rush job, to placate the plebs and to prevent another shit storm. IOMG isnt proactive it’s reactive. Considering there was a lot of noise from Jason Moorehouse MHK and Tim Glover MHK over the increase in energy costs, Treasury and CM Cannan were dragged kicking and screaming into addressing the issue. Where was Sarah Maltby? Radio Silence and Missing in Action along with Joney Faragher. Unless she was beavering away in the Treasury with the rest of the brains trust, which I really doubt? 

More random stream-of-consciousness woman-bashing from 2112. Getting tiresome now.

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5 minutes ago, The Bastard said:

More random stream-of-consciousness woman-bashing from 2112. Getting tiresome now.

What I’d say is tiring is the inaction of our elected politicians to get a grasp of the situations. The MLP are the first to whinge particularly when it suits, have done nothing so far on the issue of energy costs. Their obsession with climate change isn’t helping the people of South Douglas or Douglas East with rising gas prices, rising food costs or making buses cheaper (as buses are cancelled due to staff shortages). 

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Just now, 2112 said:

What I’d say is tiring is the inaction of our elected politicians to get a grasp of the situations. The MLP are the first to whinge particularly when it suits, have done nothing so far on the issue of energy costs. Their obsession with climate change isn’t helping the people of South Douglas or Douglas East with rising gas prices, rising food costs or making buses cheaper (as buses are cancelled due to staff shortages). 

I would agree with the lack of action from the mlp.  I voted for joney expecting good things but she has been fairly anonymous.  

Government were unwilling to address the issue before October, the freeze on electricity is welcome and will help some people but the action is too little and too late for many.

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If I took out a loan today and died next week, the loan would be repayable out of my estate.

The 'solution' of capping prices and then increasing energy prices over next 20 years is yet another kick in the teeth for young people, they already have to work twice as hard as any boomer ever did just to stand a chance of getting a decent living.

Asset rich boomers are going to have a comfortable winter then die in a year or so leaving debts for the young to pay, totally unfair and shocking treatment of the most vulnerable in society.

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2 minutes ago, 2112 said:

What I’d say is tiring is the inaction of our elected politicians to get a grasp of the situations. The MLP are the first to whinge particularly when it suits, have done nothing so far on the issue of energy costs. Their obsession with climate change isn’t helping the people of South Douglas or Douglas East with rising gas prices, rising food costs or making buses cheaper (as buses are cancelled due to staff shortages). 

They're not magicians. Rising gas prices are a worldwide issue precipitated by the war in Ukraine. Inflation is also a global issue. Bus cancellations are partially a result of the pandemic - it's difficult to recruit staff in any industry at the minute, particularly one with a particular skillset that needs time and money to acquire. It's why there are queues at airports and immigration all over the UK and Europe. Climate change is important. Just because you find it a difficult truth to accept doesn't mean it should be ignored.

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27 minutes ago, HiVibes said:

The 'solution' of capping prices and then increasing energy prices over next 20 years is yet another kick in the teeth for young people, they already have to work twice as hard as any boomer ever did just to stand a chance of getting a decent living.

Asset rich boomers are going to have a comfortable winter then die in a year or so leaving debts for the young to pay, totally unfair and shocking treatment of the most vulnerable in society.

Ageism - apparently the last “socially acceptable” prejudice…

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21 minutes ago, The Bastard said:

They're not magicians. Rising gas prices are a worldwide issue precipitated by the war in Ukraine. Inflation is also a global issue. Bus cancellations are partially a result of the pandemic - it's difficult to recruit staff in any industry at the minute, particularly one with a particular skillset that needs time and money to acquire. It's why there are queues at airports and immigration all over the UK and Europe. Climate change is important. Just because you find it a difficult truth to accept doesn't mean it should be ignored.

I accept that climate change and alternative sources of energy like wind, solar and tidal, and agree wholeheartedly that they would be useful. Unfortunately it is becoming a tiring mantra as though it’s the panacea and cure for all that’s wrong with energy on the island. Residents need help now, not in 5 years time when wind turbines, solar panels etc are still being debated and public inquiry fought over by the usual suspects - Green lobby etc. 

Whilst residents are having a tough time, the other Douglas East MHK Clare Barber has remained silent, on the issue and various other issues. Douglas Central MHK Ann Corlett has remained quiet which isn’t unusual. Perhaps both of them were more concerned with other matters and playing committees.

As for ‘women bashing’ I’d say that a lot of MHKs silence of the current IOMG mess at the DHSC, and it’s treatment of  Dr Rosalind Ransom is the biggest betrayal of women on the island, perhaps they agree with the DHSCs actions? 

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34 minutes ago, The Bastard said:

They're not magicians. Rising gas prices are a worldwide issue precipitated by the war in Ukraine. Inflation is also a global issue. Bus cancellations are partially a result of the pandemic - it's difficult to recruit staff in any industry at the minute, particularly one with a particular skillset that needs time and money to acquire. It's why there are queues at airports and immigration all over the UK and Europe. Climate change is important. Just because you find it a difficult truth to accept doesn't mean it should be ignored.

As Boris Johnson has repeatedly said that riising gas prices are worth paying for the defence of Ukraine. It’s likely to rise, rise and rise. 

I don’t expect magicians but I do expect empathy, some serious well planned thought not knee jerk reactions. IOMG have been asleep at the wheel and it’s politicos are too interested in playing to various groups, selling tat on Facebook, selling kids toys on Facebook than concentrating on islanders and their constituents, 

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Just now, 2112 said:

As Boris Johnson has repeatedly said that riising gas prices are worth paying for the defence of Ukraine. It’s likely to rise, rise and rise. 

I don’t expect magicians but I do expect empathy, some serious well planned thought not knee jerk reactions. IOMG have been asleep at the wheel and it’s politicos are too interested in playing to various groups, selling tat on Facebook, selling kids toys on Facebook than concentrating on islanders and their constituents, 

That's ridiculous. Becoming an elected representative doesn't mean you don't have a life outside work. Selling their unwanted stuff online is just what everyone else does, it's hardly abnormal behaviour that deserves random online ranting. I note that in your last post you picked another two women for your particular brand of random criticism too, which says a lot.

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49 minutes ago, HiVibes said:

If I took out a loan today and died next week, the loan would be repayable out of my estate.

The 'solution' of capping prices and then increasing energy prices over next 20 years is yet another kick in the teeth for young people, they already have to work twice as hard as any boomer ever did just to stand a chance of getting a decent living.

Asset rich boomers are going to have a comfortable winter then die in a year or so leaving debts for the young to pay, totally unfair and shocking treatment of the most vulnerable in society.

and government wonder why young folks don't return from college and work here, thick cunts.

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3 minutes ago, WTF said:

and government wonder why young folks don't return from college and work here, thick cunts.

It's a combination of factors. High house prices, conservative society, bleak winters, limited nightlife, limited entertainment, limited retail, expensive travel, low population. It's a complex situation that the Government can't solve with just a stroke of a pen. It's the same for isolated communities all over the world - rural Japan has seen a massive drain of population as the young choose move to cities. In Eastern Europe, many young people leave in search of bigger opportunity elsewhere. Like everywhere else, the young are using their power of choice to look elsewhere for a better deal. Government can't easily fix a lot of the issues that are driving the young away - minor changes to single aspects of society or the free market of property are not going to be sufficient to make the island competitive to young people, and they're rightly choosing to get a better deal elsewhere. It's not a unique problem for the IOM.

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15 minutes ago, The Bastard said:

It's a combination of factors. High house prices, conservative society, bleak winters, limited nightlife, limited entertainment, limited retail, expensive travel, low population. It's a complex situation that the Government can't solve with just a stroke of a pen. It's the same for isolated communities all over the world - rural Japan has seen a massive drain of population as the young choose move to cities. In Eastern Europe, many young people leave in search of bigger opportunity elsewhere. Like everywhere else, the young are using their power of choice to look elsewhere for a better deal. Government can't easily fix a lot of the issues that are driving the young away - minor changes to single aspects of society or the free market of property are not going to be sufficient to make the island competitive to young people, and they're rightly choosing to get a better deal elsewhere. It's not a unique problem for the IOM.

It’s rather amusing really. The old Lord Street Bus Station site was supposed to be earmarked for entertainment complex, with tenants lined up. What is it now?????? Land for Car Parks! Better returns than development. That land could have either provided entertainment or housing or both for graduates and skilled workers. No, it’s a car park and it’s endorsed by IOMG, so it must be right. 

Whilst some help on electric is helpful it isn’t helpful in realty to poor and low income families. Those living in rental housing and flats, often have prepayment meters. They pay in advance, and also pay the standing charge.

Did Sarah Maltby and Joney Faragher  push for a special lower rate for prepayment electric meters? That would be a concrete result to achieve. Also Manx Gas do not provide prepayment gas meters, again are Sarah Maltby and Joney Faragher pushing for these, which a) help to reduce gas consumption b) help people to control their spending and c) in controlling consumption it is helping to reduce carbon emissions? These would help those poorest in society. 

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