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Liz Truss

Max Power

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Bozo came back from yet another holiday, when he should have actually been in the HoC or his constituency earning his stipend, because he knows that even though many in the tory party hate what he's done if it goes to the tory membership they will back him.

So we now have the unedifying spectacle of tory MP's, who sent in resignation letters due to Bozo's totally crass disregard for decent behaviour, now backing him for the leadership because never mind the state of the nation first and foremost they want to stay on the gravy train. And they view Bozo as the only way they might achieve this. Yes, morally they're mostly as bankrupt as he is.

A valuable and scary insight in to the "membership" has very generously been supplied by Jerry from Lowestoft. A lifelong tory party member he rang into LBC's Sangita Myska to explain why ALL the members back Boris all the way. Well worth a listen believe me. 


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2 hours ago, wrighty said:

Gutter press, absolutely, but there was also a story that she’d previously boasted (in the bar) about distracting him by crossing and uncrossing her legs. Says a lot about both of them, as well as the press. 

She did not boast.


The press made it up after some comments made by a Tory.

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4 hours ago, P.K. said:

Must be true then....

Well, certainly enough "proof" for all the right wingers on here.

I don’t think the Angela Rayner/Sharon Stone non-story is indicative of right-wing = evil, lefties are all happy hippies wanting peace and love. It could have equally well been made up about Penny Mordaunt distracting Kier Starmer with her cleavage or something. 

It’s more a misogynist thing than a political thing I think. Whether it is true or not I don’t know, but it’s not the most implausible thing to come out of Westminster. 

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26 minutes ago, wrighty said:

I don’t think the Angela Rayner/Sharon Stone non-story is indicative of right-wing = evil, lefties are all happy hippies wanting peace and love. It could have equally well been made up about Penny Mordaunt distracting Kier Starmer with her cleavage or something. 
It’s more a misogynist thing than a political thing I think. Whether it is true or not I don’t know, but it’s not the most implausible thing to come out of Westminster. 

Quite possibly. It would not surprise me in the slightest when you think about the number of "privileged" chinless wonders there are in the tory ranks.

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11 hours ago, P.K. said:

Bozo came back from yet another holiday, when he should have actually been in the HoC or his constituency earning his stipend, because he knows that even though many in the tory party hate what he's done if it goes to the tory membership they will back him.

So we now have the unedifying spectacle of tory MP's, who sent in resignation letters due to Bozo's totally crass disregard for decent behaviour, now backing him for the leadership because never mind the state of the nation first and foremost they want to stay on the gravy train. And they view Bozo as the only way they might achieve this. Yes, morally they're mostly as bankrupt as he is.

A valuable and scary insight in to the "membership" has very generously been supplied by Jerry from Lowestoft. A lifelong tory party member he rang into LBC's Sangita Myska to explain why ALL the members back Boris all the way. Well worth a listen believe me. 


The presenter Sangita Myska immediately put the caller into the racist box and didn't understand a word of what he was saying. I doubt that she even wanted to. The Prime Minister represents the whole country and all its people. Rishi's a billionaire globalist. He was born here and has a British passport but his roots are internationalist. Who would he represent as PM ? A small super-rich elite. Certainly not the vast majority of the electorate. That's the point the caller was trying to make.

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53 minutes ago, Shake me up Judy said:

The presenter Sangita Myska immediately put the caller into the racist box and didn't understand a word of what he was saying. I doubt that she even wanted to. The Prime Minister represents the whole country and all its people. Rishi's a billionaire globalist. He was born here and has a British passport but his roots are internationalist. Who would he represent as PM ? A small super-rich elite. Certainly not the vast majority of the electorate. That's the point the caller was trying to make.

You might be right but I don’t think the caller was making that point. I think he was saying that the Tory membership would not vote for him as he was not like them. And I think he’s right - they won’t.  The presenter did tie him in knots though but he deserved it. He virtually used the Bernard Manning line (a dog born in a stable isn’t a horse) as one of his arguments. 

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41 minutes ago, Shake me up Judy said:

The presenter Sangita Myska immediately put the caller into the racist box and didn't understand a word of what he was saying. I doubt that she even wanted to. The Prime Minister represents the whole country and all its people. Rishi's a billionaire globalist. He was born here and has a British passport but his roots are internationalist. Who would he represent as PM ? A small super-rich elite. Certainly not the vast majority of the electorate. That's the point the caller was trying to make.

Au contraire.

She didn't immediately put Jerry into the racist box - he talked his way in there.

Bozo Johnson as PM did not represent the whole country and it's people. He just represented Bozo Johnson. End of. Cameron was just as bad with 14 millionaires in his cabinet.

Professor Blanchflower economist was on the BoE's Monetary Policy Committee. His take on recent events:

The Tory Party must beware the markets that as I have argued frequently this year - prevent clueless amateurs doing stupid stuff.  Trussonomics created a permanent moron premium which made every household in the UK poorer. Markets will not respond well if Boris returns - just watch.

Have to say "a permanent moron premium " describes the Thick Lizzy clusterfuck rather neatly.

No doubt Professor Blanchflower, who does not mince his words, would approve of having someone with an in depth knowledge of the global money market right in the heart of government.

After all, the country can't afford any more "clueless amateurs doing stupid stuff" -  

step forward Bozo Johnson!!!


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The obvious parallel is with Trump's election in the USA. The American electorate were tired with a disconnected Washington elite who didn't understand the lives of ordinary voters. So they voted for Trump. The same thing is happening here. Rishi would have no legitimacy and it would be seen as a globalist stitch-up by international finance and big business. Labour and the SNP would go to town on him at the dispatch box. For all his faults, Boris is popular and was elected by a very clear majority in a national poll. Rishi's not a vote winner and would be hammered in the General Election; finishing the Tory party. Rishi might seem like the sensible choice for stability and a 'safe pair of hands' but how long would that last ?

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15 hours ago, manxfisherman said:

That claim was part of the same story, offered as some kind of 'proof' that the Basic Instinct claim was true, and came from an 'unnamed conservative MP' who said she had boasted of it on the Commons terrace bar, as told to a journalist at the Mail on Sunday.

Those so-called stories are misogynistic 'barbed wit' BS. Moreover, I am surprised that given, for example, the endless queues of long-suffering patients waiting treatment at Nobel’s, the Islanders seem to be finding quite a lot of spare time to follow and post on what is salacious gossip. Anyway, I'm watching Keir Starmer explaining his policies. 

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17 minutes ago, Shake me up Judy said:

The obvious parallel is with Trump's election in the USA. The American electorate were tired with a disconnected Washington elite who didn't understand the lives of ordinary voters. So they voted for Trump. The same thing is happening here. Rishi would have no legitimacy and it would be seen as a globalist stitch-up by international finance and big business. Labour and the SNP would go to town on him at the dispatch box. For all his faults, Boris is popular and was elected by a very clear majority in a national poll. Rishi's not a vote winner and would be hammered in the General Election; finishing the Tory party. Rishi might seem like the sensible choice for stability and a 'safe pair of hands' but how long would that last ?

I really don’t think Boris is that popular. He’s viewed by most as a lying, corrupt, Eton educated toff whose number one priority is Boris. Rishi is the only choice that makes sense and he’ll be PM tomorrow. I don’t think the MPs are going to let the racist (as demonstrated in that clip) membership have a say. 

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4 minutes ago, code99 said:

Those so-called stories are misogynistic 'barbed wit' BS. Moreover, I am surprised that given, for example, the endless queues of long-suffering patients waiting treatment at Nobel’s, the Islanders seem to be finding quite a lot of spare time to follow and post on what is salacious gossip. Anyway, I'm watching Keir Starmer explaining his policies. 

I was pointing out it was bollocks? I don't know what the hospital here has to do with anything, that seems a very odd thing to say, maybe there's a meaning to it I don't understand.

Does Starmer even have any policies? Considering the absolute state of the Conservatives this might be the worst major opposition party in politics anywhere in the world ever.

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28 minutes ago, manxfisherman said:

1. I was pointing out it was bollocks? I don't know what the hospital here has to do with anything, that seems a very odd thing to say, maybe there's a meaning to it I don't understand.

2. Does Starmer even have any policies? Considering the absolute state of the Conservatives this might be the worst major opposition party in politics anywhere in the world ever.

1. Sorry, it's my bad;

2. I don't agree - he articulated his ideas/ plans well, IMHO. I am going to watch it again on BBC iPlayer just to be sure.


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2 hours ago, Shake me up Judy said:

The presenter Sangita Myska immediately put the caller into the racist box and didn't understand a word of what he was saying. I doubt that she even wanted to. The Prime Minister represents the whole country and all its people. Rishi's a billionaire globalist. He was born here and has a British passport but his roots are internationalist. Who would he represent as PM ? A small super-rich elite. Certainly not the vast majority of the electorate. That's the point the caller was trying to make.

Alexander Boris De Pfeffel Johnson was born in New York City.

Rishi was born in Southampton. 

That caller was being racist and also saying that the Conservative party membership is also racist.

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2 hours ago, Shake me up Judy said:

The obvious parallel is with Trump's election in the USA. The American electorate were tired with a disconnected Washington elite who didn't understand the lives of ordinary voters. So they voted for Trump. The same thing is happening here. Rishi would have no legitimacy and it would be seen as a globalist stitch-up by international finance and big business. Labour and the SNP would go to town on him at the dispatch box. For all his faults, Boris is popular and was elected by a very clear majority in a national poll. Rishi's not a vote winner and would be hammered in the General Election; finishing the Tory party. Rishi might seem like the sensible choice for stability and a 'safe pair of hands' but how long would that last ?

Nobody elected by the 200k-odd (very) tory party members has any legitimacy...

Bozo was elected leader by that 200k and even after that appalling decision they then went on to compound their errors by electing Thick Lizzy. That went well not...

Bozo was elected in a GE on the basis of a three word soundbite to wit "Get Brexit Done". That went well not...

It was very obvious from the start that Bozo was totally unsuitable for high office. He hasn't changed...

 Which leaves Sunak to dig the UK out of the accumulated shit from 12 years of tory rule. Unlike all the others he has the best chance because he has all the right credentials.

Which means if it goes to the membership it will be Bozo because economic arguments cut no ice with racists...

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