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Government can’t help everyone


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1 hour ago, 2112 said:

Residents need help now, not in 5 years time when wind turbines, solar panels etc are still being debated and public inquiry fought over by the usual suspects - Green lobby etc. 

The best time to plant a wind farm is 20 years ago. The second best time is now.

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2 hours ago, cissolt said:

I would agree with the lack of action from the mlp.  I voted for joney expecting good things but she has been fairly anonymous.  

The Manx Labour Party is a hopeless talk shop. I expected better of both Maltby and Faragher too especially given all Labour action in the UK that’s going on over jobs and the cost of living. But they’ve both done fuck all about anything from what I can see and they actually have the alleged ‘power’ of a party behind them (well Maltby’s dad). 

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Our Govt has helped people on low incomes who don’t seem to figure particularly in their future Economic Plan and has helped families earning £50k. They have done nothing, apart from deferring electricity price increases, to help people on the living wage who will be in fuel poverty. Yet our politicians can find an extra £30m for the Lpool Landing Stage, extra money for the promenade works, money for climate change etc. The idea that thousands of economically active people will come to live and work in the IOM as it accelerates towards complete collapse is laughable.

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1 hour ago, Jarndyce said:

Ageism - apparently the last “socially acceptable” prejudice…


an unfair and unreasonable opinion or feeling, especially when formed without enough thought or knowledge:

With the case of boomers we can all see what they are doing in broad daylight,  there is an obvious unfairness in society where a generation who have trashed the world for future generations, just don't know when to stop or shut up, so it's not predjudice when the situation is clear.

Boomers fucked up the environment, fucked up housing, fucked us with Brexit,  then fucked us with Covid and they just keep on finding new ways to selfishly ruin the future just to keep the comfort they are so used to. Let's have a level playing field for the young, or even better give them the advantages that we did not have.

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3 minutes ago, Gladys said:

No, by improved standards of living for the boomers' families. 

Also boomers, contribute more to their offspring's education than their parents contributed to theirs. 

They're making that back by buying too many houses and charging the next generation an utter fortune to live in them though.

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32 minutes ago, HiVibes said:

there is an obvious unfairness in society where a generation who have trashed the world for future generations, just don't know when to stop or shut up, so it's not predjudice when the situation is clear.

I can’t decide whether you are Rik from The Young Ones - or a Boomer yourself, just poking the readership with a stick to get a reaction…

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32 minutes ago, HeliX said:

They're making that back by buying too many houses and charging the next generation an utter fortune to live in them though.

That’s bollocks really and a typical millennial or gen z response. How many people are buying all these houses? I think you’ll find it’s developers, and property groups, and other professional corporate investors that are causing the main issues. Not your nana and grandad who bought a house to let because since 2008 they’ve been getting 0.25% interest on their cash and they need an income that actually pays their bills. 

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49 minutes ago, HiVibes said:


an unfair and unreasonable opinion or feeling, especially when formed without enough thought or knowledge:

With the case of boomers we can all see what they are doing in broad daylight,  there is an obvious unfairness in society where a generation who have trashed the world for future generations, just don't know when to stop or shut up, so it's not predjudice when the situation is clear.

Boomers fucked up the environment, fucked up housing, fucked us with Brexit,  then fucked us with Covid and they just keep on finding new ways to selfishly ruin the future just to keep the comfort they are so used to. Let's have a level playing field for the young, or even better give them the advantages that we did not have.

That’s one of the most ridiculous statements I’ve read in ages. Do you write Devon Watsons tweets for him? 

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2 minutes ago, BriT said:

That’s one of the most ridiculous statements I’ve read in ages. Do you write Devon Watsons tweets for him? 

Ha ha you’re right. That’s straight out of the Devon Watson book of online inter generational rage. What a putrid, self entitled, bile spewing, excuse for a human being he is. Blames everyone but himself for the fact that he’s not been successful in life.  

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13 minutes ago, MrGarrison said:

That’s bollocks really and a typical millennial or gen z response. How many people are buying all these houses? I think you’ll find it’s developers, and property groups, and other professional corporate investors that are causing the main issues. Not your nana and grandad who bought a house to let because since 2008 they’ve been getting 0.25% interest on their cash and they need an income that actually pays their bills. 

It was tongue in cheek really. The majority of boomers are the same as the majority of millennial/gen-z. Struggling to get by their whole lives. Those who have bought second houses aren't helping though. And any that spout the "Everything was shit when I was young and I turned out fine" can all shut up, if you're happy to propagate a miserable life experience just because you had one then no, you didn't turn out fine.

But otherwise, no war but the class war ;)

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4 hours ago, HiVibes said:

If I took out a loan today and died next week, the loan would be repayable out of my estate.

The 'solution' of capping prices and then increasing energy prices over next 20 years is yet another kick in the teeth for young people, they already have to work twice as hard as any boomer ever did just to stand a chance of getting a decent living.

Asset rich boomers are going to have a comfortable winter then die in a year or so leaving debts for the young to pay, totally unfair and shocking treatment of the most vulnerable in society.

Yes a loan means it has to be paid back, which means the consumer will be paying yet higher prices for longer

If there ever was a time for 'judicious use of reserves' this is probably it

Tho' the raising of a genuine sustainable bond fund to take us through this difficult period and immediately begin construction of onshore wind turbines would be preferable

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