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Liz Truss

Max Power

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The trumpet call for BOE intervention wouldn't have been needed if they'd acted sooner on raising interest rates to counter rising inflation earlier in the year (now at 11.5%). BOE and Andrew Bailey have been asleep at the wheel. They are now playing catch-up, the consequences of which have spooked the markets, it's not just down to tax cuts which don't take effect until next year anyway. The world is having to deal with inflation, not just UK.

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1 hour ago, Andy Onchan said:

The trumpet call for BOE intervention wouldn't have been needed if they'd acted sooner on raising interest rates to counter rising inflation earlier in the year (now at 11.5%). BOE and Andrew Bailey have been asleep at the wheel. They are now playing catch-up, the consequences of which have spooked the markets, it's not just down to tax cuts which don't take effect until next year anyway. The world is having to deal with inflation, not just UK.

Inflation isn't being driven by spending, it's being driven by excessive profiterring and rises caused by Brexit, raising interest rates will have no effect on this inflation cycle as people are short of money already 

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3 minutes ago, fatshaft said:

Inflation isn't being driven by spending, it's being driven by excessive profiterring and rises caused by Brexit, raising interest rates will have no effect on this inflation cycle as people are short of money already 

So you're suggesting that BOE shouldn't increase the base rate?

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3 hours ago, Andy Onchan said:

So you're suggesting that BOE shouldn't increase the base rate?

Bailey has said he is ready to step in with higher rates before November if needed. I think it will be.

Another half a percent maybe. 

There is about £2billion in savings accounts they want people to spend but higher interest rates only encourage more saving surely ?

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Prior to the BoE’s intervention today gilt yields were rocketing. Obviously, the global financial markets are a bunch of ‘woke pinkos’ who count among their ‘number’ the EU, the Office for Budget Responsibility, the IMF, Channel 4, Larry Summers, the Labour Party, Greta Thunberg, etc. All of these groups are said to hate Britain and they want to sabotage Britain and Brexit …. according to the Daily Mail that is their cunning plan. The clear and unequivocal truth is however very different - Truss’s irresponsible tax cuts caused all of the market mayhem.

Bucket loads of smackeroos were spent on the Queen’s funeral pageantry. The length of the queues of people gawking at the Queen’s coffin will soon be a distant memory. These queues will be more than matched by ordinary Brits queuing to foodbanks. But not everyone will be suffering. The most privileged 1% of Brits (and that includes the Royal Family) are already doing even better under the Truss’s government. An early ‘winner’ is odious and fervent Brexiteer (and the donor to the Tories) Crispin Odey, who has just made himself another small fortune by betting against the pound (the first time he used this strategy when he made a bundle out of the crushing pound was after the Brexit referendum). I am sure he and his ilk have no problems with Thick Lizzy turning Britain into a third world country where the inequality between haves and have nots is off the scale. With peeps like these on her side, Liz does not give a dam that she is ‘unpopular’ with ordinary Brits – this must be what she always wanted.  

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James O'Brien on Thick Lizzy's "interviews" with local radio:


So yesterday the BoE were throwing sacks of wonga at the problem only for Thick Lizzy to further erode the UK's parlous position by reiterating this morning that she and Kamikwasi knew so much better than anyone else about how economic markets work including the BoE, the IMF, Ken Clarke, Mark Carney, Professor of Economics David Blanchflower, Robert Peston etc etc. With the inevitable results...

Like a budgerigar pecking at a mirror....

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UK is only G7 country with smaller economy than before Covid-19

A weaker than expected recovery from the coronavirus pandemic has left the UK as the only G7 country with a smaller economy than in early 2020, according to official figures likely to further undermine the government’s tax-cutting measures.

Analysts said Richard Hughes, the head of the Treasury’s independent forecaster, the Office for Budget Responsibility would be forced by the new figures to take a tough stance on assessing the impact of further borrowing on the public finances.

All the other major economies in the G7, including France and Italy, recovered strongly enough to be larger than they were in February 2020.


So France and Italy have recovered strongly compared to the UK. I wonder why that is?

Could it be that the UK has more Unicorns than they have...?

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