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Ridiculous marks of “respect”


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Centerparcs ruining peoples holidays to pay respect


Nice quote too

“Denzil Demarara added: 'I have paid for a week and I have a written contract stating my arrival date and my departing date, I will not be leaving early. They will have to drag me and my children out.”

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10 minutes ago, Manx17 said:

if people can not stop and show our Queen respect then god help everyone else.

People don’t need to stay at home to honour anyone and frankly people have been though enough over the lockdown to be dictated to by these sort of clowns who can obviously afford a day or week off work to pay their false respect. Just like over the lockdown period in fact when the middle classes WFH and everyone else worked providing delivery services to them because they had to. A lot of these “gestures” (which is all they are) are pointless and just ridiculous virtue signaling because businesses feel that they have to show they care. The crazed chocolate ranter makes me laugh every time I hear the clip. 

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I think everyone has a different view as to how much respect people feel the need to show. Personally I think in many cases its been a little over the top. Sports for instance have been sensible in some cases (cricket) and stupid in others (football) This Chocolate shop woman is deluded and a bit hypocritical tbh as she had a pop up shop open last Saturday. If you food and drink festival was on on Monday then I would support it cancelling for that day but its not.  

Edited by Numbnuts
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11 minutes ago, Manx17 said:

It’s a material and money greedy world.

if people can not stop and show our Queen respect then god help everyone else.

Next month the same people will be shouting about how disrespectful our young are and wonder where they get it from.

What constitutes a mark of respect?

Is it the met office saying they will only issue daily forecasts  or Morrisons turning off the beep?

Is continuing either activity disrespectful,  or is poking around to find something not to do to virtue signal disrespectful in itself?

The Choocy (cheers Rox) lady is keeping her business open but not attending the Food Festival.  I wonder which activity has the best chance of profit, and which is more easily dispensed with because both cannot be adequately staffed? 

If any business wants to show a mark of respect, how about carrying on providing the service, but make a donation to a charity and be done with it. 

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3 minutes ago, Manx17 said:

Each to there own. I know what I will be doing and I’m sure you will know what you will be doing. If the lady from the chocolate shop doesn’t want to attend a drink festival then so be it. But the disrespect shown because she thinks it’s wrong  is not good is it, and people wonder where the kids get it from. 
as long as the alcohol sales are up that is all that matters until Monday when some will need the food bank and cry poverty.


But she had a pop up open within 2 days of HM's passing and is now shouting to the media about the Festival being disrespectful. 

It's bollocks, I tell thee. 

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2 minutes ago, Manx17 said:

It should be . Most people are crying poverty and looking for hand outs. It’s only to fill the brewery’s pockets and a few food outlets. I don’t blame her wanting it stopped. 


'Most' people are not crying poverty and looking for handouts. A lot of people are concerned, but are trying to get on with stuff and cope. 

I am sure HM would be happy that people were trying to do just that, whilst raising a glass to her. 

Edited by Gladys
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Just now, Manx17 said:

It should be . Most people are crying poverty and looking for hand outs. It’s only to fill the brewery’s pockets and a few food outlets. I don’t blame her wanting it stopped. 

It’s up to all attendees to decide what to do. Presumably the majority still want it to go ahead as they’ve paid for their pitches and would like any business that arises. If some sad Karen doesn’t want to attend then honestly .. fuck the moaning cow there’s clearly plenty of people still happy to go and to operate stalls. 

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34 minutes ago, Manx17 said:


if people can not stop and show our Queen respect then god help everyone else.

"our" Queen?

Tony Benn once said, "ask the powerful five questions; what power have you got, where did you get it from, in whose interest do you exercise it, to whom are you accountable, how do we get rid of you?"

The day I'll admit to them being my Queen or King is the day I get to vote for them.

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