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11 hours ago, Kopek said:

God love her but why should the media subject us to this dirge???

It is so self indulgent, they are just loving this opportunity for ......... well, what would you call it???

Don't worry about it la'. You can go back to your me, me, me, self-centred non-empathetic world in a few days time. A couple of weeks max.


3 hours ago, Asthehills said:

I really don’t get the depressing music on all the radio stations?  It doesn’t really bother me as I will fire Spotify up but there are people who use the radio as company who might be feeling down anyway.

We certainly have one housebound neighbour who is stuck at home alone and likely to be feeling down anyway.  She relies on Alexa and the radio for company and to keep her sprits up.

Needless to say I will be calling round there later.

I honestly don’t understand the imposed miserableness and cancellations of events.  The last night of the proms (UK, not sure about locally) has been cancelled tomorrow.  Surely that was a great opportunity for those who felt inclined to get together at the event, on the radio and on TV to celebrate her life?

At least Chris Martin will be happy and watching his bank account bulge as every radio station plays Coldplay all weekend

Nice last sentence!

The rest, if you have to ask the questions you won't understand the answers.

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10 minutes ago, The Phantom said:

Monday the 19th for the State Funeral by the looks of it (at the moment). 

I am due to start a 3 day training course in the UK that day that has been in the planning for ages with COVID etc. I assume it will now be cancelled and rescheduled for months from now so I will need to rebook flights, hotel, hire car.

Its madness.  The cost to the economy of all this is just nuts.  Events and promotions being cancelled all over the place. People and businesses not getting services they have paid for.

At least Spotify and Netflix will be having a good day

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2 minutes ago, Asthehills said:

I am due to start a 3 day training course in the UK that day that has been in the planning for ages with COVID etc. I assume it will now be cancelled and rescheduled for months from now so I will need to rebook flights, hotel, hire car.

Its madness.  The cost to the economy of all this is just nuts.  Events and promotions being cancelled all over the place. People and businesses not getting services they have paid for.

At least Spotify and Netflix will be having a good day

Nightmare.  No official announcement yet on date or whether it's going to be a National Holiday, but that's what a friend in the Household Cavalry told me they were looking at this morning. 

Re the economy and events.  It might actually balance out to be honest.  I suspect there will be lots of events put on in her memory/for the funeral.  There will be many people travelling to London or the UK generally for the actual event. 


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25 minutes ago, Newsdesk said:

The behaviour is becoming quite bizarre so H&B is closing the pubs so nobody can work today but the Mail workers are now cancelling their strike so that the day they weren’t going to work on they are now working on instead. 


Also railway workers, puts a bit of pressure on the teachers unions to stop industrial action 

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30 minutes ago, Newsdesk said:

The behaviour is becoming quite bizarre so H&B is closing the pubs so nobody can work today but the Mail workers are now cancelling their strike so that the day they weren’t going to work on they are now working on instead. 


Do the unions not pay strike pay where a national holiday occurs? 

You're right.... bizarre!


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9 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

Do the unions not pay strike pay where a national holiday occurs? 

You're right.... bizarre!

I assume they do but it’s just a really odd thing to do. It’s like they’re all desperate to virtue-signal in their own way. If you’re working then we’re not working, or if you’re not working then you’re working - all as a mark of so-called respect. The world has gone mad since the pandemic. It’s like we all have to completely over react to every bit of bad news. 

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2 minutes ago, Newsdesk said:

 The world has gone mad since the pandemic. It’s like we all have to completely over react to every bit of bad news. 

And if we don't the press will make out that even the smallest issue will be a national disaster.  E.g. recently, did 1000s die when it got a little bit hot? 

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1 minute ago, Roxanne said:

If that isn't an example of virtue signalling then I don't know what is. What possible reason does Mr Callister have for leaving his annual holiday with his wife on a cruise shop no less but is now returning home by air at the earliest opportunity. For what? To sit and watch BBC news? To sit weeping in his living room? The only reason he is doing this is to signal that he's a really good chap and to save him from any backlash on social media that he hasn't got the skills to deal with.

Don’t forget the numerous MS Teams calls he had to mention that he’s had to do from on board the ship on his holiday. What an absolute w@nker. 

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2 minutes ago, Roxanne said:


If that isn't an example of virtue signalling then I don't know what is. What possible reason does Mr Callister have for leaving his annual holiday with his wife on a cruise shop no less but is now returning home by air at the earliest opportunity. For what? To sit and watch BBC news? To sit weeping in his living room? The only reason he is doing this is to signal that he's a really good chap and to save him from any backlash on social media that he hasn't got the skills to deal with.


To be fair, it does say they have all been called back.

For what purpose and with an aim to achieving what I have no idea.

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