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Snot Problem


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IIRC, the Corpy were appointing their own 'wardens' to ensure that bye-laws were adhered to. Does littering come under that heading? And if it does, what are they doing about it? The posters are certainly disgraceful and give an entirely inappropriate impression to our visitors.

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I dont get the correlation between nose picking and littering. If the corpy wanted to discourage littering with this campaign, then why show nose picking? They should instead show the result of louts who sling their McDonalds bags out into the road withour a care.

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Nothing like a good nose picking ..Especialy when your'e stuck at in a queue behind a digger...

Its even better if your nails are long, cos' you can get right to the top shelf..


Then in full root, finger as far up as it can go, you locate a lovely squishy boogie..

then you feel the urge to turn round, but on doing so, you look straight into the eyes of another driverer in the lane beside ...........



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  • 2 weeks later...

Of course... the replacements are so much better!


There's one thing I like looking at when I walk out of work each day - and that's a poster with a pile of xxxx...


My personal feelings is maybe to drop the shock tactics - get something not quite as minging for anyone getting off the boat - and place a lot more bins. There's nothing worse than walking about Douglas for 20 mins holding an empty coke bottle or whatever just because no one can be arsed putting bins anywhere that isn't Strand Street and the Prom..

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There's nothing worse than walking about Douglas for 20 mins holding an empty coke bottle or whatever just because no one can be arsed putting bins anywhere that isn't Strand Street and the Prom..


Totally agree. It's one of the major differences I notice when I go to a European city. There's no excuse to drop litter because there's a bin no more than a dozen paces away at all times. So much cleaner.

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