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Lord of Mann


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Now with video. Enough royal watching for us. Royal mile is chocker anyway and the queue for lying in state is endless already. Seen her being driven by and him arriving. Now time for some jollibee and then hit the Balmoral bar. 


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5 hours ago, Gladys said:

The interview was recorded before the Queen died.  They have a point though, the whole funding model needs looking at to attract teachers, doctors, nurses and other essential workers. 

I see the postal workers in the UK called off their strike when they heard the Queen was dead.

I hadn't even realised it was one of their demands.

Edited by A fool and his money.....
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4 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

As previously reported, I turned off the radio after the announcement on Thursday and it hasn't been on since. I did however catch a bit on Youtube about King (gulp) Charles dressed in black doing a speech and Camila alongside. I hardly knew it was him. These last few years with Camila have done him the world of good. Someone who has given all he has ever needed to feel secure and loved and allowed him to grow in confidence.  There was no doubt he was 100% authentic. It was lovely to see.

The other thing is the amount of love it seems to have brought to the people. Unlike our normally 50/50%  divisive population, this one is more like 95/5% and it's 95% love and compassion and togetherness - and I think humanity has needed it.  Seeing Charley today was lovely. He's become regal and he looked and sounded like a King. 

He's had a hell of a time from the media all his life, but to be fair, he's also given them a lot of ammunition. I do wonder how that will evolve.

I also heard the singing in Edinburgh of God Save the King - and that was a bit of a weird moment. It never occurred to me that the words would have to change. Weird. :)

I'm now going back to radio silence and will continue to get my news updates from our on the spot reporter - @Amadeus😆


I think he will probably be pretty good and happily there does seem to be a public desire for this to happen and a decent amount of respect for him.  15 years ago, I'm not sure this would have been the case. 

But yes, as you've noted Camilla has been good for him.  As have the boys, and the nation seeing that he has been a caring father to them, their wives and now a grandfather. 

Over that period he has become somewhat less outspoken, I would imagine in anticipation of this very time.  The monarch has to be pretty impartial. 

However, remember when everyone used to mock him for talking to plants, going organic, expressing his concern about plastic waste in the environment and the mockery of his sustainable/environmental property developments.  I've got a friend who lives in Nasledan (one of a few new villages that have been successfully developed by the Duchy of Cornwall) and it's actually a lovely place.  Wonder if Wills will be taking these Duchy Estate things on. 


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Your on the spot reporter has retired for today :) It’s afternoon tea and then straight to the bar for some of the 500+ varieties of whisky that they have here apparently. Then probably a deep fried Mars bar to round off proceedings. 


As for the atmosphere here, it feels like the crowd was 50% locals and others from across Britain and 50% tourists. The royal mile was packed and you had to be there hours before anything happened to have any chance of a good spot, which is why we didn’t even bother today and just walked a bit further down to at least see him arrive. So only the really dedicated fans would be right there in the thick of it, and of course they are unlikely to be booing (even though there were some boos). 

I’ve never been a massive fan of the royal family but the queen was kind of cool. I remember being in London when I was ten years old and being told if the flag is up she’s at Buckingham palace and all that. She was the face of Britain in many ways. Tourists came to London hoping for a glimpse, and she represented this traditional image of the country that of course no longer applies. Without her, questions have to be asked what role and relevance the whole institution still has in this day and age.

Questions should also be asked why people like the BBC have been running quite frankly nauseatingly one sided coverage of the whole event. It became unwatchable real fast. Much more fun walking around here and watching how seemingly half of the world’s news is provided by men with iPhones these days. 


If I’m sober enough later I might try and check out the queue to get into St Giles. Apparently it’s endless already. I might try a walkalong time lapse. Depends on the number of single malts about to be consumed though :) 


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Not a great monarchist, but also not anti-royal, I think the real thing they bring is continuity.  This was explained very well during the wall to wall coverage that in the passing of a Queen of 70 years who has reigned alongside 15 PMs, that is a  continuity that surpasses political longevity and continuity (and partisanship) which in comparison is quite fleeting with many PMs consigned to relative obscurity with nothing passed on in terms of a leaders' legacy.

However, that royal continuity is not entirely lost as Charles has known this point would come and has been in an increasingly involved training programme for many years. 

It is that that sets the UK apart from a Republic and I get that.  

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