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Just seen on the news that my Hometown (Garmisch-Partenkirchen) in Bavaria has been hit by severe flooding and is cut off from the outside world - some people have been evacuated and everything's under water - shock! :o


I remember we had severe flooding in 1999 and that was called the "worst flood in a century" - this time, it's even higher...


Family still lives there but seem to be ok - have attached some pics from a small village around 5 miles away from where I grew up (no pictures from my town at the moment as..well..no-one can get in or out..)


The first pic is how it looks from the air, the second is the Autobahn near it and the third is a bridge in that town (the bridge is around 4ft above road level if I remember it right, so you can imagine how it looks around it)


Oh, and Austria and Switzerland have also been hit - might no be a good idea to go on Holiday there at the moment....


On the news:










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Here in Switzerland it is a big mess - I am at 1,035 masl so am OK but many people are not. Roads washed away, large areas totally cut off, a lot of damage to the infrastructure.

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just been looking at mdr and mr stations on astra, looks horrendous around Garmisch with torrents flowing down the main streets with earth and stone banks and sandbag walls built up to control the worst of it. What a contrast with the hanging baskets and window boxes all in full bloom. Hope it doesn't cause more problems when it gets further down river as well. Rainfall of 170l/hr reported, but I dont know how that converts to inches of rainfall per hour as we would know it.

( Would that be 170l per square metre ?, is that like 17cm depth, like 6.5" ?)


Crazy weather, we are just expecting a bit of a storm and some wind overnight (maybe gale 8) with a high tide, but supposed to be gone through by midday tomorrow (er... today wednesday). Not sure if it's the tail end of one of the early hurricanes which hit the states. Just a bit breezy so far, I have tied things down in the garden so hope there's not too much chaos in the morning.


(ELI , glad you're safe up there, but maybe can't get down !)

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Yep, rainfall there is usually measured in l/squre-meter, although 170l sounds like an awful lot...


Found another picture series:


Click for watery pics


The first two pics are from around my hometown and a few other ones as well - I think my sister's car floated away - at least I heard that they were evacuated from work and the car was left behind - can Fiestas swim??


GD4ELI: Hope you can hang on up there and the region recovers quickly...

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Yep, rainfall there is usually measured in l/squre-meter, although 170l sounds like an awful lot...


Found another picture series:


Click for watery pics


The first two pics are from around my hometown and a few other ones as well - I think my sister's car floated away - at least I heard that they were evacuated from work and the car was left behind - can Fiestas swim??


GD4ELI: Hope you can hang on up there and the region recovers quickly...

Somewhere in Switzerland got 210l in 24 hours - a whole month's rain in one go.


I think the figure would have been 170l in 24 hours.

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