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43 minutes ago, HiVibes said:

Sending back the english ones would be a great improvement.

Even the ones who have spent a large part of their working life here?  What about the Irish, Scots and Welsh?  What about those who have not spent their working life here but are in receipt of occupational pensions earned elsewhere and taxed here? 


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2 minutes ago, doc.fixit said:

Why> Most of them brought their NI with them which added to the island's coffers.

Many also started businesses or worked here, again, adding to the island's coffers.

'Most', 'many' lot's of guessing going on here, how about some facts? I would wager 'most' are a net drain.

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7 minutes ago, HiVibes said:

'Most', 'many' lot's of guessing going on here, how about some facts? I would wager 'most' are a net drain.

How about you quote some facts on the net drain.

Do non-Manx retirees drain more than a good old Manxie who has been on benefits for a large part of their lives having not contributed NI but still drawing a state pension, using healthcare, etc?

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2 hours ago, HiVibes said:

I could not give a toss whether you think I am being respectful or not, we have a hugely disproportionate population of mostly useless old people that is holding us back, if facts upset you thats your issue.

We also have a huge amount of useless young people who will grind to a halt at work at the earliest opportunity to start playing on their phones and shoot up drugs, breed more of the same ilk pointlessly and then expectantly sit around waiting for their bennies to arrive.

Humane euthanasia for these classes is the only realistic answer before they bankrupt the whole place. 😉

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3 hours ago, Gladys said:

So, what is your solution?  Just hate them? 

I don't hate anyone but the huge number old people is a real problem that needs a real solution, it puts a an ever growing burden on the NHS and Social Care, and is paid for by the working young who taking home less in real terms than you lot ever did. Never mind the bad driving and total destruction of what could be a fun vibes island.

We need policies that address this, but because there are so many of the old chuffs cluttering up the place they overwhelm the whole electoral system, so we are stuck in a cycle of old chuffs voting in pathetic old chuffs to bleat on about horsetrams religion, choo choos and oppose any logical progress. 

First thing we need to do is address the imbalance in the electoral system, it is ridicolous that under 16's have no representation, whilst nearly dead halfwits who are only interested in the past hold sway. I would give a double vote for ages from 16 through to 32 to address the democratic shortfall, either that or just take the vote off over 65's.


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Just now, HiVibes said:

I don't hate anyone but the huge number old people is a real problem that needs a real solution, it puts a an ever growing burden on the NHS and Social Care, and is paid for by the working young who taking home less in real terms than you lot ever did. Never mind the bad driving and total destruction of what could be a fun vibes island.

We need policies that address this, but because there are so many of the old chuffs cluttering up the place they overwhelm the whole electoral system, so we are stuck in a cycle of old chuffs voting in pathetic old chuffs to bleat on about horsetrams religion, choo choos and oppose any logical progress. 

First thing we need to do is address the imbalance in the electoral system, it is ridicolous that under 16's have no representation, whilst nearly dead halfwits who are only interested in the past hold sway. I would give a double vote for ages from 16 through to 32 to address the democratic shortfall, either that or just take the vote off over 65's.


All very rational. 

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6 hours ago, HiVibes said:


Facts are nearly 25% of population are over 65 and that is rising, not an opinion, this is a huge problem, 

Well you can't have it both ways.  You can't complain that Manx Radio caters for old people and then that the Island is full of old people.  In that case Manx Radio is just doing its job and providing content for the population.

In actual fact the over-65s were actually slightly under-represented in responses in the CURA Report:


Purple lines represent the percentage of population in each age group, blue the percentage of responses (not the other way round as it says in the key).  But younger people were clearly even more under-represented:

When looking at the census population for age 15+ to 34 years, 25% of the population (reference 5) falls within this age range however, only 155 responses were received from those respondents aged 34 and under, which represents c. 13% of responses received.

It's worth saying that this is true of all surveys however.  The under-25s in particular tend to feel they have better things to do with their lives[1].  The lower number for over-65's is more unusual, but is probably due to most of the publicity for the report being via social media.

But it does mean that most responses came from the middle - those aged 35 to 64 inclusive provided about 62% of the responses.  But they make up 49% of the population of 15 or over[2][3], so their preferences should be expected to dominate.

It's not a great survey technically with various faults I'll try to list later.  It almost certainly over-represents radio listeners in general and there are missed opportunities and misunderstandings.  But it still provides some information - no survey is ever perfect, that's in the principle.

(I'll not discuss wider demographic issues as seems to have happened here as there are other threads for that).


[1]  There's also the technical point that the Census figures include students studying away, who will be less likely to be on the Island and so respond.  The Report says the low response: This was despite every effort by the Authority to ensure that the youth were offered the opportunity to have their voice heard (reference 6).  Though such efforts seem to have consisted of sending a few posters to schools and hoping.

[2]  CURA made various half-assed attempts to reach younger potential listeners, and got almost no response.  But polling children about anything can have all sorts of legal, ethical and practical difficulties (RAJAR ignore everyone under 15) and it's sensible to only look at older groups.

[3]  Percentages of over-15s according to the Census are:

  • 15-24     12.2%
  • 25-34     12.7%
  • 25-54     31.6%
  • 55 - 64   17.4%
  • 65+        26.0%
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5 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

We also have a huge amount of useless young people who will grind to a halt at work at the earliest opportunity to start playing on their phones and shoot up drugs, breed more of the same ilk pointlessly and then expectantly sit around waiting for their bennies to arrive.

Humane euthanasia for these classes is the only realistic answer before they bankrupt the whole place. 😉

NB l know this was probably written at least half in jest.
But there is certainly an element of truth in it.

Having had to manage young people in a work situation some  do seem to assume that whatever is happening on their phones takes priority over the job they are being paid to do.

Whilst I am a great believer in the benefit system as a safety net, I have encountered young individuals ( not all) who treat being on benefits as the norm, seeking employment as something to be avoided.

I’m also privileged to know some great young people working their butts off to advance themselves and  contribute to society.

And before anyone raises the old cliche. I don’t take the Daily Mail. That paper is as abhorrent as those who think the world owes them a living.

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10 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

Well you can't have it both ways.  You can't complain that Manx Radio caters for old people and then that the Island is full of old people.  In that case Manx Radio is just doing its job and providing content for the population.

I am not complaining that it caters for old people, just that we all pay for an outdated format with shit content.  @IOM who certainly does not work for Manx Radio was trying to say it has a 'young' listnership 'cause 50 is young...  which it does not, radio is going to die with those old chuffs. 

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