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Ridiculous marks of “respect”


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16 minutes ago, Manx17 said:

The government are the reason some people can’t afford heating or food. the people buy the gas for those in government to sell on to Manx gas for the people to buy it again. Then act like they doing good by giving hand outs to the poorest whilst they have to listen to people put them down like it’s their fault., it is an Isle of Man problem that has been a problem for years. 
they have not educated the people . Job have been got by who. You know not what you know. They have been collecting money whilst being lazy and not doing what they got paid to do. Whilst collecting fat pensions. I’m Manx but glad I left.

you just have look to what an old minister Cretney wrote tonight about himself and his daughter giving himself and co a pat on the back. But actually a person who wants to help don’t shout about it.

too many do what Simon says anyone who does not do what Simon says or does not agree with Simon watch out. It’s laughable 

Clearly common sense and logic is not your strong point. Oh well ...

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41 minutes ago, A fool and his money..... said:

"our" Queen?

Tony Benn once said, "ask the powerful five questions; what power have you got, where did you get it from, in whose interest do you exercise it, to whom are you accountable, how do we get rid of you?"

The day I'll admit to them being my Queen or King is the day I get to vote for them.

You don’t vote for a king or queen you Klutz…

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8 minutes ago, Manx17 said:

Yes and you could wonder why I left but you hit it on the head there. Plastic dolphins are thought of better than human life. But I suppose the plastic dolphin is as quiet as the all the people put on Valium. Enjoy your drink festival.

Last time I looked a plastic dolphin doesnt have the ability to make a noise.

Edited by Numbnuts
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7 minutes ago, Stu Peters said:

Clearly English isn't your first language, so well done for making SOME sense. But your grasp of global economics is flimsier than my own - this inflation and (dare I say the word) recession is absolutely NOT the fault of our government but as a result of outside forces - not least (IMO) this headlong rush to net zero and bugger the consequences. While we've been 'setting an example' and grandstanding to Greta et al the world has gone to hell in a handcart, Putin playing a role but the massive power of the seemingly untouchable energy companies, their bankers and commodity brokers being the biggest factors. Follow the money, this is going to cost the IOMG not make it any richer.

I'm offended by you, an elected representative, discussing politics during a period of national mourning. Show some respect man! 

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9 minutes ago, A fool and his money..... said:

I'm offended by you, an elected representative, discussing politics during a period of national mourning. Show some respect man! 

I agree it’s disgraceful to see an MHK post on a public forum during a period of mourning. Won’t somebody please think of the children. Tim Glover wouldn’t act like such a heretic during a period of national mourning 😂

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IMHO in this day and age the monarchy is something of an anachronism.

However to some folks it is still important. Certainly with Elizabeth II it offered stability in a sea of self-centered opportunistic chancers in government who cared about themselves above all else.

QE2 (not the boat) hated the Thatcher creature. Because the government of the day have a duty of care towards ALL of their citizens. As do the monarchy, which is very important. There was a distinct culture clash as the ethos of the appalling Thatcher was "They don't vote tory so fuck 'em" which didn't sit well with Queenie.

I think this is where all the confusion comes from. The government of the last 12 years do not give a flying about Joe Public. All they care about is staying in power and doling out PPE contracts to cronies, not windfall taxing energy companies who donate millions to tory party funds and simply keeping tory voters sweet with tax cuts so they get re-elected to perpetuate the moneyed status quo merry go round.

With such mixed messages, Crown loyalty versus naked political ambition, it's not surprising that commercial concerns are confused about what serves their customer's best interests....

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Centerparcs has already backed down on its monumentally stupid decision having realized that it is monumentally stupid to destroy the holidays of people who have given you thousands of pounds amd who may be having their first holidays since lockdown 


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7 minutes ago, P.K. said:

IMHO in this day and age the monarchy is something of an anachronism.

However to some folks it is still important. Certainly with Elizabeth II it offered stability in a sea of self-centered opportunistic chancers in government who cared about themselves above all else.

QE2 (not the boat) hated the Thatcher creature. Because the government of the day have a duty of care towards ALL of their citizens. As do the monarchy, which is very important. There was a distinct culture clash as the ethos of the appalling Thatcher was "They don't vote tory so fuck 'em" which didn't sit well with Queenie.

I think this is where all the confusion comes from. The government of the last 12 years do not give a flying about Joe Public. All they care about is staying in power and doling out PPE contracts to cronies, not windfall taxing energy companies who donate millions to tory party funds and simply keeping tory voters sweet with tax cuts so they get re-elected to perpetuate the moneyed status quo merry go round.

With such mixed messages, Crown loyalty versus naked political ambition, it's not surprising that commercial concerns are confused about what serves their customer's best interests....

I don’t think she hated Thatcher, do you have conclusive proof of this?


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